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MODIFIERS A. Identify whether the underlined modifier is used as an adjective or as an adverb. _________1.

The late finalist was disqualified from the competition. _________2.Rico has a difficult job this month. _________3.Mother left early for her appointment. _________4.The artwork was done well. _________5.Jojo ranks lowest in the class. B. Write either well or good: 6. Francis performed ____________ in every recital. 7. All the recipes presented tasted _________. 8. My youngest recitalist performed ________. 9. Did the dessert taste ____________? 10. The orator is always _________versed. C. Write further or farther: 11. I parked the airplane __________ down the airport. 12. What ___________evidence are you presenting to this court? 13 Lito received ___________ training from his master. 14. The athletes walked ___________ than what was required. 15.The professor made no ____________ comment on the argument. D. Encircle the correct modifier: 16. The new janitor seemed ( capably, capable). 17. Melissa speaks ( clear, clearly) during the debate. 18. Why do you still appear ( calm, calmly) when you are on the stage. 19. The thief ( forceful, forcefully ) opened the door. 20. The patient ( abruptly, abrupt) sat down.

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