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Monostable Multivibrator Designed and Developed by: Curriculum Development Laboratory © Tecrneal Pdsieaton Henge Garin. Jonn W. McWane, Director Richard R. Lewis. Projects Coordinator Auchors contributing te the Hectonies ard Maticai Instrumentation Program werd Robert 1. Be Wilhian Crochetiste, Tarts Uy Prie Ry flonca, Unisersity of Arizona Ouida Norris, Monroy Commnmniny Colles. Bruce D. Weadlues. Masachitsetis Listiture of Technale: shtoa, Northeastern Urisersity ersity The Ciuricutun Devclopment Larberitor, wishes th express heir appre: ing This modale ty tow Ho rocayrition. She is ciation for thy kel ef mary ponple Sa bv form. One arember ef the sen deserves Mary AL Heffernan, Mensceipt Ly nist, Wustyctior Layout and Ciraphie Con position addition. special thatth, Nathaniel rath. Massachusetts institute ef Teclisalegy Hanes D. Klemas Fant Uris crsits Finally wy wonkl like 10 achuros keclge the cooperation aind salisible Criticism of the aamy fecichers who participated ia our field tris! vvaluation of the materiel The muleriats contained herein were developed purstkant Lo a contract with tis OMSee OF Fdveation, LS. Departnent ot Healthy, Laluication sind Weliure. Protect Nnsber $0219. Grunt Number OL G-U-000973- ISS 4O8S1, Contractors mndertcha sovernment Jo express freely their professional juulse= project, Points of sew: or opininns stated such projects under sponsorsbip are eneourses rent in the eanduct of th alo not, veretore, necessarily represent otficial Office at Pusation position rr pobes THE MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR Copyright © 1976 by echnical Education Research Centers. AU rights. reserved. Printed in the United States of Anteriea, No part of this publication mas he reproduced. stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any fom hy aay means. elcetronic, mechanical, photocopying recording oF otherwise. without the prior written permission of the publisher Copstight is ekimed untit January £1981 Tbereatter sll portions of this Sork covered by copyright will be in the public domain, TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION, sranmiurtcing Tc Mo BACKGROUND. GOALS. PRERFQUISTELS GLOSSARY DISCUSSION: Atari zing Pre Carcnirs THE MONOSTABLE: MULTIVIBRATOR: Op-Amp With Poste And Negative Feedback Hifect OF A Capacitor Amplitude OF The Output Pulse Time Duration OF The Output Pulse. MONOST ALLE. MULITIVIBRATOR WITH TRIGGER COUPLIN Recovery Tine Duty Cycle Man inure Frequeacs The Maximum Frequency cece CIRCUIT DESIGN INFORMATION CIRCLED PERFORMANCE DATA EXPERIMENTS. Measuring Cirvieit Performances SUMMARY MATERIALS AND FOUIMENT OUTPUT IN THE STRADS-STATE Output With Triggered Lyput RECOVERY TIME APPERNDIN. DERIVATIONS: Input Voliave. Output Palse Bidth T ree a ty 7 "7 1s introduction: summarizing BACKGROUND The ope; instruments d nism of a wade variety of electrons pends on thy ability to y events Lo occur in tie proper ime sequence To do this ifs often necessary to mse a cir cuit which gives in wutpat pulse of fixed width when triggered by ar inpat sigacl Sach a circuit iy called neve OF Mane stabs nuultivibnictor, Vio tern fo the existence of amd another thet 8 openly stable wher Ursggered by an input signal, “Oaystiet Fors to this temporarily stable nutput puise onostalle™ refers one stable” e&tput state which is produced by he Wigeer input EXAMPLES OF INPUT TRIGGER PULSES the module Ideally. the one-shot multivéhratar produces, etectingulir sitpat pulse with v time dora which i not affected Sighal This behavior ts At the Fat time 2. Ale output pte F,, i triggered, Note tht the pulse wideh 7's thy sume io nutter what the input phe salths. The one-shot multive fore as in which distorted! or variably ShatpesE ip pubses ce contvertech into nie Tint siqtare shapes. tian and ve by the pe of in Plustratedl seh unplitud matically i Figure | ousel of the input puls brathr is sommetinnes sed ther yuu e shaper STANDARD QUTPUT PULSE ty Vo vi ONE-SHOT 4 oe [—° t y AULTIVIBBATOR| ke \y : Sorte { t t DURATION 7 Fioure 1 BASIC INPUT PLUTPUT BEHAVIOR OF A aeceDE Topat H8eS wi itu Vig and th put preise. Oneshot ult and aegsite wtivibrarors are often « a caslaty of shapes and eanvert thet duration T. Theos difforent input signals are shown, alt of whoch will produce the same out 10 provi TRIGGER POINT ONE-SHOT MULTIVIBRATOR, Tho one-shot wit HO a Starulseairer Ostut pulse oF constant amp. Ieqauts to circuits that enquire pulses af uniforps Dependiie ne tise details oF the puctign ar cizeuit, The an tynat oF al Oreesiea weltes bee tar can hea prnitis eso ealis pss, aye The DC atts he al vastus pose ond oneltivibrator cay ale by tisy # positivezoing or 9 ced By liye peut sel Phe busie boise ior by sili tiie same has eer singe the marpan pubs iv alwass of const amplitude and costar width whevievet The mulouibrtter is triggered Sirol vali One way 16 build 20%. fe aise an opsaMnp WILE Tecsiteick bes both My inverting) end nen insert Witt positive foeuback, th an nuipui sel Voapeis posi Ga se Cat is equeal te ether the tive satunitinn vabic By cl th citer. the time diss positive or the re contrnllin venting input with a The chtige Srv alt hon in Mle onestate cin ule be comtrolled BOALS. The purpere af ists module is fe excita, tebe gos onesstint aE nos veil) ane ainaplitude: in pospenye torus yet the use lam apeiriy sire mult istisratir te prisdice i pat trigger Upon comipledien et this modude. the student should be ubis t0. Pxploin the nposation of the « alts fhractor © Roomesize ai opegcin eltenit designed te operate us a otesshor ricultisibsatiar, © Understand the Tocters whisk deter ning the pale wisltiy seal the dity whee FRx plein the tou em erg dinde to ine orease The Wty ek sis Mesure the maximus autpat tre quency Build i) ose-shot rcltivibrstor using ain ep an PREREQUISITES Hig analysis et thy vay-sbet wiultivibriter Viisis edits issidiieet extension of the hoes canerted asc anlage letel detec hes Siedler b soil thotefore have a Us visogah wadyistindise or the Opertionstl Aniptiticn arst Vokuse tere) Wetectin Meus thes 2 the Manostsble Multisibiator, Hho student shoud alse be Vaambae With Hie Erunsient respanse af sine Ble RO stents ead he able to operate basic clestrene test oycipeient. ipekuting a DC tote ahh Vittey o8 Tunetion senerater. and oscil GLOSSARY PETE OVELE Wes poole Tol she mnallrhratar oucput isin the om tale Garis vary nutput eyele UONONT GEL MEP PIER TEOR ON GHPAnT WIL One SLeble Output state done remusirsicily seible site: which Vhs puts root hy ain ipa DNESHOE MEL EEEIBR ALOR — Sanna. One soot Fetets To the singly nutput pulse the moaostahie nultis ibrutor of Five time duration praduced Py aa, arbalnses Urigger ingle PULSE PORATION © "2" The length of Jiete that the niatltisibedor eutpit pulle stays itt the temporarily-stuble alate, Serie as pulse width RECOVERY BIODL Peoullel 9 Hh the negative toed bite re- sistur ty provide o ripid chara of C Follow ing fe rebirw at the eutput te the stubble state. Lhe divides iets to de \ dine phiced in Ne thay recovery time and menewse Hie maine duty evcle RECOVERY FIME = vt, Phe time re (iired for the multivibsrater circuit to setUET U9 tty ibitial state after the come pleting of an autput pute discussion: analyzing THE MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR In studying the Operations! Aeaplitier. the effet of negative fovliack apphed te the Inverling input wis examined. The Voltage Level Deteetor iatroduced the ofteet oF positive feedback applied ty the roneins ert ing opamp input. Ap opamp eiscuit in whieh feedback is applicd 19 bee Sopsts combines both pewib¥e and positive feed- ack, tor cigewit. [the relative amount of tecd- buck to etch inpat is coutrolied by the charging of y capacitor. the wet eestlt is a cireuit whose output switelies between thy positive and negative saturating values, The uh Forms the basis oF the rmelticibsra- emiounL of Time spent in the Lesperary slate is dolerinined by the capscitar tine constant Op-Amp With Positive And Negative Feed back: 2) Figure both positive positive feedback Let us first consider tis circuit The opamp is connected 8th and negative #eedback. 1 is provided by the yoltaue divider network Rjand Ky. and negaiive | throug & ». Because there isu positive Peed= ack path. if is possible oe the amplifier output to take on erty the positisy vr the negative saturation saliis, The fitst step in sdback is provided the circuits Figure 2. AN OP-AMP CIRCUIT WITH POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE FEEDBACK 1S THE HEART OF THE MULTIVIBRATOR. Algative feedback Is pro- vided through Ry and posit ve feedback is obtemed fromm the voltage divider network of fy and Fy tn he circurt, the ouiyaut is fixed at the negative Satur ation value +V. the analy sis will be to determine what effect the conditions at the op-amp output heave on the input hy way of the feedback paths. Level amp out From thy discussion of the Volt Dotectur, itis recalled that the op- putts driven to the positive saturation value ef owben Fy iy givater than | >, Conversely tise situ hon waie iTisdiben te the

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