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Penny McNulty 12/27/11 Range of Motion Exercises Perform exercises 5 20 times in each direction.

. You can skip the exercises that you are performing that day in your Egoscue menu. 1. Head benders * Slowly bend head to look left & right * Slowly bend head side-to-side (to bring ear to opposite shoulder) * Slowly bend head to look up & down 2. Shoulder shrugs * draw shoulders up toward ears, then lower shoulders down 3. Shoulder rolls * with arms at side, circle shoulders forward then backward 4. Big arm circles * draw entire arm up, forward, down, back, then up again; repeat in opposite direction 5. Elbow circles * draw circles with lower arm, hinging at elbows; repeat in opposite direction 6. Wrist circles * draw circles with hands, hinging at wrists; repeat in opposite direction 7. Wrist bends * hinge up & down at wrists 8. Hand open & close * open hand, spreading out & extending fingers, then draw fingers in to make a tight fist 9. Side-to-side bends * with hands on hips, bend at hip to move torso side-to-side 10. Hula dancer/hip circles * with hands on hips, roll pelvis in big circle in one direction; repeat in opposite direction 11. Standing 1-leg knee lifts * holding on to side of table for balance; draw knee straight up to about hip height 12. Foot circles N. sit in chair or lie down & draw legs over ottoman/bench; with knees bent, draw circles with foot, hinging at ankle; do not move at knee joint; repeat circles in opposite direction then switch sides) 13. Foot point-flexes * sit in chair or lie down & draw legs over ottoman/bench; with knees bent, flex then extend foot, hinging at ankle; do not move at knee joint; repeat with other leg

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