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There once, lived a girl by the name of Bangan. She was good and honest, gentle and charming. She liked the company of people, and she enjoyed doing things for them. Despite all these, no one liked Bangans company for her skin was rough, being covered with pimple and ringworms. She even had to work alone by herself. And of course no man would court her. This made Bangan discontented snd unhappy. She was particularly worried about her future. What would happen to her in her old age, if she had to live alone all her life? Finally one day, Bangan went to a 'faraway mountain to seek comfort in the company of trees and flowers, birds and animals. These, at least, would not notice how unattractive she was. And they would not avoid her company. The sight of the trees gave Bangan an idea. Why should she not also become a tree and be useful to people? Then perhaps, they would like her better. And, so, raising her eyes to heaven, Bangan prayed, "Oh, Kabunian, my god, grant that I become a tree. I want to be useful to people. I want them to like me. For only thus can I be happy."' After saying this prayer, Bangan lay clown in the warm sun. Soon she was fast 'sleep. She smiled in her sleep because she knew somehow that she was going to be happy at last. By the next morning, Bangan had disappeared. In her place grew a beautiful pine tree. Its bark was rough but its leaves were fragrant, and they whispered and murmured in the wind, all day. The pine tree grew fast, reaching Lowe rd the sky like a prayer. Soon, it bore cones and when those cones opened, the wind blew light little seeds far and wide. Thus as years rolled on, the mountains became covered with pine trees. Those pine trees, now grown large and beautiful still stand. And their never-ending murmur is Bangan's murmur of contentment. For she has at last found happiness in the service of the people.

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