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The kidneys are bean-shaped organs that lie in the abdomen, retroperitoneal to the organs of digestion, around or just

below the ribcage and close to the lumbar spine. The organ is about the size of a human fist and is surrounded by what is called Peri- nephric fat providing protection against jarring. Situated on the superior pole of each kidney is an adrenal gland. The kidneys receive their blood supply of 1.25 L/min (25% of the cardiac output) from the renal arteries which are fed by the abdominal aorta. This is important because the kidneys' main role is to filter water soluble waste products from the blood. The other attachment of the kidneys are at their functional endpoints the ureters which lies more medial and runs down to urinary bladder.

Urine formation

Excretion of waste and water product from the body Regulation of acid base balance Helps control blood pressure


volume and composition of body fluids in the body Secretes certain hormones namely: Erythropoietin, and Calcitriol

is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney. Its chief function is to regulate the concentration of water and soluble substances like sodium salts by filtering the blood, reabsorbing what is needed and excreting the rest as urine.

is the main filter of the nephron and is located within the Bowman's capsule.

contains the primary filtering device of the nephron, the glomerulus.


Process of urine formation

Glomerular Filtration Reabsorption Tubular Secretion

A tube that carries urine down from the kidney to the bladder.

to store urine prior to elimination of the urine from the body. expels urine into the urethra by a process called micturition.

is the passageway through which urine is discharged from the body.


liters of urine per day Waste materials include end products of protein metabolism (Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine, Ammonia, & Sulfates)

Oliguria- a diminished capacity to form and pass urine-less than 500 mL in every 24 hours


- total urine output less than 50ml in 24 hrs Dysuria - Painful or difficult urination Urinary Frequency - voiding more frequently than every 3 hrs Hematuria- blood in the urine Nocturia- awakening at night to urinate Proteinuria- protein the urine

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