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Joshua- Yaweh is salvation. -most qualified successor of Moses.

- First problem how to cross the River Jordan - he sent the arc of the covenant first then the water receded -They need to capture Jericho before the Highlands of Canaan - He sent 2 spies and were almost captured but saved by Rahab -Renued The Covenant at Shec

Cycle of events sin > punishment> Repentance>deliverance>freedom>elf-centerdness -We can break the cycle by praying and conscious moral effort. Judges were not interpreters of law. They were military and spiritual leaders. -12 judges Gideon -reassured God saying I will be with you" -He prepared 1000 men but went to Jezreel to surprise the midianites at night with only 100 -they used torches and trumpets - the Medianites killed each other. Message- God gives strange instructions but we should follow it because God knows best. -obiedience

Samson -Fulfilled the prophecy that a baby boy would become a great worrior -fought Philistines -nazarite vow not to cut hair and abstain from wine

-The Philistines made Delilah find and exploit Samsons weakness -He was captured but prayed and ask for strength to sacrifice his life to destroy the philistines.

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