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AbstractIn all the societies communication plays a major role and it develops the cognitive balances of the individual.

Communication is meant and designed purposely for the knowledge and information sharing. A society can have social signals and emotions accordingly to their exposure levels. Media is one among the part of communication. Some societies like aboriginal tribes are still nomads in nature so their communication levels are different from the civilized people of the urban dwellers. This century is composed with digitalization. We can know the bomb blasts or some ethical events of the other country within a fraction of seconds and we can still watch the news leisurely since it is digitalized. The communication width has been broadened in such a way and most of urban/ rural communities are aware of the news all the time. Now a day, news are overflowing and the tendency of human mind have been increased to know the news about the others. The emotions of knowing others have been gradually increasing among the people. The aggressiveness, anger, vengeance i.e. negative emotions are triggered in the society because of the media. The emotions of the people tendency have been modified over the period of time. They are various reasons for the emotion modification but media plays a major role in the emotion and social signal modification. Earlier communication is the tool utilized for the sharing information and also for the trading purposes. But evolution of communication has both positive and negative sides. The negative ideologies are highly imparted in the human mind which affects the human emotions. In India, vi

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