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Mini-Redesign Task Description (note: A modified ADDIE development process will be use for this task) 1) Your role

You are an instructional developer with expertise in evidence-based multimedia principles of learning. 2) Recruit a client. Identify a client who needs to have a brief Powerpoint (<15 slides) or other instructional materials redesigned according to contemporary learning principles of multimedia learning. The client may be someone in your workplace - a colleague or an administrator/supervisor in need of the development of a training program for a skill or teaching concepts or processes from the cognitive, psychomotor, affective, or interpersonal knowledge domains. Another option is for you to be your own client by designing/redesigning instruction for your own classroom/content area. A final option is designing/redesigning instruction I provide for you. If you are interested in this option, contact me (your client). 3) Your task a) Analysis: Discuss with your client the learning problem, the goals and objectives, the audience needs, existing knowledge and any other relevant characteristics. Also consider the learning environment, any constraints, the delivery options, and the timeline. The results of your analysis for the presentation should be clearly stated in the preface of your instructional module. b) Design: Specify the learning objectives, the knowledge domain, and targeted learning processes. Also describe the graphic design, userinterface, and content. Include reference to learning theories and principles (traditional and contemporary) of decisions you make during this design phase. Modify according to at least 10 principles from graphic design, motivation theory, adult learning theory, UDL, cognitive load theory (CLT), cognitive design, CTML, worked-out examples -- in other words - consider all of the readings in Module 2. Be creative - dig deep as you revise the instructional materials. Perhaps you will add graphics or remove extraneous information. Provide a written description of your rationale/justification(from a theoretical or principle-based standpoint) of each of your revisions. Be detailed in your justification, explicitly noting your applications of specific principles. In other words, provide the theoretical basis for the revision. c) Development: Create/revise the content and learning materials based on the Design phase. You should post screen shots of the before and after version. Insert arrows or some other indicator pointing to the modifications adjacent to your rationale. The presentation of your

redesign should demonstrate your understanding of the principles in the module. Again, refer to the rubric for the evalution criteria. d) Implementation: You are not required to implement your learning materials. e) Evaluation: This phase consists of (1) formative and (2) summative evaluation. You are not required to indicate how the instruction will be evaluated.

EDET 709 Mini-Redesign of Presentation Rubric

Version based on total project points of 35 AECT Standard 1: DESIGN Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design instructions for learning by applying principles of instructional systems design, message design, instructional strategies, and learner characteristics. Skills Unacceptable Acceptable 7-8 Target 9-11 Substandard <7 1.1.1 Analyzing Candidate Redesign does Redesign includes Redesign includes 11.1.1.b Analyze constructs an not include contextual comprehensive instructional tasks, analysis of contextual information, description of content, and context. application of information, explicit statement contextual multimedia explicit of principle information, principles to statement of applications. explicit statement instructional principle Product before of principle specific content applications. and after are applications. and context displayed. AECT Standard 2: DEVELOPMENT Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based, and integrated technologies. Skills Unacceptable Acceptable 11Target 14-16 Substandard <11 13 2.0.4 Apply Candidate Redesign does Redesign product Redesign product appropriate learning critically and not demonstrates demonstrates and psychological accurately demonstrate critical and critical and theories to the analyzes explicit accurate accurate selection of application of application of of application of at application of appropriate theories to a minimum of least 10 theories more than 10 technological tools instructional 10 principles. and principles with theories and and to materials. few inaccuracies. principles. the development of Product before Product before instructional and and after are and after are professional displayed and displayed and products. principles are principles are accurately applied. accurately applied. Skills Unacceptable Acceptable 5-6 Target 7-8 Substandard <5 2.2.1 Apply principles Candidate Redesign is not Redesign product Redesign product of visual and media produces a appealing nor is appealing and is extremely literacy for the Graphicallyprofessionally Professionally appealing development and appealing, presented. presented. Before and professionally production of professionally and presented. Before instructional and presented after examples and after professional redesign. are examples are materials and included. Two or included. Creative products. less use of graphics. mechanical errors. No errors.

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