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GOVERNMENT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION kk ae ie aa) i ee * Policy Planning and Sustainability Administration MEMORANDUM To: ‘Anthony Hood, Chairman DC Zoning Commission FROM: Samuel zimbabwe S—~ VA' District Department of Transportation DATE: January 9, 2012 SUBJECT: ZC case 10-28 (901 Monroe Street, LLC; 901 Monroe Street, N.E.; Washington, D.C. 20017) APPLICATION 901 Monroe Street, LLC (the ‘Applicant’) proposes to construct a new mixed-use project. The proposed project will contain approximately 205-220 residential apartment units and approximately 12,720 square feet of ground-floor retail space. The proposed project also will contain approximately 150 below-grade parking spaces and approximately 66 bicycle parking spaces. The proposed project will have a Floor Area Ratio ("FAR") of approximately 3.31, a measured building height of approximately 60.7 feet and is proposed to be zoned C-2-B. Existing zoning is split between the C-1 and R-2 districts. The property that is the subject of this application consists of approximately 60,000 square feet of land area and is located along Monroe Street, N.E., between 9th and 10th Streets, and extending down Sth Street, NE, to Lawrence Street, N.E. (Square 3829, Lots 3, 4, 11, 22, and 820]. The Subject Property is currently improved with a restaurant (Colonel Brooks Tavern), a surface parking lot for the restaurant, and residential uses. District Department of Transportation | 55M Street, SE, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20008 | 202.673.6813 | dot. de-gov 2C case 10-28 | 901 Monroe Street, LLC RECOMMENDATION IN BRIEF ‘The District Department of Transportation (DDOT} recommends approval of the Applicant’s request for ‘a Planned Unit Development and a map amendment to C-2-B. The proposal shows vehicle access to and from the site will occur via an alley system located perpendicular to 9 and 10" Streets. DDOT has worked with the Applicant on a number of recommendations and the Applicant has responded affirmatively to most of them. The significant concern remaining is the number of parking spaces that may be unused by those living or working inside of the building, Lastly, DDOT has advised the Applicant to relocate its utility vaults to a site on private property to avoid ail potential pedestrian and public space conflicts. ‘TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS DDOT is committed to achieving an exceptional quality of life in the nation’s capital by encouraging sustainable travel practices, constructing safer streets and providing outstanding access to goods and services. Central to this vision is improving energy efficiency and modem mobility by providing next generation alternatives to single occupancy driving in the city. As one means to achieve the agency ‘mission, DDOT works through the zoning process to ensure that new land development is compatible with a multi-modal urban transportation system, Strategic Elements The Comprehensive Plan, established by the Home Rule Act, is a general policy document that provides guidance for the development of Washington, DC. The Plan contains both general practices and action plans for the implementation of District policies. The Transportation Element of the Plan provides policies and actions to maintain and improve the District's transportation system. The Land Use Chapter provides the general policy guidance on land uses across the District. In conducting its review of an applicant's proposal, DDOT adheres closely to practices shaped by the Comprehensive Plan. A summary of the relevant policies and actions with regard to the Applicant’s proposal can be found in the Addendum to this report. The following analysis evaluates the Applicant's proposal to determine its accuracy and consistency with District policy goals. Roadway Capacity and Operations The Applicant's propasal results in a noticeable increase in intersection delays at Monroe Street and 10" Street, NE during evening peak hour on the eastbound approach (from 17.1 sec ~ 91.7sec] and during, morning peak on the westbound approach (from 45.4 sec~ 117.5 sec). While within tolerable levels, the Applicant should note any transportation mitigations for the failing Level of Service (LOS) at both approaches of the intersection, such as through transportation demand management measures discussed below. Safety DDOT’s policy is to require that applicants conduct safety analyses to demonstrate that specific land developments will not create or exacerbate new or existing safety issues for all modes of travel. No immediate safety issues of concern with the proposed development were identified. However, the District Department of Transportation | 55 M Street, SE, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20003 | 202.673.6813 | ZC case 10-28 | 901 Monroe Street, LLC Applicant should clarify if the usual three (3) year-period crash data was used in the transportation analysis. As the project continues through the public space and permitting processes, DDOT expects the Applicant to submit this clarification and address any other safety concerns that may arise from an increase in vehicular and pedestrian trip generation. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities DDOT applauds the Applicant for installing the number of residential bicycle parking spaces inside of the building upon final build out. DDOT commends the Applicant for locating the retail employee bicycle parking separate from the residential bicycle parking, Bicycle parking, for those working inside of the retail portion, is proposed for location directly off the east-west alley and not inside of the parking garage. This location is considered more accessible for those accessing their bicycle before or after work. The Applicant needs to confirm that bicyclists may use the ramp into the parking garage to access the bicycle parking room, in addition to accessing it through the parking garage elevator. There is no traffic safety issue with bike access on the ramp, and it is routinely allowed. The Applicant will be responsible for installing DOOT approved guest bicycle racks on the street, on the curb extensions, and at the corners of Monroe and 9th and Monroe and 10". With the amount of retail being proposed, it will be useful to have more guest bicycle parking. The retail customers are not likely to park bicycles in the bike parking room on level P1 of the parking garage. Transit Services There is ample transit access to this location including access to the H series bus route. The Brookland/CUA Metro station (801 Monroe Street, NE.) is located approximately 500 feet from the site location (901 Monroe Street, N.£.). ODOT believes this level of transit access will result in many residents, workers and visitors to the building will use transit as a primary transportation mode, and DDOT supports the increase in ridership this level of development will cause. Site Access and Loading While meeting with the Applicant, DDOT encouraged them to strongly consider a loading management plan to avoid any impacts on the transportation network. DDOT commends the Applicant for agreeing to a loading management plan to handle the deliveries for the residential and retail. This is a positive sign the Applicant is serious about managing the deliveries to the future building. The Applicant needs to agree to restrict 55-foot trucks from accessing any portion of the site, including curbside loading, The retail portion of the proposal may leave opportunities for 55-foot truck deliveries to deliver. While the Applicant has agreed to a loading management plan restricting this size truck, more can be done, DDOT prefers to see the Applicant commit to no 55-foot trucks unloading curbside to the project. This action will help reduce the impacts on the overall neighborhood. Parking The Applicant has proposed the following parking inventory to accompany the project: © Retail: 13-37 parking spaces proposed, © Residential: 113-137 parking spaces proposed as residential parking spaces. 813 | ddot de gov

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