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TEAM LEADERS Lobbying Guide

MIRA is thrilled to welcome you and your group to Immigrants Day at the State House. At the end of the program you will be called to ACTION! To go and meet with your legislators to discuss legislations that affect immigrant communities and budget items that support immigrant programs. Please choose all the topics that are relevant to your group. TOPICS Inside of the folders for each legislator you will find fact sheets with these talking points:
MIRA members budget Priorities: Citizenships Education and Services English Classes/Adult Basic Edu./K-12 English RISE program for Domestic Violence Victim Commonwealth Care Bridge (Health Care) Oppose Secure Communities Oppose E-Verify MIRA members legislative priorities: Labor/ Temp Workers Rights (REAL bill) English Learning Opportunities for All (ELL bill) In-State Tuition Oppose SB2061 and HB3913

Clipped outside of the packet you will find this info for your use: 1. The Report Sheet (with an orange corner) will be collected by MIRA staff after your meetings at the State House exit/entrance doors; please dont forget to give it to them. 2. Meeting with your Legislator: 4 basic Tips 3. Map of the State House with room numbers. TEAM LEADER ROLE Take a couple of minutes with your group to plan your visits and choose within your team: 1. Introduction lead: choose a person in your team that will ask for the legislator and introduce the team members and organization. 2. Report Sheet lead: choose a person in your team that will take notes on the Report Sheet (the one with an orange corner) at each legislative visit, write comments and legislator responses. 3. Story Teller: this is what legislators will remember, select from your group the people that can tell stories about why these programs should be funded or these bills should pass or be removed. 4. Direct Ask: choose a person in your team that will make the concrete request or ASK the legislators support or clear opposition on each topic you chose to discuss. 5. Translator: if needed, identify someone who can translate the messages to the legislators.

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