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Agile: Participants state what they did yesterday, what they will to today and what road blocker

stands in their way. There are two kinds of work covered in a scrum meeting: Specific tasks from your project plans (or iteration backlog), and general interrupts and overhead (such as e-mail and meetings). The scrum meeting is not about status. It's about completion. Existing Agile methodologies: 1) Extreme Programming XP The life cycle consists of five phases: Exploration, Planning, Iterations to Release, Productionizing, Maintenance and Death. Exploration: Customers write out story cards for the requirements which they wish to be included in the first release. Each story card describes a feature to be added into the program. This phase takes between two weeks to two months depending on how familiar the technology is to the programmers. Planning: Stories are prioritized and an agreement on the contents of the first small release is made. The schedule for the first release is normally two months (maximum). Iterations to Release: This includes several iterations of the system before the first release. The customer decides the stories to be selected for each iteration. The functional tests created by the user are run at the end of every iteration. Productionizing: Involves extra testing and checking the performance of the system. At this phase, new changes can still be found and decision needs to be taken on including them in the current release. Maintenance: May require inclusion of new people in to the team and/or team restructure. Death: This is when the customer does not have any stories to implement. Also, the system is performing well and satisfies the customer. In this phase, necessary documentation on the system is done. This phase may occur, when the system is not delivering as expected or it is too costly for further development.

Thursday, February 16, 2012 Page 1 of 1

L&T Infotech Proprietary

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