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Werewolf Syndrome ; Ambras Syndrome Pertumbuhan rambut tubuh berlebih Petrus Gonzales (1648)


Mutasi pada kromosom ke 8 Efek samping dari penggunaan obat tertentu.

Short Term : shaving, plucking, waxing Long Term : Laser Hair Removal (selective photothermolysis (SPTL))

Ruby laser: 694.3 nm (Deep Red) (no longer used for hair removal; only safe for patients with very pale skin) Alexandrite: 755 nm (Near-Infrared) (most effective on pale skin) Pulsed diode array: 810 nm (Near-Infrared) (for pale to medium type skin) Nd:YAG laser: 1064 nm (Near-Infrared) (made for treating darker skin types, though effective on all skin types)

Side Effect
Pembengkakan di daerah pengobatan Perubahan pigmen warna kulit

Supatra Sasuphan In 2011, Supatra Sasuphan ,an 11-year old girl from Thailand with hypertrichosis was named the world's hairiest girl by the Guinness Book of World Records

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