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IDIOMS Set 1 Choose the correct meaning for each idiom.

. 1 catch somebody in the act A A situation where someone is trying to do a lot of different things at one same time. B To see someone doing something, usually something wrong Answer : B

actions speak louder than words A What you do is more important than what you say B To do something in a more organised and effective way than before Answer : A

be alive and kicking (of a person) A Still healthy and active B Laughing a lot while watching or hearing something Answer : A

be the apple of somebodys eye A To be loved very much by someone B Someone who has a bad effect on others in a group Answer : A

be up in arms A To show that you are very happy to see or greet someone B To protest angrily Answer : B

give yourself a pat on the back A Pleased that someone or something is going away B To feel pleased with yourself because you have done something well Answer : B

bag of tricks A Special skills and methods someone uses in their work B To do something unexpected that helps you solve a problem Answer : A

a wet blanket A To make someone angry and ready to fight B Someone who spoils other peoples fun Answer : B

sweat blood A To work extremely hard B To be very determined to punish or defeat someone Answer : A


have butterflies in your stomach A To be very determined about doing something B To feel very nervous before doing something Answer : B

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