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Sainab Kika. C12108290. THE EFFECT OF BALLOONS BLOWING EXERCISE TO LUNG CAPACITY CHANGES ON BRONCHIAL ASTHMATIC PATIENTS IN DR.WAHIDIN SUDIROHUSODO, MAKASSAR, guided by Takdir Tahir and Silvia Malasari (xii +56 +12 page appendix table +6 +3 Scheme). Background: One of the world health problem is asthma. In Indonesia noted that the prevalence of asthma ranges from 3.8% -6.9%, and the third largest non-communicable diseases in Makassar. Knowledge of asthma has not been evenly distributed, so many are focused on treatment of asthma with the use of drugs. Currently focused on preventive management of asthma attacks and reduce the impact of therapy asthma.The efficient theraphy for people with asthma are blowing a balloon, but research is still small. Purpose: To determine whether there is an influence on the practice of blowing balloon to capacity lung of patients with bronchial asthma. Methods: This study used pre-post test design. This study sample of 15 patients with asthma and 14 days of research time. Data retrieved from medical records of patients in DR.Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital, from JanuaryJune 2011. Results: The study used a Wilcoxon test, obtained p-value = 0.001, which means there is the influence of balloon blowing exercise with the changes of capacity lung of asthmatic patients. Conclusion & Suggestions: There are significant differences between the Force Ekspiratory Volume in One second (FEV1) with asthma who follow the balloons blowing exercises before and after exercises in 2 weeks, where the value of FEV1 before exercise lower than the value of FEV1 after exercises. Further research can be expected to increase the number of samples and examine the effects of exercise ballons blowing on reducing the frequency of asthma attack. Keywords: Ballons blowing up, lung capacity, FEV1dan Bronchial Asthma RESOURCES: 40 literatures (2001-2011)

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