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Tlrc Historic



Confi dentiai Secretary to Supen'rsor Thomas J. Martino

RE; T'hornas |. Nlartin<r

Septernber i0,201t)

Councilu'ornan Susan Serin<_r

Sarah Heler-re \lur..rar,



Secrer:rn' to rhe Supc^-isc,r

letter is ur response to an tnciclettt that occurred m the supen.isor/administration office o' t6is date around i0:30am. Susan Scrirto catnc into the otflcc to speak u-irh Sanclr'and rhen said t. me rhat she could har-e embatrassccl rrle the othcr dar'(specialmeeting oi.\ugust 3,2t)1() at 1pm) of the dats b't chcln't anci that her husband \\'xs an lmurllcv anc-l she spokc u'rtlil)avicl Wisc and that b1;th of h.r rolcl her slic could haYe the documctlt atrtl rhat her husband said thar ir u'as nor a conficlentiirl clocument. She rolcl nre tliat because of that she did not rhink that she rvas abusive rou,ards rne and basically she felt rhat the letter 'l'om sent her regarditlg her bel-iavior torvards me was of linc. Shc rcpeated scr-erai dmes rl-rat she could have embarrassed nle on rhe dais but did not.

In response to her actions


ne I rvouicl hke to state the follou,ing.

T'he rval' she spoke to me \i"'as at bcst mappropriatc, ulprolessional and condescencliqg. With respect to her demanding a copv of the candidatc u'ho u'as not selected for comptroller rhetc is nothllg lor nte to be embarrassed about. -I'he Iettel r,,'llch tl-ie resume was attachecl to rvas \\'rote specificallv iust to lou, n()t the 'I'ou,n lloard and I dicl not think rt u'euld be apprupriare ru gir-c out the te sutne of that indrr-idual u-itirout rhe cxprcss ok tionr the atronre r-. ] hacl allog,ed botir Sue and NIilie to uriltze rhe documenr firr rhc urtcn-ie\\.s(J shc lutl rhc opp() look it over clLlnng the tnten'te\\: plocess and then rt u'as rerurned to 1ne. -\fter speaking \\,1t6 ihc

4383 Albany Post Road

Hyde Park. Ne'u York l253li




l. cxt. 7

was trearing rne rodar. at 'I-ou-n J Jall.

ettornel I gave her the rccluested document. Bv stamprng rt coni-idential I s-as mer.elr. dorng u-hat i t-as told ro do anrl rherefore feel as though she is completeh' ouf of linc \\-lrh rhe ulai. that shc-

3. It f-elr as thor_rgh_she


u,as blarnirg nc tbr rhc lerrer- rhat lor.r senr to her and to be honcst I felt as though she *-as borderllg on threate'ing'rc that shc c.'ld l-rar-c cnb.rrassed rle but chose n.r to' Her statemelrt ro nle is unbecomrng of a public oftrcral and shc should be ashamed of herselt. I $'ork for the supen-isor of the 'l.ou'r'r. n,.,r her lnd mereh- take thc drrccfions I arn give. br. r,<.,u. Secdon 1(x)1 \ oirl-re .l.o$'n oiHrde Park Lmplolee llancibook added as per l{esolutio' 9:2g-1j of 2( )09 states the follo$-ing\-tth respect to \\-orkplace r-iolence Prelention police ancl prohibitecl Conduct- \'etbal abuse is prohib red. \o ernplo'ee of rhe 'forvr-r ma\. s\\'ear, r-e11, r'sult or harass anotiler erlplo|ee of the'fo*-n' Pirvsical ,b,r... pushllg, rcrion of ,,,rir-r.,r.iation, i'rproper jokes, and disrupnve behar-iors are also prohibitecl. Ilar-ins read the letter tirat \\'ias sent to Counci,hvoman Serino ] see 'o reas()n rvh' she should ha'e ctlme i'to the office I rvork in and said *,hat she clid. 'fhe letter ,,r., ..'ro,. ,- i;., ;r.;.; remrnded her that the past behar-iors that she peqretraretl ri'ould nor bc rolc'red - ,;;-;;jj;..

I-respectfulh'requestthatthe foldersofthe I'ou-nBoardbemor-edirtotireoftlccof the'I-ou.r-rClerkso that ] do nor ha\-e ro be erposed to such bcha'ior as I *-as todar,.

Confidenual Sc'cretan' rcr -fhomas Supen'isor J. \Ia

4383 Albany Post Road Hyde Park, Neq, \'ork 125.18

845 229-5 I I I. ext.

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