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Primary Sources

"Dust Bowl Photographs." USDA-ARS-EWERU. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. < a/dustbowl/dustbowlpics.html>. Library of Congress photos show the effects of the dust bowl on farms.

"F.D.R.'s First Inaugural Speech: Nothing to Fear." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 8 Aug. 09. Web. 18 Jan. 2012. < k0M>. The importance of this video is that it is exemplifying FDR S leadership and how he planned to give the American people faith again. "Fireside Chat". National Archives.> Text from Roosevelt's radio address on 6/24/33

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library & Museum. Directory of Digital Collection. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. < b=2>. This demonstrates hundreds of images of New Deal programs.

Harburg, Y & Gorney, J. (1932) . "Brother Can you Spare a Dime" Columbia Records. Warner/Chappell Music Inc. This song captures the desperation that many Americans felt from losing everything, and so we put it to play throughout the site. arl.htm Picture of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the event that led to America fighting in WW2 and eventually led to economic recovery. Lange, D. "Picturing the Century: Portfolio of Dorthea Lange". National Archives. Primary source images by Lange capture the heartbreak of the Great Depression. v30/letters.asp Picture of President Herbert Hoover, who believed the economy could recover and initiated the corruption investigation. c=68 The Social Security Act was created during the Great Depression to ensure benefits for life and demonstrated one of FDR s reform policies. es/general-article/dustbowl-new-deal/ This website housed a number of primary source documents regarding Roosevelt's New Deal programs.

"Picturing the Century: The Great Depression and New Deal." National Archives and Records Administration. National Archives. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. the_century/galleries/greatdep.html>.

These images picture the hardship and struggles of families throughout the nation.

"Teaching With Documents:FDR's First Inaugural Address." FDR's First Inaugural Address Declaring 'War' on the Great Depression. Web. 24 Feb. 2012. This is where we retrieved the primary source image of FDR'S first inaugural address

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