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Constraints &

Motion Capture
Constraints & Motion Capture
23 Basic Constraints 5
Understanding basic constraints 5
Objects and targets 6
Why use constraints? 6
Working with constraints 7
Creating or adding targets to a constraint 7
Removing constraint targets 8
Adjusting the target weights 8
Constraining an object’s position 11
Constraining an object to a point 11
Constraining an object to a surface 12
Constraining a pole vector of an IK handle 13
Constraining an object’s orientation 14
Matching an object’s orientation to another object 14
Constraining an object’s aim 15
Constraining an object to the normal of a surface 16
Constraining an object to a tangent 17
Controlling “up” 18
Constraining an object’s scale 19
Constraining an object’s scaling values 19

24 Motion Capture 21
Getting started with motion capture 21
Basic procedure for simple motion capture 21
Terminology 22
Using the Device Editor 23
Learning about motion capture 24

Using Maya: Dynamics 3


Defining motion capture devices 25

Listing devices and attachments 26
Attaching attributes and commands 27
Attaching attributes 27
Attaching commands 28
Modifying existing attachments 29
Mapping device data 30
Saving attachments 31
Capturing motion 33
Rehearsing the motion 33
Recording the motion 33
Reviewing the motion 34
Saving files to disk 36
Using filters and resamplers 39
Reviewing takes 40
Using multiple devices 41
Performing full-body motion capture 42
Tips for full-body motion capture 42

4 Using Maya: Dynamics

23 Basic Constraints

Using basic constraints, you can control the position, orientation, or scale of
one object based on the position, orientation, or scale of one or more “target”
objects. In addition, you can impose specific limits on objects and automate
animation processes.
For example, if you want to quickly animate a sled sliding down a bumpy
hill, you might first use a Geometry Constraint to constrain the sled to the
surface. You could then use a Normal Constraint to make the sled sit flat on
the surface. After you create these constraints, you key the sled’s positions at
the top and bottom of the hill. The animation is then complete.
This chapter describes how to use these constraints, including:
• “Understanding basic constraints” on page 5
• “Working with constraints” on page 7
• “Constraining an object’s position” on page 11
• “Constraining an object’s orientation” on page 14
• “Constraining an object’s scale” on page 19

Understanding basic constraints

You can constrain an object’s position, orientation, or scale to a target(s).
There are eight basic constraints:

• Point Constraint
Motion Ca pture

• Geometry Constraint
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• Pole Vector Constraint

• Orient Constraint
• Aim Constraint

Using Maya: Animation 5

Basic Constraints
Understanding basic constraints

• Normal Constraint
• Tangent Constraint

• Scale Constraint

Objects and targets

When describing constraints, we use the terms object and target, where:
• Object is the name of the transform you constrain.
• Target is the name of the DAG node(s) to which the object is constrained.

When working with constraints, always select the object last. In other
words, to add, change, or remove targets, select the target, then select the
constrained object.

Why use constraints?

If two objects share a common DAG parent, you can use an expression or a
connection to copy a set of translation, rotation, or scale values from one
object to another. However, if the two objects have different parent
transforms, this procedure may produce wildly different motions, as in the
following example.

Example: Why constraints are useful

1 Create three objects: a sphere named s and two cones named c1 and c2.
2 Parent c1 to s.
3 Connect the translation value of c2.t to c1.t.
4 Select c2 and drag it using the Move Tool.
The two cones should appear as one.
5 Rotate s by 90 degrees (on any axis).
6 Select c2 and drag it using the Move Tool.
Notice that the two cones are no longer coincident.

6 Using Maya: Animation

Basic Constraints
Working with constraints

Since c1 and c2 are no longer parented to the same transform, this simple
scheme cannot work. However, by placing a Point Constraint on c1 and
selecting c2 as the target, you could then move c2 and c1 would follow
regardless of the objects’ parent transforms.

Working with constraints

You create all constraints in the same way, whether you are using them to
control position, orientation, or scale.

The constraint work flow consists of these basic tasks:

• Creating or adding targets to a constraint
• Removing constraint targets
• Adjusting the target weights

Creating or adding targets to a constraint

To create a constraint or add targets to an existing constraint, you first select
the targets, then the constrained object, and finally the constraint type.

To create or add targets to a constraint:

1 Select the target object or objects (shift-click to select more than one target).
2 Select the object you want to constrain.
3 Select Animation→Constraint to select the constraint type.
After you select a constraint type, the constrained object moves to its new
constrained position or orientation. If multiple targets are used, their
combined effect, in general, is the weighted average of each of their
individual effects.

Motion Ca pture
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If you cannot add a constraint by selecting the constraint type, check the
option box (❐) for that constraint to be sure the Add Targets option is

If the specified constraint type does not already exist for the selected object,
Maya creates one. If the object already has a constraint of the type specified,
Maya adds the targets to it and applies the current option box settings.

Using Maya: Animation 7

Basic Constraints
Working with constraints

The Reset button sets the constraint operation to Add targets. However,
since all option box settings are applied each time you add a target, you
probably don’t want to select this unless you are creating a new constraint.

Removing constraint targets

Once added, a constraint target influences the constrained object. You can
end this influence by removing the target from the constraint.

To remove targets from a constraint:

1 Select the first constraint target you want to remove.
2 Shift-click to select any additional targets you want to remove.
3 Select the constrained object.
4 Use the Constraint pull-down menu to open the option box (❐) for the
constraint type you want to remove targets from.
5 Select Remove Targets in the option box.
6 Click Add/Remove at the bottom of the option box.
7 Reset the option box by selecting Add Targets.
8 Click the Close button.
The constrained object updates its position to reflect the target removal(s).
When you remove the last constraint target, you also remove the constraint.

When you remove a target, it also removes any animation curves attached
to the constraint for that target.

Adjusting the target weights

For a constraint with multiple targets, you can control the influence of
individual targets by adjusting their target weights.

To set a target weight using the Channel Box:

1 Select the constrained object.
The constraint is listed in the Shapes section of the Channel Box. The target
weights are listed next to the target names, as shown in the following figure.

8 Using Maya: Animation

Basic Constraints
Working with constraints

The constraint is listed here.

The target weights are listed here.

2 Enter values for the target weights.

You can also set keys by clicking on a Target Weight box with the right
mouse button.

To set a target weight using the Attribute Editor:

1 Select the constrained object.
2 Open the Attribute Editor, Window→Attribute Editor.
3 Select the tab for the constraint.
4 Open the Extra Attributes section. The target weights are listed next to the
Motion Ca pture
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target name, as shown in the following figure.

Using Maya: Animation 9

Basic Constraints
Working with constraints

The target weights

are listed here.

10 Using Maya: Animation

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s position

5 Enter values for the target weights. You can also set keys by clicking on a
Target Weight box with the right mouse button.

Setting all target weights to 0 does not remove the constraint, but causes it
to “freeze” the object.

You can often get useful results using expressions to drive multiple target
weights based on the value of a single dynamic attribute. For example, you
could constrain an object to move from target to target by setting one
weight to a value on the range (0 to 1) and setting the other to 1 minus that

Constraining an object’s position

This section describes the various ways you can constrain an object’s
position, including:
• Constraining an object to a point—the Point Constraint
• Constraining an object to a surface—the Geometry Constraint
• Constraining a pole vector of an IK handle—the Pole Vector Constraint

Constraining an object to a point

A Point Constraint causes an object to move to and follow the position of a
target object or to the average position of several target objects. This
constraint is useful for having one object match the motion of another
without regard for its parent transform or orientation. You can also use this
constraint to animate one object to follow a series of targets by animating the
constraint weight.
Motion Ca pture
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The object’s orientation is not affected.

To constrain an object’s position based on the target’s position:

1 Select the target object or objects. (Shift-click to select more than one target.)
2 Select the object you want to constrain.
3 From the Animation menu bar or Hotbox, select Constraint→Point.

Using Maya: Animation 11

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s position

If you select only one object as the target, the rotate pivot point of the
constrained object moves to the rotate pivot point of the target. If you select
several target objects, the constrained object moves to the average of the
target objects’ pivots (see “Adjusting the target weights” on page 8).
Once you constrain an object, moving the target object also moves the
constrained object in the same way.

Constraining an object to a surface

The Geometry Constraint restricts a constrained object to a surface, curve, or
mesh. Specifically, the object’s rotate pivot point is constrained to the target
surface. Geometry Constraint targets can be NURBS surfaces, NURBS
curves, or polygon surfaces. It is similar to creating a motion path for an
object, except that the object can move freely over the surface of the target
geometry. This constraint is useful for constraining an object’s location to a
surface such as a floor or staircase.
The constrained object’s orientation is not affected.

Unlike the Point Constraint, you can set keys for the position of the
geometry-constrained object (or apply a Point Constraint to it also). The
object’s geometry-constrained position will be the point on the target
surface, closest to the keyed (or point-constrained) position.

To constrain an object to a surface:

1 Select the target surface, curve, or mesh. (Shift-click to select more than one
2 Select the object you want to constrain.
3 From the Animation menu bar or Hotbox, select Constraint→Geometry.
When you move the constrained object, it is constrained to the target surface.
If you move the target surface, the constrained object will follow and move
to the point on the target surface closest to the object’s previous position.

12 Using Maya: Animation

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s position

If you add more than one target, the object is constrained to the target
surface that has the highest weight. (See “Adjusting the target weights” on
page 8.)

If all the targets have the same weight, as happens when you create a
Geometry Constraint, the target used is the one with the lowest index. The
target index indicates the order in which you selected the targets during
the constraint creation (the first target selected has the lowest index). You
should animate the target weights such that only one target has the highest
weight at any given frame.
The Geometry Constraint is history dependent. The end result of an
object’s animation depends on where the object started.

Constraining a pole vector of an IK handle

The Pole Vector constraint applies only to IK handles that use the rotate
plane IK solver (see “Creating IK handles” on page 238 of Chapter 12,
“Posing and Animating Skeletons”). The effect is similar to the Constraining
an object to a point above, except this constraint controls the location of the
Pole Vector end-point.
You can use constraints with inverse kinematics to create realistic character
movements simply. For example, say you want to animate an inverse
kinematic character riding a bicycle. You can key the rotation of pedals on
the bicycle, then constrain the effector of the character’s leg skeleton to the
pedal. Now the leg of your character follows the keyed rotation of the
pedals, creating the illusion that the character is pedaling the bicycle.
For more information on inverse kinematics, refer to the Character
Animation section of this book.

To create (or add targets to) a Pole Vector Constraint:

Motion Ca pture

1 Select the first constraint target.

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2 Shift-click to select any additional targets.

3 Select the handle for the pole vector you want to constrain.
4 From the Animation menu bar or Hotbox, select Constraint→Pole Vector.

Using Maya: Animation 13

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s orientation

The IK chain rotates so that the Pole Vector lies at the target pivot. If you
add multiple targets, the Pole Vector is placed at the weighted average of the
target positions. For example, if you select two targets with the same weight,
the IK chain rotates so that the Pole Vector is halfway between them.

Remember, you can produce useful results by combining multiple target
weights with an expression.

Constraining an object’s orientation

This section describes the various ways you can constrain an object’s
orientation, including:
• Matching an object’s orientation to another object—the Orient Constraint
• Constraining an object’s aim—the Aim Constraint
• Constraining an object to the normal of a surface—the Normal Constraint
• Constraining an object to a tangent—the Tangent Constraint
Only one of these constraints can be present on a given object, as each
connects to the x, y, and z rotation attributes of the object. Aim, Normal, and
Tangent Constraints have the same Aim and Up parameter options.

Matching an object’s orientation to another object

The Orient Constraint matches the orientation of one object to that of a target
object(s) without changing the constrained object’s location. This constraint
is useful to make several objects orient in sync. For example, you can make a
group of people look in the same direction at the same time by animating
one head and then constraining the orientation of all the others to this head.
If you select several target objects, the constrained object’s orientation is an
average of their orientations.

To constrain the orientation of one object to another:

1 Select a target object or objects. (Shift-click to select more than one target.)
2 Select the object you want to constrain.
3 From the Animation menu bar or Hotbox, select Constraint→Orient.

14 Using Maya: Animation

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s orientation

If you have only one target object, the constrained object changes to the
target’s orientation. If you have several targets, the constrained object
changes to the targets’ average orientation (see “Adjusting the target
weights” on page 8).
When you rotate the target object(s), the constrained object also rotates.

Constraining an object’s aim

The effect of multiple targets for orient constraints can be non-intuitive and
is not recommended for targets that differ greatly in orientation.

The Aim Constraint aligns the aim vector of one object to follow the
movement of a target object or objects. The Aim Constraint is useful for
lights and cameras; you can aim a light at an object or a group of objects, for
example, to follow their animation.

To create (or add targets to) an Aim Constraint:

1 Select a target object or objects. (Shift-click to select more than one target.)
2 Select the object you want to constrain.
3 From the Animation menu bar or Hotbox, select Constraint→Aim→❐ to
display the Aim Options window.
4 Click Add/Remove.
When you move the target object, the aim vector of the constrained object
(the X-axis is the default) repositions itself to aim at the target.
5 Change the vectors if you want to aim the selected axis of the constrained
You can aim the constrained object by changing one of these vectors:
Aim Vector Sets the aim vector—the vector in local coordinates that
Motion Ca pture
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orients to the target. The default is the X-axis: 1.0, 0.0, 0.0.
Up Vector Sets the local up vector—the vector in local coordinates that
aligns with the world up vector. You can use the Up Vector
option to control the roll of the constrained object as it
moves across the up axis. The default is Y-up: 0.0, 1.0, 0.0.

Using Maya: Animation 15

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s orientation

World Up Vector Sets the world up vector—the vector in world coordinates

that the local up vector should align with. The default is y-
up: 0.0, 1.0, 0.0.
6 Click Close.

Constraining an object to the normal of a surface

The Normal Constraint limits the orientation of an object to the normal of
the constraining surface or mesh on which it travels. This constraint is useful
for keeping an object perpendicular to a surface, usually when the surface is
deformed, such as a ship sailing over a section of choppy water.

To constrain an object’s orientation to the normal of the surface:

1 Select the target surface or mesh.
2 Select the object you want to constrain.
3 From the Animation menu bar or Hotbox, select Constraint→Normal→❐ to
display the Normal Options window.
4 Click Add/Remove.
As you move the constrained object along the surface, the aim vector
reorients itself to the normal of the surface.
5 Change the vectors if you want to aim the selected axes of the constrained
You can align the axes of the constrained object to the normal using the
following options:
Aim Vector Sets the aim vector—the vector in local coordinates that
orients to the normal. The default is the X-axis: 1.0, 0.0, 0.0.
Up Vector Sets the local up vector—the vector in local coordinates that
aligns with the world up vector. You can use the Up Vector
option to control the roll of the constrained object as it
moves across the up axis. The default is Y-up: 0.0, 1.0, 0.0.
World Up Vector Sets the world up vector—the vector in world coordinates
that the local up vector should align with. The default is Y-
up: 0.0, 1.0, 0.0.
6 Click Close.

16 Using Maya: Animation

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s orientation

Constraining an object to a tangent

The Tangent Constraint limits the orientation of an object to the tangent of
the constraining curve (path) on which it travels. This constraint is useful for
having an object follow a path’s direction, such as a roller coaster car
following the tracks.

To constrain an object’s orientation to the tangent of a curve:

1 Select the target curve.
2 Select the object you want to constrain.
3 From the Animation menu bar or Hotbox, select Constraint→Tangent→❐.
4 Click Add/Remove.
As you move the constrained object along the surface, the aim vector
reorients itself to the tangent of the curve’s surface.
5 Change the vectors if you want to aim the selected axes of the constrained
You can align the axes of the constrained object to the tangent using the
following options:
Aim Vector Sets the aim vector—the vector in local coordinates that
orients to the tangent. The default is the X-axis: 1.0, 0.0, 0.0.
Up Vector Set the local up vector—the vector in local coordinates that
aligns with the world up vector. You can use the Up Vector
option to control the roll of the constrained object as it
moves across the up axis. The default is Y-up: 0.0, 1.0, 0.0.
World Up Vector Sets the world up vector—the vector in world coordinates
that the local up vector should align with. The default is Y-
up: 0.0, 1.0, 0.0.
6 Click Close.
Motion Ca pture
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Using Maya: Animation 17

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s orientation

Controlling “up”
Depending on the type of scene you are creating, you may want more
control of the object’s orientation. For example, if you were animating a
roller-coaster car along a curved and looped track, it would be useful to
control the car’s Y-axis orientation (Up Vector) along each keyframe. There
are several attributes that control an object’s orientation, including:
• Aim Vector
• Up Vector
• World Up Type
• World Up Vector
• World Up Object
The Aim Vector, Up Vector, World Up Vector, and World Up Type
attributes behave identically for the Aim, Tangent, and Normal Constraints.

Aim Vector
This vector in local coordinates of the constrained object points at the target
(for Aim Constraint), aligns with the normal (for Normal Constraint) or the
curve tangent (for Tangent Constraint). The default value is (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).

Up Vector
This is the vector in local coordinates of the constrained object that is aligned
based on the World Up Type. The default value is (0.0, 1.0, 0.0).

World Up Type
This parameter (available only through the command line and Attribute
Editor) controls how the Up Vector is aligned. The World Up Type can have
one of five values:
• Scene—the Up Vector is aligned with the up-axis of the scene and the World
Up Vector and World Up Object attributes are ignored.
• Object—the Up Vector is aimed as closely as possible to the origin of the
space of the World Up Object and the World Up Vector attribute is ignored.
• Object Rotation—the World Up Vector is interpreted as being in the
coordinate space of the World Up Object, transformed into world space, and
the Up Vector is aligned as closely as possible to the result.

18 Using Maya: Animation

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s scale

• Vector—the Up Vector is aligned with the World Up Vector as closely as

• None—no calculation is performed by the constraint, with the resulting Up
Vector orientation based on the previous orientation of the constrained

If you set the World Up Type to None, the Aim, Tangent, and Normal
constraints are history dependent. The end result of an object animation
depends on where the object started.
If you set the Aim and Up Vectors to be collinear, Maya will interpret the
World Up Type as None.

The default World Up Type is “vector”.

World Up Vector
This is the vector in world coordinates (if World Up Type is vector) or in the
local space of the World Up Object (if World Up Type is object rotation)
that the up vector should align with. The default value is (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

World Up Object
The World Up Object is the DAG object used for World Up Type “object”
and “objectrotation”. The default value is no up object, which is interpreted
as world space.

Constraining an object’s scale

This section describes how you can constrain an object’s scale.

Constraining an object’s scaling values

Motion Ca pture
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The Scale Constraint limits the scaling values of an object to the scaling
values of the target object. This constraint is useful for scaling all objects in a
hierarchy at once in accordance to the scaling changes applied to one object.

To constrain an object’s scale:

1 Select the target object.
2 Select the object you want to constrain.

Using Maya: Animation 19

Basic Constraints
Constraining an object’s scale

3 From the Animation menu bar or hotbox, select Constraint→Scale.

When you scale the target object, you will also scale the constrained object
with the same scaling values.

20 Using Maya: Animation

24 Motion Capture

With motion capture, you record real physical motion using a motion
capture device. You can use this real-life data to animate characters or
objects in a scene.
Motion capture lets you generate large amounts of complex motion. You
must plan your motion capture animations meticulously and set them up
This chapter describes how to set up and perform motion capture in Maya. It
includes the following information:
• “Getting started with motion capture” on page 21
• “Defining motion capture devices” on page 25
• “Listing devices and attachments” on page 26
• “Attaching attributes and commands” on page 27
• “Capturing motion” on page 33
• “Using filters and resamplers” on page 39
• “Reviewing takes” on page 40
• “Using multiple devices” on page 41
• “Performing full-body motion capture” on page 42

Getting started with motion capture

This section provides background information on motion capture for the
first-time user.
Motion Ca pture
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Basic procedure for simple motion capture

The workflow for a simple motion capture sequence consists of a few basic

To create a simple motion capture sequence:

1 Create a target geometry in Maya.

Using Maya: Animation 21

Motion Capture
Getting started with motion capture

2 Attach the geometry to the motion capture device.

3 Rehearse the motion for the actions that will be performed.
4 Record the motion.
5 Review the recorded motion and insert it into your scene.
It takes a few additional steps to create a full-body motion capture sequence.
For details, see “Performing full-body motion capture” on page 42.

Before using motion capture, you should become familiar with a few simple
Motion capture To capture motion, you use a motion capture device.
The motion capture device samples motion and records it. With a motion
capture device, you can achieve real-time monitoring and recording of data.
Supported data-server devices in Maya will have servers provided by the
device vendors. You can write your own servers for custom devices with the
Maya Motion Capture Developer’s Tool Kit.
In general, the mouse and keyboard are not motion capture devices.
Server A server is a stand-alone program that communicates with a device. Maya
can talk to the server to get device data. Devices that require servers are
called data-server devices.
Axis A motion capture device provides information on different axes, arranged in
a hierarchy. Axes give important information such as if the data is a rotation
value, a translation value, or just a number. An axis can be connected (or
attached) to an attribute in a Maya scene.
Attachment The connection between a device axis and an object’s attribute is called an
attachment. The attachment “tells” the device what attribute in the scene you
want to change.
Button Some motion capture devices have buttons. A button can execute a command
or act as a clutch for an axis. However, button presses cannot be recorded as
motion capture data.

22 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Getting started with motion capture

Using the Device Editor

You use Maya’s Device Editor to control the motion capture process. To
display the Device Editor, select Window → AnimationEditors → Device

Device Outliner

Device Editor

Device Outliner The top section is the Device Outliner. The Device Outliner lists the defined
Motion Ca pture

devices, the device structures, and what the devices are attached to. For
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information on how to use the Device Outliner, see “Defining motion

capture devices” on page 25.
Tab sections The lower section provides several tabs that allow you to work with devices
and manage motion capture data.
• The Attachment tab provides settings for making attachments, as described
in “Attaching attributes and commands” on page 27.

Using Maya: Animation 23

Motion Capture
Getting started with motion capture

• The Mapping tab provides settings for modifying attribute attachments, as

described in “Changing the attachment and device mappings” on page 36.
• The Filters tab lets you define filters and resamplers that you can use when
previewing motion data or converting it to animation curves. For details, see
“Using filters and resamplers” on page 39.
• The Options tab includes miscellaneous options for writing and reading
takes, as described in “Numbering takes” on page 37, “Reviewing takes” on
page 40, and “Using multiple devices” on page 41.
• The Controls tab provides the settings for rehearsing, recording, and
reviewing your motion capture sequences. These procedures are described
in “Capturing motion” on page 33.

Learning about motion capture

To help you learn about motion capture, we’ve provided a “toy” motion
capture server, the mayaClockServer program. This simple program reads the
SGI system clock and outputs three rotation values, in radians: the angle of
the second hand, the angle of the minute hand, and the angle of the hour
hand. It does not require any special hardware.
The binary is located in the /usr/aw/maya/bin directory and is called
mayaClockServer. To view mayaClockServer options, enter:
/usr/aw/maya/bin/mayaClockServer -h
We’ve also included an example script for using mayaClockServer. To see a
demo of the clock, enter the following in the Script Editor:
The script launches mayaClockServer using the MEL system command,
defines a device named “clock,” creates three analog clock hands, and
connects the geometry to the clock.

If you’ve already defined the clock device, un-define it and flush the undo
queue before running the demo script.

24 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Defining motion capture devices

Defining motion capture devices

Most motion capture devices are data-server devices. To use a data-server
device, you need a server. For more information on using the server for a
specific device, see the documentation provided by the device vendor.
Some devices do not need servers. These devices are installed via the IRIX
desktop. If such a device is visible to the IRIX desktop and supported by
Maya, it will be listed in the Device Outliner when you start Maya.
For data-server devices, use the defineDataServer command to define the
device in Maya. To do this, enter the following command in Maya’s Script
Editor after you start the device server:
defineDataServer -device <deviceName> -server <serverName>;
• <deviceName> is a unique device name. Choose one that will be easy for
you to remember later.
• <serverName> is the name of the communication interface defined to talk to
the server, as defined in the server setup.
For example, if you started the clock device but it did not appear in the
Device Editor, you would enter:
defineDataServer -device clock -s mayaClockServer
To undefine a device, use this syntax.
defineDataServer -device <deviceName> -undefine;
An important interaction exists between defining and un-defining data
servers and the undo queue.
When you undo a defineDataServer command, the connection with the data-
server device does not break until the defineDataServer command is off the
undo queue. When you undo an undefine of a data server, the connection
with the server does not break until the command is off the undo queue. The
Motion Ca pture

easiest way to remove the command from the undo queue is to use the
Cons tra ints &

flushUndo MEL command.

Using Maya: Animation 25

Motion Capture
Listing devices and attachments

Listing devices and attachments

The Device Outliner lists the devices and their attachments.

Click to expand/



This is the only way to see how devices are attached to their target
attributes. Since devices are not normal Maya dependency graph nodes, they
do not appear in the regular Outliner or in the Hypergraph.

Expanding device listings

The devices and their attachments appear in the following order:
• The left-most items in the Device Outliner are the devices.
• The next level shows the axes, indented to indicate their positions in the
device hierarchy.
• The final level shows the attachments between the device and an attribute.

To expand or collapse an item:

Click the arrow to the left of the item.

To expand or collapse all of the item’s children:

Shift-click the arrow to the left of the item.

Example: Listing the mayaClock device

If you ran the mayaClockDemo MEL script, the clock name (clock) should be
listed in the left column in the Device Outliner. (If it is not, follow the
directions in “Defining motion capture devices” on page 25.)
To show all of the device’s children, shift-click the arrow to the left of the
clock name. The first level of children in the clock are the three axes: hours,
minutes, and seconds.

26 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Attaching attributes and commands

For complex devices, an indented list of axes is displayed, each with its own
children. Eventually a device listing ends with attribute attachments. The
attachments describe how the device is connected to Maya attributes.

Attaching attributes and commands

You use the Device Editor’s Attachment tab to create attachments.
There are two types of attachments: attribute attachments and command
• An attribute attachment is a connection between an attribute and a device
• A command attachment is a command that is issued when a button is pressed.

Attaching attributes
Attaching attributes to device axes
Attachment tab
for axis

Motion Ca pture
Cons tra ints &

To attach an attribute to a device axis:

1 Select the Maya object.
2 In the Device Outliner, select the axis you want to attach.
3 Under the Attachment tab, type the name of the Maya node that has the
attribute to attach in the Node box

Using Maya: Animation 27

Motion Capture
Attaching attributes and commands

click the right mouse button in the Node box to display a pop-up menu that
lists all of the selected nodes and pick the node you want.
4 Type the name of the attribute in the Attribute box
click the right mouse button in the Attribute box to display a pop-up menu
that lists all of the key-able attributes for the specified node and select an
5 Specify whether you want to make the attachment per Selection or per
Choose Object for most motion capture purposes. When you explicitly
connect the device to a target attribute, that connection will always take
Choose Selection if you want to make the connection only for the currently
selected object. This is useful when you are interactively manipulating
objects with an input device, but not for basic motion capture work. If you
use the Selection mode, the Node box is ignored.
6 If a device has a button, you can specify that a button is a “clutch” that
makes the connection only while the button is pressed. Select a button name
using the Clutch menu.
You cannot record a button press as motion capture data.
7 Click Add to make the attachment between the device axis and the attribute.

Attaching commands
You can use command attachments with devices that have buttons. When
you press the button, Maya executes the command associated with the

To attach a command to a button:

1 In the Device Outliner, select a button.
2 Under the Attachment tab, type the command you wish to execute in the
Command box.
3 If you want the command to execute repeatedly while the button is pressed,
turn on Continuous.

28 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Attaching attributes and commands

Generally, you will want to execute the command once per button press. To
do this, turn Continuous off.
You can also execute a command every time any button is pressed or
released, or if any axis changes on a specified device. The device must have
at least one button.

To attach a command to any device change:

1 In the Device Outliner, select a device with at least one button.
2 Under the Attachment tab, enter the command you want to execute
whenever any button on the device is pressed or released or whenever any
axis on the device changes value.
To delete a command attachment or an attribute attachment, select the
attachment in the Device Outliner and click Delete.

Modifying existing attachments

You can also modify existing attachments using the Attachment tab.

To modify attachment mapping:

1 In the Device Outliner, select the attachment.
2 Change the attachment values.
3 Under the Attachment tab, click Update.

To delete an attachment:
1 In the Device Outliner, select the attachment.
2 Under the Attachment tab, click Delete.
Remember, a single axis may have more than one attachment.

Motion Ca pture
Cons tra ints &

If you accidentally delete an attachment, you can always undo the deletion.

Using Maya: Animation 29

Motion Capture
Attaching attributes and commands

Mapping device data

Sometimes the data coming from the device is in the wrong unit system or
needs an adjustment to its scale or offset. You can modify the scale and
offset values for incoming device data using the Mapping tab of the Device

Mapping tab

There are two types of mappings: attachment mappings and device mappings.
Both mappings affect the scale and offset of the device data. The device data
is multiplied by the scale term and then the offset is added.
• Attachment mappings apply to attribute attachments. These mappings are
recommended for motion capture work. You can undo them.
• Device mappings apply to axes. You cannot undo them.

Using device and attachment mapping together is error-prone and may
produce unintentional results.

To modify the scale or offset of your motion capture data:

1 In the Device Outliner, select the axis or attachment you want to modify.
Select an axis if you want the Mapping tab to control a device mapping.
Select an attachment if you want the Mapping tab to control an attachment
2 Under the Mapping tab, select Absolute or Relative mapping.

30 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Attaching attributes and commands

With Absolute mapping, motion is scaled and offset with respect to the origin.
If you move a device a foot away from the origin, the target attribute also
changes its value to be one foot away from the origin. Absolute mapping is
useful for motion capture.
With Relative mapping, motion is adjusted relative to the last device position,
without regard to the origin. If you move a device one foot to the right, the
target attribute moves one foot to the right.Relative mapping is useful for
desktop input devices that always return to some resting position.
3 If you are working with device mapping, choose whether you want to apply
your mapping to World space or View mode.
Select World for motion capture work.
If View mode is used, the device coordinates are translated into the space of
the active camera.

Saving attachments
Since devices are not defined as dependency graph nodes, their definitions,
attachments, and mappings are not saved in Maya files.
Creating an attachments script lets you reload the attribute attachments,
command attachments, and mappings when you need them. This saves you
having to attach the device to each of its target attributes every time you
load a file. You must define the device before running the attachment script.
The MEL script will remake all of the attribute attachments, command
attachments, and mappings, provided the device is defined and the target
attributes and nodes have the same names as they did when you saved the

Motion Ca pture
Cons tra ints &

Using Maya: Animation 31

Motion Capture
Attaching attributes and commands

Click here to save

the script

To create an attribute attachments script:

1 In the Device Outliner, select the device, its axes, or its attachments.
2 Under the Controls tab, click Save Attachments.
3 Select a path and name for the attachments MEL script.
Be sure you save the script in your scripts path so Maya can see it when you
want to reattach your scene.
4 Click OK.
The next time you load the scene, define the device, if needed, and run the
attachments script from the Script Editor.

32 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Capturing motion

Capturing motion
For each motion to capture, there are three different phases of the capture
process: rehearse, record, and review. For each of these steps, you’ll use the
Device Editor’s Controls tab.

Rehearsing the motion

You may wish to have the performer rehearse the motion you’re interested
in before you record. During this rehearsal phase, any of the actor’s
questions can be worked out to perfect the move. If the scene is not too
heavy, you may be able to view the motion in real time.
Any animation curves attached to the target attributes are not affected by the
Rehearse mode.

To rehearse the motion:

1 Under the Controls tab, select Rehearse.
2 Select Enable Monitor to specify that the target attributes are getting live
data from the device.
When you switch from other phases, this step is performed automatically for
all devices.

Recording the motion

The settings for beginning recording are also under the Controls tab.

To record the motion:

1 Under the Controls tab, turn on Enable Record for each device you want to
2 Make sure the Recording Duration box has enough recording time (in
seconds) for your planned motion.
Motion Ca pture
Cons tra ints &

We recommend you add a few more seconds to the duration and start
recording before the actor begins a move.
3 Select Record.

Using Maya: Animation 33

Motion Capture
Capturing motion

All the record-enabled devices begin recording data, using the current time
as a start time for the recording.

The recording frequency is determined by the device, not by the frame rate
of Maya.

Once the duration is met, the recording stops and advances to the review
phase. At this point, the data is not yet part of your Maya animation and is
not saved to a Maya file.
Data that you can preview or convert into animation curves is called a take.

To stop a recording before the duration expires, select either Rehearse or
Review under the Controls tab.
• Review will take you to the review mode, the same as if the duration
• Rehearse will not bring the device data into Maya.
If you accidentally chose Rehearse and want to see the motion in your
scene, click the Preview or Apply Take buttons. Click Preview to create a
preview version of the take; click Apply Take to make an animation curve
version of the take.

4 When you are ready to convert the take to animation curves, click Apply

If a device has a take and you select Record, that take is lost unless you
first click Write Take to save it or Apply Take to convert it to animation

Reviewing the motion

In the review phase, Maya applies the motion data you have recorded to the
target attributes. Your preview data is applied to all devices and axes that
have Apply Take enabled (as indicated by Enable Apply Take). Animation
curves that are attached to the target attributes are not affected at this time.

34 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Capturing motion

During the review phase, you can click Preview to view the take in a
preview form; this does not change the data.You can also click Apply Take
to convert the take to animation curves in the review phase.

Viewing a take in preview form

A preview is done automatically when you enter the review phase. This lets
you review the newly captured motion faster than by using Apply Take and
leaves the animation curves unchanged. Preview data is not visible in the
Graph Editor.

To view a take in preview form:

Under the Controls tab, click Preview.
When an attribute attachment is formed, a node (blendDevice) is attached to
the target attribute. The blendDevice node determines whether you will
view live device data (Enable Monitor) or the animation curve that is
attached to the attribute.
In this form, the data is stored in the blendDevice node. Playing over the
recorded time range will show the newly recorded data, leaving any
animation curves unchanged.
If you save your scene to a Maya file, preview data is not saved as part of the
scene. To save preview data, use the Write Take button (as described in
“Saving files to disk” on page 36).

If you are doing a batch render, be sure to save the motion as animation
curves (using Apply Take). Otherwise the motion will not be part of the

Converting a take to animation curves

To convert the take to animation curves:
Motion Ca pture
Cons tra ints &

Under the Controls tab, click Apply Take.

When you convert the take to animation curves, the new data replaces any
existing animation curves. Older data outside of the newly recorded time
range still exists, but any old data within the recorded time range does not.

Using Maya: Animation 35

Motion Capture
Capturing motion

When the take is converted to either preview form or animation curves, all
device mappings, attachment mappings, filters, and resamplers are applied
to the take data.

Changing the attachment and device mappings

You can change the scale and offset values in a mapping without affecting
the preview data or animation curves.

To change the attachment and device mappings on the take:

1 Change the values using the Mapping tab (as described in “Modifying
existing attachments” on page 29).
2 Reapply the take by clicking Preview or Apply Take.

Saving files to disk

You can write out a take as an ASCII file, then read the file back into the
scene and review it later.
Motion capture files use the .mov file format. This file format is called
“move” in the file browser. It is not related to any movie file format. For
information on the .mov file format, see the online document, Maya File
Since a single scene may have dozens of motions, you probably do not want
to save each move as a separate Maya file, especially after you have selected
the final versions of the motion. It is much easier to save only the motion as
a separate file.

To save a take to disk:

1 Under the Controls tab, click Take File.
Maya will display a file browser.
2 If this is a new file, specify a path using the file browser and specify a new
The base filename appears in the box. From now on, if the Take box changes,
the path stays the same; only the filename changes.
3 Once you’ve specified a valid filename, click Write Take to save the take to

36 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Capturing motion

A take name is required for each device.

If you want to save a take every time you enter the review phase, select
Write Take on Review under the Controls tab.

Freeing memory
After applying the recorded data, the take data is still in a take buffer. For
small takes this may not be a problem, but for large takes you may want to
free this memory.

To free the take data for all devices:

• Under the Controls tab, click Clear.
You cannot undo this action.

Numbering takes
A particular motion may require three takes or more. Since it may be
difficult to determine which take is best as you record and coming up with
unique names for each version of the same move is error-prone, Maya
features an easy way to number your takes.
Take numbering inserts a number between the move name and its extension
(by default, .mov). This number can be incremented to form a take number
for that move. The take filename is constructed by inserting the value of the
Number box before the extension of the name in the Take box.
For example, if the Take box displays and the Number box
displays a value of 2, the file is saved as

Motion Ca pture
Cons tra ints &

Using Maya: Animation 37

Motion Capture
Capturing motion

To number your takes:

1 Under the Options tab, select Numbered Takes.
Whenever the Take box changes, the Number box is reset to the value in
Starting Take.
2 If you want to automatically increment the take number whenever a take is
written, also select Auto-Increment.
3 When your motion data looks good and you want to convert it to animation
curves, click the Apply Take under the Controls tab.

Viewing numbered takes (Example)

Take numbering also makes it easier to view different versions. For example,
if you have five versions of the file that used take numbering, you
could view them by completing the following steps:
1 Select using the take browser (the Take File button).
2 Read the takes into the device by clicking Read Take under the Controls tab.
3 See the first take in Maya by clicking Preview or Apply Take.
4 See the second take by changing the value in the Number box to 2,then
clicking Read Take and clicking Preview.

38 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Using filters and resamplers

Using filters and resamplers

You can use filters and resamplers to affect your motion capture data. Filters
and resamplers let you achieve effects such as demangling Euler angles or
resampling data to a specific frequency with a given kernel. You use the
Filters tab to create filters and resamplers.
Filters and resamplers are applied when you create a Preview, Apply Take,
or Review. You cannot apply filters and resamplers while you monitor
devices, only when you convert your data to animation curves using the
Apply Take button or convert it to blendDevice nodes using the Preview
A resampler may change the temporal values of the data; a filter will not.

Filter settings

Use these buttons to

change between
active and inactive

Resampler settings

To create a filter or resampler:

The same procedure applies to both filters and resamplers.
Motion Ca pture
Cons tra ints &

1 Place the pointer in the Active or Inactive Filters (or Resamplers) list and
click the right mouse button.
Maya displays a list of available filters (or resamplers).
2 Select the filter (or resampler) name in the list to create it.
The filter or resampler name appears in the Active or Inactive Filters list.

Using Maya: Animation 39

Motion Capture
Reviewing takes

3 To view or change the attributes of a filter or resampler, double-click its

name in the list.
The Attribute Editor for the filter appears.
4 To move an item back and forth between the Active and Inactive lists, click
its name in the list and use the << and >> buttons.

Reviewing takes
It is not practical to connect a motion capture device to every machine on
which you want to view captured motions. Instead, you use a virtual device.
A virtual device behaves like a real device in review mode. You can make
the same attachments to a virtual device as to a real device. You can read
take data into a virtual device and apply it to the target attributes. Virtual
devices cannot have buttons.

To define a virtual device based on a real device:

1 Select the real device in the Device Outliner.
Under the Controls tab, click Save Virtual Device.
2 Select the path and specify a MEL script name.
When you execute the MEL script, a virtual device is defined with the same
name as the real device. If you have attachment scripts, they will work with
the virtual device without any changes.
You can use virtual devices to import numeric data into Maya. In many
cases, you can use the movIn command. However, if you are using filters or
resamplers, we recommend using a virtual device.For more information, see
the documentation for the defineVirtualDevice command.

To read data into a virtual device:

Reading data into a virtual device is the same as reading in data to a real
1 Under the Controls tab, click Take File.
2 Select the take using the browser that appears.
3 Click Read Take to load the take.
4 Click Preview or Apply Take to make the data visible in your animation.

40 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Using multiple devices

To specify how Maya interprets incoming take data:

Use the Options tab to set the units used in the take and time-stamping of
the data.
If a take has time-stamp data, turn on Time Stamps in the Read Take
Options section.
If you want to ignore time-stamp information, select Use Frequency in the
Read Take Options section and type a value in the Frequency box, in Hertz.
Since the .mov file format does not contain information about how data is to
be interpreted, the order of data in the take file is important. The order of
columns of data in the file must match the order of axes in the device.
If you are creating a virtual device by hand, the order of definition is
extremely important and must match your data.
If time stamps were used with the write take, the first column of data is the
time-stamp information. The take is applied with the starting time as the
starting time of the recording, if time stamps were used.
If you turn on Use Current Time As Apply Take Start Time under the
Controls tab, Maya uses the current time as the start time for the take when
you click Preview or Apply Take.

Using multiple devices

You can record and work with many devices simultaneously.
Use the Controls tab to set recording options for each device. To view a
device’s current settings, select the device name in the Device Outliner, then
select the Options tab.
• If you do not wish to record data for a device, turn off Enable Record in the
Controls tab.
• If you do not want to apply data to the target attributes of a device, turn off
Motion Ca pture

Enable Apply Take under the Controls tab.

Cons tra ints &

To record multiple devices:

1 Under the Controls tab, turn on Write Take on Review.
2 Specify a take name for each device.
3 Under the Options tab, select Numbered Takes and Auto-Increment.

Using Maya: Animation 41

Motion Capture
Performing full-body motion capture

With this method, each device automatically saves unique files for each take
and you don’t have to manually change the take number and take names.

Performing full-body motion capture

The most important task of any motion capture is to plan every step in
advance. This is especially true for a large project.

To create a full-body motion capture:

1 Select a motion capture device.
2 Choose a method for calculating the motion.
The method is device-dependent and may use inverse kinematics, forward
kinematics, constraints, or a combination of the three.
3 Build a skeleton based on the actor’s proportions. If possible, digitize the
actor’s joint positions with your motion capture device.
4 Attach the performance skeleton to the device.
5 Connect the performance skeleton to the character skeleton.
6 Rehearse the actions to be performed.
7 Record the motion.
8 Review the recorded motion and insert it into your scene.

Tips for full-body motion capture

With full-body motion capture, carefully thought-out sensor placement and
skeletal design are essential.

Using an optical system

If you use an optical system, just bring the data into Maya. You will need to
make a virtual device to read in the motion. See the documentation for the
defineVirtualDevice command.
We recommend using a single format for all of the motion you import into
Maya. You can write a MEL script to define the virtual device that matches
the data. With this method, you have to explicitly define the virtual device
only once; other times you can run the script that calls the virtual device

42 Using Maya: Animation

Motion Capture
Performing full-body motion capture

If no filtering is needed, try using the MEL movIn command. This does not
require the construction of a virtual device.
To use all of the take management functionality and filters, you must define
a virtual device and make attachments to it. Since most optical systems let
you solve for joint angles, you can use forward kinematics. For a skeleton
constructed with the same orientation as the solved optical skeleton, just
attach the device to the rotations of the joints.

Using a magnetic capture system

For a magnetic capture system, connecting the sensor axes to handles of RP
of MC IK solvers works well.

Tips for working with full-body motion capture data

• Work with a skeleton that has the same proportions as the actor. You can
create a character based on the actor’s body. If you are using a magnetic
system, you can place sensors on opposite sides of each of the actor’s joints.
Record the sensor’s location at each placement. You can construct a skeleton
that has joints located between opposing sensor positions. If magnetic noise
is not a problem, this will produce an accurate copy of the actor’s skeleton.
• If this is not possible or the character is dissimilar to the actor, create a
skeleton based on the actor and solve for that skeleton. You can use
constraints, expressions, and connections to map joint rotations and the root
position from the actor skeleton to a character.
• When you select a device using the Device Outliner, the Controls tab will
show the take information for that device.
• It is worth taking extra time to ensure that your data is as clean as possible.
For option systems, this mean rigorous calibration of both the space and the
actor. For magnetic systems, the freer the space of magnetic noise, the better
the result.
Motion Ca pture
Cons tra ints &

Using Maya: Animation 43

Motion Capture
Performing full-body motion capture

44 Using Maya: Animation

Index C default values
aim vectors 18
capturing motion 33 up vectors 18
changing device mapping 36 world up vectos 19

A channel box device attachments

saving 31, 32
setting target weight 8, 9
absolute mapping 31 Clear button 37 device axis 22
Active Filters list 39 clock server 26 Device Editor 23
Active Resamplers list 39 clutch 22 device mappings 30, 36
adding constraint objects 7 commands Device Outliner 23, 26
adjusting target weights 8 attaching 28 devices
aim constraints 15 attaching commands 28 attaching 29
aim vectors 18 constraint targets listing 26
default values 18 adding 7 mapping 36
Apply Take button 34, 35, 38 removing 8 mappings 30
motion capture 22
attachment for motion capture 22 constraints
multiple motion capture 41
attachment mappings 30 aim 15
Attachment tab 29 basic 5
basic procedure 7
command 28
IK handle 13 E
orientation 5, 14
deleting 29 Enable Apply Take option 34, 41
point 11
listing 26 Enable Monitor option 33
pole vector 13
making 27, 28 Enable Record button 41
position 5, 11
modifying 29 Enable Record option 33
reset button 8
saving 31, 32
scale 6, 19 Euler angles 39
attachments script 31
surface 12 expressions
Attachments tab 27 surface normal 16 driving multiple target
Attribute box 28 tangent 17 weights 11
attributes Controls tab 32, 33, 35, 36, 37,
attaching 27 40
Auto-Increment option 38, 41 converting takes to curves 35 F
axis 22 curves
motion capture 22 filters
converting takes to 35
motion capture 36, 39
removing animation 8
tangent constraints 17 Freeing memory
B motion capture 37

freeing memory
attaching 28
D motion capture 37
full-body motion capture 42
constraint reset 8 data server devices 25
motion capture 22

Using Maya: Animation 1


H multiple devices
motion capture 41
Preview button 35, 40
previewing takes 35
handler mappings 36 multiple target weights
using expressions 11
multiple targets R
I adjusting weights 8
Read Take button 40
weighted average 7
IK handle constraints 13 Record button 33, 34
Inactive Filters list 39 recording
Inactive Resamplers list 39 N motion capture 33
multiple devices 41
node 35 stopping 34
M Node box 27 Recording Duration box 33
normal Rehearse button 33
magnetic capture systems 43 constraining 16 rehearsing motion capture 33
mapping 30 Numbered Takes option 37, 38, relative mapping 31
absolute 31 41
removing constraint objects 8
changing 36 numbering takes 37, 38
device 36 resamplers 36, 39
handler 36 review phase 34
relative 31
Mapping tab 36
matching orientations 14 Object option 28 S
mayaClockServer program 26 objects
Save Attachments button 32
memory definition 6
Save Virtual Device button 40
freeing 37 selection 6
saving device attachments 31,
motion offset values
capturing 33 mapping 30, 36
saving motion capture files 36
motion capture 21 optical systems 42
basic procedure 21 Options tab 41
constraints 6, 19
device 22 orientation
scale values
file format 36 constraints 5, 14
mapping 30, 36
freeing memory 37 matching another object 14
full-body procedure 42 script
magnetic systems 43 attachments 31
Device 23, 26
recording 33 device attachments 32
rehearsing 33 selecting constraint objects 6
saving files to disk 36
servers 22
P selecting constraint targets 6
Selection option 28
stopping recording 34 point constraints 11 servers
terminology 22 pole vector constraints 13 clock 26
.mov file format 36 position constraints 5, 11 motion capture 22

2 Using Maya: Animation


setting target weights 9 up vectors 18

channel box 8, 9 controlling 17
skeletons default values 18
proportions for 43 setting world up type 18
Starting Take box 38 world 17
stopping motion capture Use Current Time As Apply Take
recording 34 Start Time option 41
surface Use Frequency option 41
constraining to a tangent 17
constraining to normal 16
constraints 12 V
view mode 31

T Viewing takes in preview form 35

virtual devices 40, 43
Take File button 40
converting to curves 35 W
definition 34
freeing data 37 world space 31
numbering 37, 38 world up objects 19
previewing 35 world up type
reviewing later 40 aligning up vector 18
viewing 35 none 19
tangent object 18
constraining 17 object rotation 18
target weights scene 18
adjusting 8 vector 18
setting 9 world up vectors
targets default values 19
definition 6 Write Take button 34
selection 6 Write Take on Review option 37,
using multiple 7, 8 41
Terminology for motion
capture 22
Time Stamps option 41 Y

orientation 17
up vector
aim 17

Using Maya: Animation 3

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