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Ac=diIM by e> '>'I'M GROW'

Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc 95 Dalrix Sample Foundation Questions
Datrix Foundation Questions Day 1
Aoc",dit! by e) AI'\1 GROUI'
Exam Title:
PRINCE 2 Foundation
Candidate Number;
2 ~ .
0" A
B c o

A B C 0
Sub-Tolal _
Marker Initials
P2PS DelNotes 09 b1.doc
TotCll Score _
97 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
Accrcdilcd by t\J'\1 GROUP
1. Which of these is not a section in the Business Case?
a). Expected dis-benefits
J'b). Exception procedure
c). Investment Appraisal
d). Reasons
2. Apart from "Initiating a Project" in which process is the Business Case updated?
a). Managing Product Delivery
b). Controlling a Stage
J3). Managing a Stage Boundary
d). Authorising a Stage
3. Which process is used to design the structure of the project management team?
a). Directing a Project
P). Initiating a Project
c). Authorising a Project
d). Starting Up a Project
4. Name one of the products created during the process "Starting Up A
a). Project Mandate
b). Project Initiation Document
pr Project Brief
d}. Issue Register
5. What does PRINCE regard as the driving force of a project?
a). The Risk Register
b). The Project Initiation Document
c). The Project Brief
,pr. The business benefits
P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc 99 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
I -- ~
~ .... PRINCE2
.... ccmliled by e) .."P\l GROl,;r'
6. The decision on whether a project's solution will be contracted to third parties is made in
which product?
a). The Project Plan
b). The Project Approach
.er The Project Initiation Document
d). The Quality Management Strategy
7. Who is appointed first during the process Starting Up a Project?
a). Senior User
b). Team Manager
c). The Project Manager
d). Senior Supplier
a. In which document does PRINCE2 insist that the Acceptance Criteria first appear?
a). Project Mandate
b). Project Product Description
e). Project Initiation Document
d). Project Plan
9. Which process turns a Project Mandate into a Project Brief?
a). Initiating a Project
b). Authorising Initiation
c). Managing Product Delivery
po( Starting Up a Project
1. 1O. What is the fundamental reason behind the Activity "Authorize Initiation"?
a). No-one should commit to large expenditure without thoroughly understanding the
work to be undertaken
b). The investment of time and money spent on initiating a project is worthwhile.
c). No one should commit to significant expenditure without checking that the project
will be appropriately controlled.
d). It is important to spot problems early and react to them.
Dalrix Sample Foundation Questions 100 P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc
11. What does PRINCE take as the uofficial" start of a project?
a). Project Mandate
b). Appointment of Project Manager and Executive
,c). Authorize Initiation
ji). Authorising the Project initiation Document
f j ~ PRINCE2'
Ac<n'dilW bv <?) ."1'\1 GROUP
12. Which role is responsible for seeking approval for completed products?
a). Senior Supplier
b). Project Assurance
c). Team Manager
d). Configuration Librarian
13. In a Customer/Supplier environment, which party would need a Business Case?
Jl( The customer.
b). The supplier.
cl. Both.
d). Neither.
14. An independent Quality Assurance group would be most likely 10 be appointed to which
,a). Project Assurance.
b). Project Support Team.
c). Programme Support Team.
d). None of the above.
15. The role operating the Configuration Management method would normally be:
a). Configuration Auditor
b). Project Support
c). Project Assurance
d). Version Controller
P2PS DetNotes 09 b1.doc 101 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
16. Who is accountable for project assurance?
a). The Project Board
b). The Project Manager
c). The Project Assurance Team
d). The Project Support Office
17. In which Process is the Project Brief produced?
.ay. Starting Up A Project
b). Initiating A Project
c). Authorising Initiation
d). Authorising A Project
18. Who is appointed first in Starting Up A Project?
1. Project Board Executive
2. Project Sponsor
3. Project Manager
4. Project Suppcrt
a). 1 and 2
b). 1 and 3
c). 1,2and3
d). 3 and 4
19. In which Process should the Customer's Quality Expectations first be understood?
~ a). Starting Up A Project
)f). Initiating A Project
c). Directing A Project
d). Managing Product Delivery
20. What is an input to the activity MAuthorize Initiation
a). The Project Brief
b). The Project Plan
c). Adraft Project Initiation Document
d). The Initial Business Case
Oatrix Sample Foundation Questions '02
P2P5 DelNoles 09 bl.doc
21. Which is a specific responsibility of Project Assurance?
a). Deciding on Project Issues.
b). Checking that the right people are involved.
c). Giving ad hoc direction to the Project Manager.
d). Reporting highlights 10 the Project Board.
22. Which of these roles is responsible for the Business Case?
a). Team Manager
b). Project Manager
c). Senior User
d). Executive
23. Which one of these statements describes the true purpose of Acceptance Criteria?
a). A justification for undertaking the Project based on estimated costs and anticipated
b). To establish the rough quality expectations of the Customer
~ ) . A measurable definition of what must be done for the project product to be
acceptable to the Customer
d). To provide a mechanism for the Executive to inform Corporate or Programme
Management of the minimum standards required
24. What should back up the PRINCE2 project management team structure?
a). A set of levelled plans
b). Product Descriptions
c). Role descriptions
d). An agreed set of stages
25. Which does PRINCE2 regard as the third project interest, given User and Supplier as the
other two?
a). Technical
b). Management
c). Business
d). Quality
P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc 103 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
---- -------------------
Acc:re<!ned by e) AP\1 GRQLr
26. On behalf of whom do any appointed assurance roles assure the Project?
a). Project Executive
b). Corporate Management
c). Project Manager
d). One or more members of the Project Board
27. PRINCE2 assumes that the Project Manager comes from:
a). The Supplier
b}. The Project Support Office
c). An independent consultancy
sf). The Customer
28. VVhich of these is mandatory in a PR1NCE2 project?
a). The use of Team Plans
b). The use of Exception Plans
c). The use of Quality Reviews
.p). The use of Stages
29. In which Process should the Customer's Quality Expectations first be understood?
'a). Starting Up A Project
.0). Initiating A Project
c). Authorising A Project
d). Authorising Initiation
30. In which process is the Issue Register created?
a). Starting up a Project
p). Initiating a Project
c). Authorising Initiation
d). Authoring a Project
Datrix Sample Foundation Questions 104 P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc
Ac,TlXliroxl by ~ AI'\! GROW'
31. Which of these products is not part of the Project Initiation Document?
p). The next Stage Plan
b). The Communication Management Strategy
c). The Project Plan
d). The Quality Management Strategy
32. Which of the following products is NOT created during the PRINCE2 process model?
a). Project Brief
b). Project Mandate
c). Project Initiation Document
d). Project Plan
33. Which of the following is NOT included in the Composition list of the Project Initiation
Document Outline Product Description?
,a). Project Mandate
b). Business Case
c). Quality Management Strategy
d). Communication Management Strategy
34. Which of the following is NOT a PRlNCE2 definition of a project?
a). Uses a defined amount of resources
b). Uses a defined set of techniques
c). Has a finite and defined life span
d). Produces defined and measurable business products
135. What is/are defined as standard elements to tolerance?
a). Quality & Time
b). Time & Cost
c). Percentage
d). Cost & Scope
~ r - . ( N (
P2PS Del Notes 09 b1.doc 105 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
Accm:lilro by e> AP\1 GROLI'
36. In PRINCE 2 what is another term for 'deliverable'?
a). Item
b). Package
~ ) . Product
d). Component
37. The key to successful use of the process model is where each process is approached with
a key question. Which of the following is the key question?
a). Is this process really relevant and necessary to this project?'
). 'How extensively should this process be applied on this project?'
c). 'Is how I use this process clear? If not, is it any clearer at the next level down?'
d). 'How can I prove that I have done this process adequately?'
38. Which oflhe following are Tolerance elements?
1. Time
2. Scope
3. Risk
4. Change
a). 1,2,3,4
4. 1,2,3
c). 2,3,4
d). 1,2.4
39. The Project Board has authority and responsibility for the project within the remit of what
.a). The Project Initiation Document
b). The Project Mandate
c). The Risk Register
d). The End Project Report
40. What product provides a summary of quality checks held?
a). Issue Register
b). Risk Register
.c). Quality Register
d). End Stage Report
Datrix Sample Foundation Questions 106 P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc
Datrix Foundation Questions Day 1 Answers
Question Answer Question Answer
1 B 26 D
2 C 27 D
3 D 28 D
4 C 29 A
5 D 30 B
6 B 31 A
7 C 32 B
8 B 33 A
9 D 34 B
10 B 35 B
11 C 36 C
12 C 37 B
13 C 38 B
14 A 39 B
15 B 40 C
16 A 41
17 A 42
18 B 43
19 A 44
20 A 45
21 B 46
22 D 47
23 C 48
24 C 49
25 C 50
cV ,0,1';"1 GROUr
P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc 107 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
Datrix Foundation Questions Day 2
Exam Title.
Exam Ref:
PRINCE 2 Foundation
CandIdate Number:
SUb-Total _
Qu A B C

D Qu A B
c D Qu A B C D

Marker Initials
P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc
Total Score
BooloJa: ID. 39
Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
A<Cf-cdilcd by e> A1'\l GROUP
1. What does PRINCE 2 cover...
a). The Product Ufespan
b). The Project Lifecycle
"e). The project fifecycle plus some pre-project preparation
d). The project fjfecycle plus some post-project activity
2. What is NOT a step in Risk Management?
a). Identify
c). Assess
d). Implement
3. The person responsible for monitoring a risk is called its.. ?
b). Monitor
c). Custodian
d). Supporter
4. Risk Management consists of Identify, Assess, , Implement and Communicate. Which
of the following is the missing element?
a). Estimate
b). Assess
c). Execute
p) Plan
5. Which of these is NOT a valid Risk Management action?
a). Avoid
;Or Deny
c). Reduce
d). Transfer
P2P5 Del Notes 09 b1.doc 111 Dalrix Sample Foundation Questions
Aecmilltd by e) ,,1'\1 GIIDL?
6. Risk Assessment comprises Estimate and Which of the following is the missing
a). Risk Responses
b). Model
;t{. Evaluate
d). Plan
7. After Initiation in which process is the re-examination of risks mandated?
a). Controlling a Stage
,b). Managing a Stage Boundary
c). Managing Product Delivery
d). Closing a Project
8. Which of the following does risk management NOT involve?
,P>' Avoiding all risks
b). Access to reliable, up.todate information about risks
c). Decision making supported by risk analysis and evaluation
d). Processes to monitor risks
9. What purpose does risk response selection serve?
a). Decides how important each risk is.
p). Evaluating a range of options for treating risks.
c). Determines the potential risks which could be faced by the project.
d). Preventing a risk
t 10. If the Project Plan requires updating, which other two management products should be
possibly updated?
a). Quality Management Strategy and Project Brief
b). Quality Management Strategy and Exception Plan
t c). Business Case and Risk Register
d). Business Case and Project Approach
Datrix Sample Foundation Questions 112 P2P5 OelNotes 09 bl.doc:
Accml;led by e) AI'.\! GROUI'
11. In PRINCE the term Ustage":
a). Applies to a set of related functions.
b). The collective noun for a number of phases.
p). Describes a partitioning of the project with decision points.
d). Relates to payment for work done.
12. In which Activity are Checkpoint Reports created?
a). Execute a Work Package
b). Assessing Progress
c). Reporting Highlights
d). Reviewing Stage Status
13. Approval for the completed products is obtained as part of which process?
a). Closing a Project
,)1. Managing Product Delivery
c). Managing a Stage Boundary
d). Controlling a Stage
14. In which process are checks made for changes to the project management team?
a}. Starting up a Project
.p). Managing a Stage Boundary
c). Closing a Project
d). Directing a Project
15. In which activity of Controlling a Stage is a Stage Plan updated with actuals?
a). Planning a Stage
"b'l. Review Work Package Status
c). Escalate issues and risks
d). Report Highlights
P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc 113 Dalrix Sample Foundation Questions
16. When is a Quality Management Strategy created?
a). In 'Starting up a Project'
Pi. During Initiation
c). As part of 'Managing a Stage Boundary'
d). As part of the Project Mandate
6. ..... PRINCE2.
Accredited by e) ,1.1'\1 GROUP
<117. In a Customer/Supplier environment with a single external supplier, how many Quality
Management Systems willlhere be?
a). Three
b). Two
d). None .
18. Which product is an input la the Project Plan during Initiation
,a). The Project Approach
b). The Project Initiation Document
c). The Business Case
d). Project Management team structure
19. Which activity produces a Team Plan
}'f. Authorize a Work Package
b). Execute a Work Package
c). Review Work Package Status
d). Accept a Work Package
1 20. Which of the following agreements are covered in the Quality Management Strategy?
a). When each product will be tested
b). By whom each product will be tested
t c). The techniques and standards to be used
,<I). All of the above
Datrix Sample Foundation Questions 114 P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc
Acm,dilcd by c:) AI'\1 GROUI'
21. Quality responsibilities, both within and external to the project, are defined in which
a). Starting Up a Project
b). Managing a Stage Boundary
)3). Initiating a Project
d). Directing a Project
22. Which process may be carried out by external suppliers using their own specialist
a). Managing a Stage Boundary
b). Starting Up a Project
c). Directing a Project
" d ~ ~ Managing Product Delivery
23. What provision in Planning can be made for implementing Requests for Change?
a). Project and Stage Tolerances.
,b). A Change Budget.
c). Contingency Plans.
d). Adding a contingency margin in estimates.
24. What is the fundamental principle behind the process "Managing Product Delivery"?
a). Before a Work Package is allocated to the team, there should be agreement with the
Project Board on what is to be delivered
)r( A controlled break between Project Manager and product creation/provision by third
party Suppliers
c). To ensure that regular progress reports are made
d). To allow Quality Assurance to check the product quality
25. What is a direct input to the Quality Management Strategy?
a). The Corporate Quality Plan
b). The Business Case
c). Quality Reviewers Assignments
4' Customers Quality Expectations
P2P5 Del Notes 09 b1.doc 115 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
Accrcdile<l hy e) AI'\l c,ROt:r
26. Where it is forecast that a deviation beyond tolerance will occur, which product will contain
as assessment of the various options?
rf. Exception Plan
b). Highlight Report
c). Exception Report
d). The next Stage Plan
27. Where, minimally, should the Lessons Log be updated?
/3J. Planning a Stage
~ b). Reporting Stage End
c). Updating a Project Plan
d). Producing an Exception Plan
28. Apart from the Issue Register, which other product may be updated in the activity Capture
and examine issues and risks
a). The Stage Plan
rh1- The Risk Register
c). The Work Package
d). The Business Case
29. As part of Review Work Package Status the Project Manager looks al Checkpoint Reports,
Work Packages status and what other product?
a). The Project Plan
P). The Quality Register
c). The Business Case
d). The Risk Register
30. Which report is senl by a Team Manager 10 the Project Manager?
a). Highlight Report
.1. Checkpoint Report
c). Exception Report
d). End Stage Report
Dalrix Sample Foundation Questions 116 P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc
Acc",ditO'd bye) AI
1 31. In which activity are team plans produced?
a). Execute a Work Package
~ b). Accept a Work Package
..e). Authorize a Work Package
d). Review Stage Status
32. In which process is the Quality Register updated?
)I'). Deliver a Work Package
b). Execute a Work Package
c). Review Stage Status
d). Review Work Package Status
'\ 33. When does a Team Manager report on the status of a Work Package to the Project
a). Weekly Checkpoint Reports.
b). On completion of the Work Package.
c). On an ad hoc basis triggered by the activity Review Work Package Status
d). At the frequency defined in the Work Package.
34. In which Activity are Checkpoint Reports created?
,a). Execute a Work Package
b). Review Work Package Status
c). Report Highlights
d). Review Stage Status
35. Which one of these is NOT a Managing Product Delivery (MP) activity?
a). Accept a Work Package
b). Execute a Work Package
.c:j. Assess Work Package Progress
d). Deliver a Work Package
P2P5 Del Notes 09 b1.doc 117 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
Aro-edlled by e) Al'\I CiROl:P
36. In PRINCE2 all potential changes are dealt with as ... ?
Requests For Change
b). Issues
d). Exceptions
"137. The configuration of the final deliverable of the project is -
a). The single end product
A b). The sum total of its products
c). The interim products
,9). Its product description
38. When should reviewers be appointed for a Quality Review?
a). Project Planning time.
b). Stage Planning time.
"e). Quality Review preparation phase.
d). Project Quality Planning time.
39. If the Project needs staff to handle Configuration Management, they would be part of which
p). Project Support
b). Project Assurance
c). Specialist Team
d). Programme Directorate
'1 40. Authorize a Stage or Exception Plan considers what?

J'l. An Exception Report

b). Monthly progress
c). Next Stage Plan
d). An Exception Plan
Datrix Sample Foundation Questions 118 P2PS DelNotes 09 b1.doc
41. When is a Stage deemed 10 be in exception?

Accn:dilCd by Q) GROUr
a). When Project tolerances have been exceeded
,.b). When Stage tolerances have been exceeded
c). As soon as a Request for Change or Off-Specification has been received
d). As soon as current forecasts for the end of the Stage deviate beyond the delegated
tolerance bounds
42. If there is a request to change a baselined product, and the change can be done within the
stage or Work Package tolerances, how can the decision to implement the change be
a). Team Manager's decision
.p). Project Manager's decision
c). Project Board decision
d). Raise a Risk
1 43. What is the first job carried out on a Project Issue?
a). Allocation of a priority.
p). Logging.
c). Decision on what type of issue.
d). Impact Analysis.
44. Which document describes a failing of a product to meet the customer's requirements?
a). Exception Report
b). Off-Specification
c). Follow-on Action Recommendations
P{ Issue Register
45. In a Quality Review which role does PRINCE2 suggest must ensure that all reviewers are
provided with the relevant review products?
b). Administrator
c). Chair
d). Project Manager
P2PS DelNotes 09 b1.doc 119 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
46. Which of the following is NOT a Project Board control?
Work Package Authorisation
b). Highlight Report
c). Exception assessment
d). Exception Report

I: ... PRINCEr
A=ediled bye) AP\l (;ROLP
47. What function creates, maintains and monitors the use of a Quality System?
a). Project Support
b). Quality Planning
c). Quality Control
.ft). Quality Assurance
48. What product provides a summary of quality checks held?
a). Issue Register
b). Risk Register
c). Quality Register
}). End Stage Report
49. Quality Management is ensuring that?
a), A Quality Management System is created
,0). The quality expected by the customer is achieved
c). Quality Criteria are met
d). Product Quality Criteria are set
50. provides a list of products that may be inputs into the creation of a product and
is a heading in which Management Product?
a). Configuration Management Audit Report
,b). Product Description
c). Team Plan
d). Work Package
Dalrix Sample Foundation Questions 120 P2P5 Del Notes 09 b1.doc
51. Which of these statements is FALSE?
6 "'"" PRINCE2"
Accn:dilro byl APM GHOUP
a). The Project Plan is an overview of the total project.
b). For each stage identified in the Project Plan, a Stage Plan is required.
c). An Exception Plan needs the approval of the Project Board.
9'). At least one Team Plan is required for every Team Manager.
52. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
a). The two standard elements to tolerance are time and cost.
b). Tolerance is the permissible deviation from a plan without bringing the deviation to
the attention of the next higher authority
c). Separate tolerance figures should be given for time and cost.
p( The Project Board have absolute discretion to set new tolerances at Project and
Stage Plan levels whenever they wish 10 whatever levels they wish.
53. Which control allows the Project Board to manage its commitment of resources?
a). Exception report
b). Authorize a Work Package
r)' Authorize a stage
d). Give ad hoc direction
54. Does PRINCE2 mandate a minimum number of Stages? - if so what is the
a). One
,b). Two
c). Three
d). It makes no difference
55. Which Stage does PRINCE2 recommend should always be used?
a). Implementation
b). Testing
c). Start-up
.;Jf Initiation
P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc 121 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
M'tmli'cd by e> AP\1 GROU'
56. In terms of Configuration Management what are described as the assets of a Project?
a). The Resources
b). The Plans
,c). The Products
d). The Business Benefits
57. How many basic steps are there in a Quality Review?
a). Two
b). Three
c). Four
d). Five
58. Which role does PRINCE2 suggest should check that a product is ready for Quality
Project Manager
59. For a Quality Review, who is responsible for advising on suitable reviewers?
a). Producer
b). Review Chair
c). Project Assurance
d). Project Manager
60. In which process would a filing system be set up?
a). Controlling a Stage
b). Starting Up a Project
sf Initiating a Project
d). Managing a Stage Boundary
Oatrix Sample Foundation Questions 122 P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc
Datrix Foundation Questions Day 2 Answers
- . ~
"..:: PRINCE2'
Question Ans Question Ans Question Ans
1 C 26 C 51 0
2 B 27 B 52 0
3 A 2B B 53 C
4 0 29 B 54 B
5 B 30 B 55 0
6 C 31 B 56 C
7 B 32 B 57 B
8 A 33 0 58 0
9 B 34 A 59 C
10 C 35 C 60 C
11 C 36 B 61
12 A 37 B 62
13 B 38 B 63
14 B 39 A 64
15 B 40 0 65
16 B 41 0 66
17 B 42 C 67
18 A 43 B 68
19 0 44 B 69
20 C 45 A 70
21 C 46 A 71
22 0 47 0 72
23 B 48 C 73
24 B 49 B 74
25 0 50 B 75
P2P5 OelNotes 09 b1.doc 123 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
Datrix Foundation Questions Day 3
Accrtdil00 by ci) Al'\1 GROU1'
Exam TlUe.
Exam Ref:
PRINCE 2 Foundation
CandIdate Number:
SubToial SUb-Tolal _
Qo A B c o Qo A 8 C
D Do A B C 0
Marker lnillals
P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc
Tolal Scare
~ : O ~ l l
Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
1. When should a Product Description be written?
,; """ PRINCEZ'
a). At the start of the project.
b). As soon as possible after the need for the product has been identified.
c). At the start of the Stage.
d). After the product has been created.
2. Which one of these is NOT a key criterion for producing a Product Flow Diagram?
a). Are the products clearly and unambiguously defined?
b). On what other products is each product dependent?
c). Is any product dependant on a product outside the scope of the project?
d). Which products can be developed in parallel?
3. Which one of these forms part of a PRINCE2 plan?
a). The Issue Register
b). Error List
c). The Risk Register
d). Points at which progress will be monitored and controlled
4. Which of these is NOT a particular objective of an End stage assessment?
a). Check that the need for the project has not changed.
b), Review the next Stage Plan against the Project Plan.
c). Disseminate useful lessons learned.
d). Review the tolerances set for the Work Packages.
5. Defining when, and by whom, a product will be tested is part of which activity?
a). Prepare the Quality Management Strategy
b). Authorize Work Package
c). Review Work Package Status
d). Plan the next Stage
P2PS DelNotes 09 b1.doc 127 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
6. The activity which is designed 10 update the Project Plan with new forecasts is in which
a). Directing a Project
b). Managing a Stage Boundary.
c). Controlling a Stage
d). Closing a Project
7. When should a Product Description be baselined?
a). As soon as it is available in draft form.
b). When the associated product has passed its quality check.
c). When the plan containing its creation is baseHned.
d). As soon as it is written.
8. Given that producing a Product Breakdown Structure and a Product Flow Diagram are two
of the steps of product-based planning, what is another?
a). Identifying activities and dependencies.
b). Writing Product Descriptions.
c). Scheduling.
d). Defining and analysing products.
9. What is created first in product-based planning?
a). Product Descriptions for all significant products
b). Project Product Description
c). Product Flow Diagram
d). Product Breakdown Structure
10. A Product Group in a Product Breakdown Structure is:
a). A full, complete and unambiguous description of the properties of a product
b). A consensually agreed name for a number of products with similar characteristics
c). The sequence of production of a number of products
d). The name given to the Configuration Items in the Configuration Library
Oatrix Sample Foundation Questions 128 P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc
- ~
f'; ...;: PRINCE2'
Accm!;IC'!l by e) AI'\1 GROUI'
11. What is the correct sequence of creation, recommended in the manual, of:
1) Product Flow Diagram
2) Product Breakdown Structure
3) Product Descriptions?
a). 2, 1, 3
b). 1,2,3
c). 3,2, 1
d). 2,3, 1
12. Which of the following options is NOT part of a plan's composition?
a). Plan Description.
b). Planning assumptions.
c). Monitoring and control
d). Impact on the business case.
13. Which one of these items is listed as a component of a PRINCE2 Plan?
a). The project organisation.
b). External Dependencies
c). Issues Register.
d). Error lists.
14. A typical Exception Plan covers what period?
a). From the problem to the end of the Work Package
b). From the problem to the end of the relevant plan
c). The solution of the problem
d). The work needed to put the Project back within its tolerances
15. Which of the following statements is correct?
a). Project, Stage and Team Plans are all mandatory
b). Project, Stage and Team Plans are all optional
c). Team plans are recommended but optional
d). Team Plans and Exception Plans are mandatory
P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc 129 Datrix Sample Foundation Questions
~ .
- . ~
~ ...;: PRINCE2"
AccrcdilN bJ e> AP1>1 GROUP
16. Which of these processes does not use the common planning approach?
a). Controlling a Stage
b). Starting Up a Project
c). Initiating a Project
d). Managing a Stage Boundary
17. What is the first step in the Planning approach?
a). Define and Analyze Products
b). Identify Activities and Dependencies
c). Design the Plan
d). Schedule
18. Which document lists the major products of a plan with their key delivery dates?
a). Product Description
b). Product Breakdown Structure
c). Checkpoint Report
d). Product Checklist
19. What are described as "the backbone of the management information system required for
any project"?
a). Highlight Reports
b). Plans
c). The control points
d). End Stage Assessments
20. Given that producing a Product Breakdown Structure and a Product Flow Diagram are two
of the steps of product-based planning, which is another?
a). Identifying activities and dependencies
b). Writing the Project Product Description
c). Scheduling
d). Defining and analysing products
Oatrix Sample Foundation Questions 130 P2P5 DelNoles 09 b1.doc
21. In a Product Breakdown Structure what category of product is a Highlight Report?
al. Quality
b). Specialist
d). Management
22. Which statement is NOT a fundamental principle of "Closing a Project"?
a). A clear end la a project provides a useful opportunity to take stock of achievements
and experience
b). A clear end to a project provides an opportunity to ensure that all unachieved goals
and objectives are identified
c). A clear end to a project provides the opportunity to evaluate achievement of all the
expected benefits
d). A clear end to a project is always more successfullhan the natural tendency to drift
into use and subsequent modification of the product
23. What are defined as "partitions of the project with decision points"?
a). Work Packages
b). Product Descriptions
c). Stages
d). Quality Reviews
24. In the PRINCE2 approach, stages and their durations are defined by reference to:
a). The technical skills required.
b). The length of the project.
c). The budget allocated to the project.
d). How far ahead it is sensible to plan in detail.
25. The PRINCE2 concept of "management stages" equates to:
a). the delivery of a major product
b). commitment of resources and authority to spend
c). the use of a particular set of specialist skills
d). design, build and implementation
P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc 131 Dalrix Sample Foundation Questions
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26. Which activity may trigger a premature close to the project?
a). Take Corrective Action
b). Report Highlights
c). Confirm Project Closure
d). Give Ad Hoc Direction
27. Are the majority of PRINCE2 controls described as...
a). Technique-based
b). Exception-based
c). Event Driven
d). Time Driven
28. By what are technical stages typified?
a). They overlap with each other.
b). The use of a particular set of specialist skills.
c). Technical names.
d). Irregular spans of time.
29. Which statement is INCORRECT? Stages are.
a). The amount of work defined in a Work Package
b). Partitions of the Project with decision points
c). Collections of Activities and Products whose delivery is managed as a unit
d). The element of work controlled by the Project Manager on behalf of the Project
30. Whose responsibility is it to set tolerances for each Stage Plan?
a). The Project Manager
b). Project Assurance
c). The Project Board
d). Corporate or programme management
Datrix Sample Foundation Questions 132 P2P5 Del Notes 09 b1.doc
Datrix Foundation Questions Day 3 Answers
Question Answer
1 B
2 A
3 D
4 D
5 D
6 B
7 C
8 B
9 B
10 B
11 D
12 D
13 B
14 B
15 C
16 A
17 C
18 C
19 B
20 B
21 D
22 C
23 C
24 D
25 B
26 D
27 C
28 B
29 A
30 C
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P2P5 DelNotes 09 b1.doc 133 Dalrix Sample Foundation Questions

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