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Abstract This paper demonstrates within the Superior Educational Institute of Braslia IESB a Communication Plan for the

e ClubCoat Fitness Company. Its goal is to propose communication strategies that contributes to the Company's success and competitive differential, before the new structure opening in Setor de Clubes Sul, located in Braslia. The Company has been growing for the three years that have been acting in its market, due to the cooperation among its owner membership that makes the Company of of the best gym's company in town. The new structure is in its finalization and its physical changing was due to the selling of the original space (Academia de Tnis) the old company's address. The works ongoing considerates the activities transferance to a strategical localization that enables the maintainance of its marketing position, adding a bigger and better physical activity space, entertainment, leisure and life's quality, besides the pratices of various physical modalities. Its observed, however, that the lack of a Communication Plan delays the goals in view. Before that, it had been developed theorical reasons about the context and analisys have been structured around the internal and external aspects macro and microenvironment related to the company, subsides used on the Company's diagnostic consolidatio of its position in the market. The market in wich the company is inserted has a great competition and the body aesthetic development appreciation has had much demand for physical health and mental health reasons including the better life's quality. The demand for gyms has been increasing. For being a city in which is more likely the income distribution in a higher level than the national average, it leads to competitive advantages research. This paper is based on internal and external data collection enriching the results and sugesting a better usage and productivity of the sector. In this context, the strategical actions were defined based on the new structures opening. In this action are inserted the brand strenghtening, the identification of the market's new opportunities that leads to sucessful results in the close future, efficiently, effectively within the resulteds awaited a concepted gym is in view accredited by Brasilia's market, with its values around the better life's qualification of the city's population. Key-words: communcation-plan, gym, health, life's quality

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