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1. Newborn 0 28days 2. Infant 1month 1 yr 3. Toddler 1 3yrs 4. Preschooler 4 6yrs 5. School age 6 13yrs 6. Adolescent 13 20yrs 7. Adult y Young/ early A. 20 40yrs y Middle A. 40 65yrs y Older/ Late A. 65yrs above

Psychosexual or Psychoanalytical Theory by Sigmund Freud Oral Stage Oral stage Anal stage Phallic stage Latent stage Genital stage

Psychosocial Theory by Erik Erikson

Significant Persons

Cognitive Theory by Jean Piaget

Moral Theory by Lawrence Kohlberg

Theory of G & D by Carol Gilligan 1. Caring for Self Stage 2. Caring for other 3. Caring for Self & others Stage

Trust vs. Mistrust Trust vs. Mistrust Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt Initiative vs. Guilt Industry vs. Inferiority Identity vs. Role Confusion Intimacy vs. Isolation

Mother or primary caregiver

Parents Basic family (parents/ siblings) School & the neighborhood Peer groups and models of leadership Partners in friendship and in sex Partners in life Those who have a sense usefulness

1. Sensorimotor 0 2yrs Neonatal Reflex 1 mo PCR 1 4mos SCR 4 8mos Coordination of Secondary reactions 8 12mos TCR 12 18mos Intervention of new means through mental combinations 18 24mos 2. Preoperational Thought 2 7 yrs  Preconceptual (24yrs)  Intuitive (4-7yrs) 3. Concrete Operational Thought 7 12yrs 4. Formal Operational Thought 12yrs

1. Preconventional Stage S1 Punishment Obedience Orientation S2 Instrument Purpose & Exchange 2. Conventional Stage S3 Good boy or Good girl S4 Law & order Stage 3. Preconventional Stage S5 Social Contract S6 Personal Principle Orientation S7 Universal Principle Orientation Stage ZERO no morality; ego centrism

Interpersonal Social theory by Harry Stack Sullivan Infancy (0-18mos) Childhood (18mos 6yrs) Juvenile (6 9yrs) Preadolescent (9 12yrs) Early adolescent (12 14yrs) Late Adolescent (14 - yrs)

Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair

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