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LOW-COST PAPER TAPE READER Why would you buy a PROKO paper tape reader if you owned a TTY

with a paper tape reader? First is to save your hearing and nerves from permanent damage by listening to the clinkity-clank of that noisy

world), is easily assembled, has no moving parts, and loads paper tape programs faster than a speeding bullet (or is that "more powerful than a locomotive"?). Price is $55.00 in kit form and $68.00 assembled. For further information contact PROKO Electronics, 439 Marsh St., San Luis Obispo CA 93401.

Low-cost Paper Tape Reader from PROKO (kit).

Low-cost Paper Tape Reader from PROKO (assembled).

reader. Second is also to help save your nerves by preventing you from getting a bad case of impatientitis (a common affliction among computer hobbyists working with 10 cps equipment). Why would you buy a PROKO paper tape reader if you don't have paper tape input capability with your system?" Simple. So you would have the capability! There's just too much hobbyist software running around in paper tape to ignore the fact you need this capability. The PROKO paper tape reader is fully self-contained (i.e., the components are not exposed to the outside

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