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Annex 2.

Endemic and threatened fauna The endemic Millipede fauna of the East Usambaras (Rodgers & Homewood 1982). Species O. Spirostreptida F. Sprostreptidea Spirostreptus macracanthus Attems, 1914 S. hamatus Demange 1977 Epistreptus austerus Attems, 1950 Pseudotibiozus cerasopus (Attems, 1914) ?4 sp. nov. (genus unknown) F. Odontopygidae ? Odontopyge 5 sp. nov. ? Syndesmogenus 1 sp. nov. 1 sp. nov. (genus unknown) F. Harpagophoridae ? Philoporatia 2 sp. nov. O. Polydesmida F. Paradoxosomatidae Eviulisoma 2 sp. nov. F. Fuhrmannodesmidae ?3 sp. nov. (genus unknown) F. Cryptodesmidae Elythesmus enghoffi Hoffman, 1978 F. ? Pyrgodesmidae 2 sp. nov. (genus unknown) F. Gomphodesmidae Gomphodesmus castaneus Cook, 1896 Astrodesmus 1 sp. 3 gen. nov. each with 1 sp. nov. F. Haplodesmidae Cylindrodesmus laniger

The endemic montane Oxydesmids (Millipedes of family Oxydesmidae) of the East Usambaras (Hoffman 1993).


Ceratodesmus ansatus ansatus hesperus Ceratodesmus cristatus

The endemic Sphecidae, Solitary Predatory Wasps, (Hymenoptera) of the East Usambaras (Rodgers & Homewood 1982).

Species Ammophila occipitalis Arnold, 1947 Carinostigmus johannis (Arnold, 1927) Crossocerus sociabilis (Arnold, 1932) Dasyproctus kibonotensis Cameron, 1908) Dolichurus ignitus F. Smith, 1869) Liris sp. nov. (approximately 20) Oxybelus acutissimus propinquus Arnold, 1927) Oxybelus sp. nov. Pison sp. nov. Sphex sp. nov. Spilomena sp. nov. Trypoxylon sp. nov. 1 - 10

The endemic and near-endemic forest Linyphiid spider fauna of the East Usambara (Scharff 1993).
Species (*) Callitrichia mira (Jocque & Scharff, 1986) (*) Callitrichia pilosa (Jocque & Scharff, 1986) Elgonia basalis (Jocque & Scharff, 1986) Elgonia perturbatrix (Jocque & Scharff, 1986) Elgonia stoltzei Jocque & Scharff, 1986 Erigone prominens Bsenberg & Strand, 1906 Meioneta habra Locket, 1968 Metaleptyphantes clavator Locket, 1968 Microlinyphia sterilis (Pavesi, 1883) Neriene kibonotensis (Tullgren, 1910) Ophrynia rostrata Jocque & Scharff, 1986

Ophrynia uncata Jocque & Scharff, 1986

(*) According to Jocque (1983), Atypena Simon 1894 should be a senior synynym of Callitrichia Fage, 1936, and Wunderlich (1978) has suggested that Oedothorax Bertkau, 1883, shouold be a senior synonym of Toschia di Caporiacco, 1949 and Callitricha Fage, 1936. Here the Atypena species described by Jocque & Scharff (1986) are referred to Callitrichia: Callitrichia mira (Jocque & Scharff, 1986); Callitrichia pilosa (Jocque & Scharff, 1986).

The endemic terrestrial mollusca of the East Usambara Mountains (Rodgers & Homewood 1982).

Family Subulinidae

Name Euonyma magilensis (Craven) Hypolysia connollyana (K. Pfeiffer) H. usambarica Verdcourt Opeas nothapalinus crenatum Verdcourt Opeas sp. Pseudoglessula acutissima Verdcourt P. conradti (von Martens) P. leroyi fasciata (Connolly) Subulina ordinaria (Preston) S. usambarica (K. Pfeiffer)

Endodontidae Bradybaenidae Ariophantidae Urocyclidae

Punctum hottentotum mkusiensis Verdcourt Halolimnohelix conradti (von Martens) Sitala mazumbaiensis Verdcourt Atrichotoxon usambarense (Verdcourt) Elisolimax rufescens (Simroth) Leptichnus bernardi van Goethem Thapsia grandis Verdcourt T. microsculpta Verdcourt T. usambarensis Verdcourt Trichotoxon martensi (Heynemann) T. usambarensis Verdcourt Slug genus & sp. unknown (Other slugs occur at Amani. A collection of some 15 spp. were lost before identification).


Edentulina usambarensis Bequaert & Clench

Gonaxis usambarensis Verdcourt G. vosseleri (Thiele) Gulella alleni Verdcourt G. amaniensis Verdcourt G. bomolensis Verdcourt G. conradti (von Martens) G. conradti reductidentata Verdcourt G. cuspidata Verdcourt G. foliifera (von Martens) G. gouldi globulosa (K. Pfeiffer) G. greenwayi Verdcourt G. grossa (von Martens) G. gwendolinae mkusiensis Verdcourt G. inconspicua (Thiele) G. intrusa Verdcourt G. lornae lornae Verdcourt G. ludwigi Verdcourt & Venmans G. ndamanyiluensis Venmans G. paucidens Verdcourt G. subhyalina addita (von Martens) G. translucida K. pfeiffer G. unidentata K. Pfeiffer G. usagarica msambaa Verdcourt G. usagarica satura Haas G. usambarica (Craven) Ptychotrema usambarense Verdcourt Tayloria angustestriata K. Pfeiffer T. hyalinoides Thiele T. usambarica usambarica Graven

Diversity and endemism in the East Usambara forest herpetofauna (Howell 1993).
Number of forest species T/N endemics T/N endemics to the East Usambara Amphibians 20 Reptiles 26 17/20 = 85% 15/26 = 57.6% 0 1/26 = 3.8%

Total 46

32/46 = 69.5%

1/46 = 2.1%

Note: T/N, Tanganyika - Nyasa forest

The Eastern Africa endemic forest-dependent amphibians and reptiles recorded in the East Usambaras (Howell 1993).
Amphibia ARTHROLEPTIDAE Arthroleptis affinis (Ahl, 1939) Schoutedenella xenodactyla (Boulenger, 1909) BUFONIDAE Bufo brauni (Neiden, 1910) Nectophrynoides tornieri (Roux, 1906) HYPEROLIIDAE Afrixalus uluguruensis (Barbour & Loveridge, 1928) Leptopelis barbouri (Ahl, 1929) Leptopelis parkeri (Barbour & Loveridge, 1928) Leptopelis uluguruensis (Barbour & Loveridge, 1928) Leptopelis vermiculatus (Boulenger, 1909) MICROHYLIDAE Probreviceps macrodactylus (Nieden, 1926) Hoplophryne rogersi (Barbour & Loveridge, 1928) RANIDAE Arthroleptides martiensseni (Nieden, 1910) Phrynobatrachus kreffti (Boulenger, 1909) CAECILIIDAE Boulengerula boulengeri (Tornier, 1896) SCOLECOMORPHIDAE Scolecomorphus vittatus (Boulenger, 1895) Reptilia GEKKONIDAE Urocotyledon wolterstorffi (Tornier, 1900) Lygodactylus conradti (Matschie, 1892) CHAMAELEONIDAE Bradypodion spinosum (Matschie, 1892) Bradypodion tenue (Matschie, 1892) Chamaeleo deremensis (Matschie, 1892) Rhampholeon brevicaudatus (Matschie, 1892) Rhampholeon temporalis (Matschie, 1892 TYPHLOPIDAE Typhlops gierrai (Mocquard, 1897)

COLUBRIDAE Geodipsas vauerocegae (Tornier, 1902) Aparallactus werneri (Boulenger, 1895) Philothamnus macrops (Boulenger, 1895) Dipsadoboa werneri (Boulenger, 1897) ELAPIDAE Elapsoidea nigra (Gunther, 1888) VIPERIDAE Atheris ceratophorus (Werner, 1895)

Mammal species and sub-species found in the East Usambara mountains listed in the IUCN Red List of Thretened Animals (Groombridge 1993, Kingdon 1974).

Species East African Collarded Fruit Bat Bush-tailed Mongoose Abbots Duiker

Scientific name Myonycteris relicta Bdeogale crassicauda omnivora Cephalophus spadix

Status vulnerable endangered vulnerable rare

Black-and-Rufous Elephant -shrew Rhyncocyon petersi

Globally endangered bird species in Amani Nature Reserve and their endemic status (Newmark, pers. comm. 1997, Bennun & Njoroge, 1996, Stuart et al, 1993).

Species Long-billed Apalis Sokoke Scops Owl Usambara Eagle Owl

Scientific name Apalis moreaui moreaui Otus irenenae Bubo vosseleri

Status Critical Vulnerable Vulnerable

Endemic status Usambara endemic

East Coast Escarpment forest endemic

Swynnertonss Robin East Coast Akalat

Swynnertonia swynnertoni Sheppardia cunningi sokokensis

Vulnerable Vulnerable

Usambara Akalat

Sheppardia montana


East Coast Escarpment forest endemic

Dappled Mountain Robin Mrs Moreaus Warbler

Modulatrix orostuthus amani Bathmocercus winifredae


Usambara endemic


East Coast Escarpment forest endemic

Amani Sunbird

Anthreptes pallidigaster


Eastern Arc endemic

Banded Green Sunbird Usambara Mountain Weaver Southern Banded Snake Eagle Moreaus Sunbird

Anthreptes rubritorques Ploceus nicolli

Vulnerable Vulnerable

Eastern Arc endemic Usambara endemic

Circaetus fasciolatus


Nectarinia moreaui


East Coast Escarpment forest endemic

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