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Program for Array Based Representation of Linear List using templates

#include<iostream.h> #include<constream.h> template<class T> class LinearList { private: int length; int MaxSize; T *element; public: LinearList(int MaxLinearSize=10); ~LinearList(){delete[]element;} int isEmpty()const{return length==0;} int Length()const{return length;} int Find(int k,T&x)const; int Search(const T&x)const; void Delete(int k,T&x); void Insert(int k,const T&x); void Output()const; }; template<class T> LinearList<T>::LinearList(int MaxListSize) { MaxSize=MaxListSize; element=new T[MaxSize]; length=0; } template<class T> int LinearList<T>::Find(int k,T&x)const { if(k<1||k>length) return 0; x=element[k-1]; return 1; } template<class T> int LinearList<T>::Search(const T&x)const { for(int i=0;i<length;i++) if(element[i]==x) return ++i; return 0; } template<class T> void LinearList<T>::Delete(int k,T&x) { if(Find(k,x)) { for(int i=k;i<length;i++) element[i-1]=element[i]; length--; } else cout<<"out of bounds\n";

} template<class T> void LinearList<T>::Insert(int k,const T&x) { if(k<0||k>length) cout<<"out of bounds\n"; if(length==MaxSize) cout<<"no memory\n"; for(int i=length-1;i>=k;i--) element[i+1]=element[i]; element[k]=x; length++; } template<class T> void LinearList<T>::Output()const { if(isEmpty()) cout<<"list is empty\n"; else for(int i=0;i<length;i++) cout<<element[i]<<"\t"; } void menu() { cout<<"\n MENU\n" ; cout<<"-----------\n"; cout<<"1.Length\n"; cout<<"2.Find\n"; cout<<"3.Search\n"; cout<<"4.Delete\n"; cout<<"5.Insert\n"; cout<<"6.Output\n"; cout<<"-------------\n"; } void main() { int ch; int k,x,len,p; clrscr(); LinearList <int> obj; do { menu(); cout<<"enter choice\t"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: len=obj.Length(); if(len==0) cout<<"List is empty\n"; else cout<<"length of linearlist is "<<len<<endl; break; case 2: cout<<"enter k,x(position and value)\n"; cin>>k>>x;

p=obj.Find(k,x); if(p==1) cout<<"found"<<endl; if(p==0) cout<<"not found"<<endl; break; case 3: cout<<"enter x(value)\n"; cin>>x; p=obj.Search(x); if(p) cout<<"searching is sucessful and found at"<<p<<endl; else cout<<"searching not sucessful"<<endl; break; case 4: cout<<"enter k,x(position and value)\n"; cin>>k>>x; obj.Delete(k,x); break; case 5: cout<<"enter k,x(index and value)\n"; cin>>k>>x; obj.Insert(k,x); break; case 6: cout<<"elements in the list are:\n\n"; obj.Output(); break; default: cout<<"invalid choice\n"; break; } } while(ch>=1&&ch<=6); getch(); }

Program to implement linked representation of Linear list using templates

#include<iostream.h> #include<constream.h> #include<stdlib.h> template<class T> class ChainNode { friend Chain<T>; private: T data; ChainNode<T>*link; }; template<class T> class Chain { private: ChainNode<T>*first; public: Chain() { first=0; } ~Chain(); int IsEmpty()const; int Length()const; int Find(int k,T&x); int Search(const T&x); void Delete(int k,T&x); void Insert(int k,const T&x); void Output(); }; template<class T> Chain<T>::~Chain() { ChainNode<T>*next; while(first) { next=first->link; delete first; first=next; } } template<class T> int Chain<T>::Length()const { ChainNode<T>*current=first; int len=0; while(current) { current=current->link; len++; } return len; } template<class T>

int Chain<T>::Find(int k,T&x) //set x to the kth element in the chain //return 0 if no kth element, return 1 otherwise { if(k<1) return 0; ChainNode<T>*current=first; int index=1; //index of current while(index<k&&current) { current=current->link; index++; } if(current&&x==current->data) return 1; else return 0; //no kth element } template<class T> int Chain<T>::Search(const T&x) { ChainNode<T>*current=first; int index=1; //index of current while(current&&current->data!=x) { current=current->link; index++; } if(current) { return index; } else return 0; } template<class T> void Chain<T>::Delete(int k,T&x) { if(k<1||!first) cout<<"out of bounds\n"; //no kth element ChainNode<T>*p=first; if(k==1) //p is already at k first=first->link; //remove else { ChainNode<T>*q=first; for(int index=1;index<k-1&&q;index++) { q=q->link; } if(!q||!q->link) cout<<"the element doesnot exist\n"; p=q->link; q->link=p->link; //remove from linked list //free node p delete p; }

} template<class T> void Chain<T>::Insert(int k,const T&x) { if(k<0) cout<<"out of bounds\n"; //no kth element //p will be eventually to kth node ChainNode<T>*p=first; for(int index=1;index<k&&p;index++) p=p->link; if(k>0&&!p) cout<<"out of bounds\n"; //no kth element ChainNode<T>*y=new ChainNode<T>; y->data=x; if(k) { //insert after p y->link=p->link; p->link=y; } else { y->link=first; first=y; } } template<class T> void Chain<T>::Output() { ChainNode<T>*p=first; while(p) { cout<<p->data<<"\t"; p=p->link; } } void menu() { cout<<"\n MENU\n"; cout<<"1.Length\n"; cout<<"2.Find\n"; cout<<"3.Search\n"; cout<<"4.Delete\n"; cout<<"5.Insert\n"; cout<<"6.Output\n"; } void main() { int choice; int k,x,len,p; clrscr(); Chain<int>obj; do {

menu(); cout<<"enter choice\n"; cin>>choice; switch(choice) { case 1: len=obj.Length(); if(len==0) cout<<"List is empty\n"; else cout<<"length of linkedlist is "<<len<<endl; break; case 2: cout<<"enter k,x(position and value)\n"; cin>>k>>x; p=obj.Find(k,x); if(p==1) cout<<"found"<<endl; if(p==0) cout<<"not found"<<endl; break; case 3: cout<<"enter x(value)\n"; cin>>x; p=obj.Search(x); if(p) cout<<"searching is sucessful and found at "<<p<<endl; else cout<<"searching not sucessful"<<endl; break; case 4: cout<<"enter k,x(position and value)\n"; cin>>k>>x; obj.Delete(k,x); break; case 5: cout<<"enter k,x(index and value)\n"; cin>>k>>x; obj.Insert(k,x); break; case 6: cout<<"elements in the list are:\n\n"; obj.Output(); break; default: cout<<"invalid choice\n"; } } while(choice>=1&&choice<=6); getch(); }

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