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Changes from version 1 to version 2.

1 of the Proficiency Review Program Document Throughout the document, the title of Quality Manager was replaced with the title of Proficiency Test Program Manager and responsibilities associated with the position were updated. The text on the inquiry process was modified to be consistent with the flow chart in the document. The sample letters provided for use in proficiency test inquiries and the time allowed for the proficiency test provider to provide each accredited laboratory with an individual report were also updated. Language was added to reflect the appropriate reference documents; ASCLD/LAB Legacy Accreditation Manual, ASCLD/LAB International Supplemental Requirements for the Accreditation of Forensic Science Testing Laboratories and the Quality Assurance Audit for Forensic DNA and Convicted Offender DNA Databasing Laboratories. Changes in Administration of Proficiency Review Committees (PRC) Change #1: Language was added in Section A: Makeup of PRCs to allow for the addition of subdiscipline PRCs. Change #2: Language was modified in Section C: Confidentiality / Conflict of Interest to prohibit a PRC member from conducting the analyses when the PRC members laboratory is serving as a referee laboratory. Changes in Roles and Responsibilities Related to the Proficiency Testing Program Section A: Accredited Laboratories Change #3: Language was added to reiterate ASCLD/LABs Essential requirement which requires each examiner to be proficiency tested at least once during each five-year accreditation cycle, in each subdiscipline in which the examiner performs casework. Change #4: Language was added in to ensure that ASCLD/LAB has copies of documentation provided to the PRCs. A similar statement is present in the letters sent to the laboratories by the PRC. Change #5: Language was added to allow for requests for exemptions from participating in approved external proficiency tests for a specific discipline, to be evaluated by the Executive Director, Quality Manager, and Proficiency Test Program Manager. Changes in Test Review Process Section A: Inconsistencies Change #6: Language was added to allow for special notification letters to be issued by the PRC after determining that the reporting differences are acceptable.

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