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Adapted from L. Miriello by S.


AP Biology Guided Reading Chapter 22

Name ____ANT__________________

1. What were the two major points of Darwins publication The Origin of Species? a) natural selection b) descendants of ancestral species 2. Define the following terms: a. Natural selection The change in a population over generations when there are a variety of traits and one leacemore offspring than others b. Evolutionary adaptation Mutation, traits, and the ingeritance that help an population of organism survive better c. Evolution Change over time in the genetic components of a population d. Taxonomy The classification and names of organism 3. Detail the impact/position/contribution to evolutionary theory and include a perspective of time in the following: a. Aristotle Theory of Scala Natura: ordering of organism depending on their complexity b. Linnaeus Binomial nomenclature: taxonomy increase better organization of species of living organisms c. Cuvier Catastrophes: geography and disaster change, animals adapt to enviroment, species change d. Lyell Geologist: Evolution happ in slow continuous action e. Lamarck Theory based on the idea of inheritance od acquired characteristic and use and disuse. This is false idea. f. Malthus Made the essay about human population. g. Hutton Theory of gradualism: The earth slowly change 4. How does catastrophism relate to the ideas of gradualism? The catastrophy change the slowly Earth geography. [ex: Rain slowly molded away mountain] 5. How did the Voyage of the Beagle impact Darwins research? Darwin observed the animals during the Voyage of Beagle and noticed that the

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

animals and plants are distinct in certain species areas. 6. How did Alfred Wallace impact Darwin in his work? Alfred Wallce made theory of natural selection, later Darwin combined his work to theory of descendants of ancestral species. 7. What part did adaptation play in Darwins thinking? Animals adapt over time in order to fit to environment. The traits that help the animals survive pass to their offspring and pass from generation to generation. 8. What did Darwin mean by descent with modification? The unity of life that animals come from similar ancestry but changed, adapted, mutated differently according to the specific way of life. 9. What did Mayr take from Darwins work summarize the observations and inferences. Observatons: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Inferences 1) When the population over grows the resources it can lead to struggle for survival. 2) When to survive it's about the inheritance traits, the organism with trairs that are highly more useful fir survival will reproduce and ines with traits that are less useful with die off. 3) The difference between the survival skills, reproduced rate will cause change over time and generations. 10. How did the concept of artificial selection impact Darwins ideas? It contrast with the idea of natural selection. 11. What three word phrase summarizes Darwins mechanism of evolution? Descent with modification 12. Explain the evolution of Drug Resistance in bacteria in terms of natural selection. Bacteria that developed traits that help them survive or defense themselves from the Drug will go on to survive and ones that cannot resist Drugs will die off. After generations of reproduction the population of bacteria will be left with only the ones that have drug resistance.

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Adapted from L. Miriello by S. Sharp

13. Define the following terms: a. Homologous structures Variation in structural theme b. Vestigial structures Variation in organs and functions in the body c. Analogous structures Similar in function but not in structure 14. What is biogeography and why is it important to the study of evolution? The geographic distribution, how regions with impact the evolution of the animals. Animals from similar traits of region will be more similar. 15. How do the fossil record and sedimentary rock provide evidence to evolution? Show the animals fossils that can be linked to be the ancestry of the modern species. With research the scientist can trace back to the adaption and species of animal.

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