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The Plan Foreword What is the Plan for? The purpose of the Plan is this -- to save the world.

The Plan is an answer to the deathic urgency of the Global situation, a situation where a planet-wide culture of consumerism and violence threatens the future of our Earthworld and the human species. As Adi Da states in Not-Two Is Peace, The future is either going to be catastrophic disaster, or it is going to be the turnabout moment in human history, in which humankind will step out of its dark ages of tribalism, into a new mode of human cooperative order. The Plan is intended to support all of the proposals in Not-Two Is Peace, including the formation of the Global Cooperative Forum. The Global Cooperative Forum is the first global body intended to represent the interests of everybody-all-at-once, as well as to effectively deal with all of the biggest issues and problems that we have in common. The Plan provides practical creative solutions to the worlds biggest problems, and will be revised as needed to include any and all globally emerging best practices. But the purpose of the plan goes beyond making a survivable future so humans can go on being consumers, and being asleep. The purpose of the Plan includes a determination that we should have a livable world in which to do fruitful and true spiritual practice, for the ultimate purpose of becoming divinely liberated, and actually transcending the ego, which is THE SOURCE of virtually all of the problems that the Plan is intended to deal with. But if we do not stop the ego culture in its tracks, and if we allow our world to be destroyed, or too far degraded, then it will no longer function as a place for beings to do spiritual practice and become liberated. In order to save the world and the human race, we must have an accurate picture of what the most serious threats are in the world, and then put them in the right order of priority. So, the Plan includes a Top 100 list of the most harmful problems in the world today. Now, and into the future, the Plan will include an ever increasing group of creative responses to each and all of the problems on the Top 100 list. And the items on the Top 100 list will also change as the science and the conversation about prioritizing the problems evolves. The Plan is a support document for what I see as the primary document, or the blueprint for human survival the book Not-Two Is Peace. The Plan is an ultimate and universal to-do list, constantly growing and evolving, to help everybody stay focused on their global action items. The Plan is a direct outgrowth of the fact that I assume personal responsibility for the fate of the planet and the human race, and I will collaborate and cooperate and co-create with all others who will do the same. Dealing with the Top 100 problems requires a multi-layered approach; on the one hand, we must criticize, understand, reduce and prevent the dark and negative effects of violence and un-necessarily harmful human behaviors. On the other hand, we must propose the creative alternatives to these dark

human activities. For example, I propose the radical expansion of the arts and culture economy as well as non-violent militaries, as a progressive replacement for spending on violent militaries. The Plan supports a new global leadership that is based on prior unity, cooperation, non-violence, harm reduction and a fully functioning Global Cooperative Forum. The Plan also points to the ultimate significance of Adi Da and His Wisdom as the Way that enables humans to be free of their egos and ego culture. The Plan stays on point about the central fact that ego and ego culture is the chief cause of the worlds problems, and therefore, true ego transcending Wisdom has far-reaching public health implications. So I am addressing you, everybody-all-at-once, and asking you to come play with your whole human family, and take on these enormous global issues in the spirit of creating art together, a grand and original collaboration the saving of the Earth and the human race. Theo Cedar Jones

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