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Intercultural Communication

By Prof. Reeta Raina

What is Culture

Defining Culture

Key thinkers on culture have attempted to define culture from various perspectives, frameworks, and focal points. The notion of culture is so abstract and complex that over 160 more or-less accepted definitions of the term are in common use. Each of us is culturally unique

Defining Culture

Culture is in some ways like an iceberg

Context Identity Achievement


Dimensions of Culture


Environment Change


Context in- Communication

High Context Culture: meaning is
derived from the subtle ,tacit actions and reactions of the communicators and not necessarily the words they use.

Low context Culture : relies

more on the explicit or actual words that are spoken. Emphasis is placed on being direct. Receivers are meant to respond to the verbal code in more literal ways.

Culture and Identity

Do we tend to interact collectively as a group or on our own as an individual?


Do we speak up in class and participate assertively or de we listen respectfully?


Do we live in harmony with or try to control our surroundings


Do we tend to avoid what is uncertain or do we accept it


Do we view time as scarce or plentiful ?


Do we tend to stand \interact in close proximity with Do others or do we stand \interact farther away?


Is power something that is ascribed or is it earned


Do we behave competitively or cooperatively?

Masculinity and Femininity

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