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Turkey Grammar Name: _______________

Class A B C #____
1. __ Modifies a noun or pronoun (pretty, large)
2. __ Modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb (quickly)
a. Noun
3. ___Joins words or groups of words (and, or, nor, but)
b. Pronoun
4. ___Shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some
other word in a sentence (of, in, on, under) c. Adjective
5. ___Names a person, place, or thing (teacher, school) d. Verb
6. ___Use in place of a noun (I, he, she, it, they) e. Adverb
7. ___Expresses emotion (Wow! , Super! Holy Cow!) f. Preposition
8. ___Expresses action or state of being (run, sing, is, are) g. Conjunction
h. Interjection
Decide what part of speech the underlined word is
9. ___The students worked diligently to get their Thanksgiving
Poems finished.
10. ___The scared turkey scrambled and yelled as he saw the
farmer with the axe.
11. ___ I loaded my plate with turkey, potatoes and stuffing but not
with green beans.
12. ___ Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.
13. ___ My family and I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.
14. ___ Oh my! The turkey was in the oven for 6 hours but I never
turned it on. I guess we will have no turkey.
15. ___ The escaping turkey ran around the yard and out through
the hole in the fence before finally running under the truck.
16. ___ My family always gathers together for the holiday,

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