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ABSTRACT General substance of irigation in endodontic treatment is NaOCl 2,5%, however its consentration cant kill bacteria of Enterococcus

faecalis. It is a bacteria often to find in failed endodontic treatment. Therefore, other alternative for natural irrigations substance is very need, for example kitosan. Kitosan is compound generationt from kitin in crustacea group, for example shrimp. We can get its compound from shell, head, and tail shrimp. Kitosan have potential antibacterial, with the result kitosan can to used either one to alternative substance irrigation for root canal. The objective this is examination is knowing effect kitosan about the arise E. faecalis according in vitro. Experiment about effect antibacterial from kitosan did dilution and diffution method. Kitosan consentration which use is 25%, 12,5%, 6,25%, 3,125%, 1,5%, 0,7%, 0,3% and 0,1%, whereas consentration which use for diffution method is 25%, 12,5%, 6,25%, 3,125%, 1,5%, 0,7%, and 0,3% . Kitosan be able inhibit arise E. faecalis which significant statistic (p<0,05). Kitosan consentration 0,3% is a inhibition minimal concentration (IMC) in inhibit arise E. faecalis. The effect kitosan between consentration is significant different (p<0,05), such as for different between effect kitosan with NaOCl 5,25% in inhibition arise E. faecalis bacteria. Keyword: kitosan effect, E. faecalis, irrigation substance, NaOCl 5,25%, concentration, antibacterial

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