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Career Planning and Goal-Setting

Launching My Career Management Portal

Deloitte Consulting LLP FY 2011

Talent Expectations Framework

Comprehensive set of expectations individualized to reflect your level and HR model
Four components provide a holistic approach for managing your professional development and career


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Expectations are differentiated based on: Type of Work Level Career Model Onshore/Offsh ore base MCC Profile

Performance Management Framework

Highlights the key categories of professional contribution and development expected from practitioners. Individuals are evaluated against these categories during the evaluation process.
Performance Evaluation (What You Produce) Promotion (How You Do Work/Where You Build Expertise) Current Year Client Value Project performance (PEs) Project nature and complexity Practitioners role and complexity Relationship building Metrics (utilization, sales, managed $, profitability) Current Year Firm Value Proposal efforts Learning Internal and external eminence building Knowledge sharing Recruiting Deloitte community contribution and leadership People Development Apprenticeship of self and others Counseling relationships Mentoring relationships Network (service line, industry, geography, junior and senior staff) Performance at Next Level Mastery of all TIPL criteria for current level Demonstrated performance at next level of TIPL (at least 6 months) Pace of progress to next level Service Line and/or Industry support Performance History Track record of consistently high performance over time including client value, firm value and people development Demonstration of behaviors and attributes consistent with being a future principal/director or senior client executive

Who You Are

Intellectual Curiosity Versatility Leadership Motivation/Drive Presence Integrity Judgment

As used in this document, Deloitte means Deloitte Consulting LLP, a subsidiary of Deloitte LLP. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte LLP and its subsidiaries.


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How You Do Work: TIPL Model

TIPL model captures the competencies and related behaviors expected of every practitioner. Proficiency levels for each competency are mapped to career levels to create differentiated expectations. Proficiency levels are: Foundational, Advanced, Mastery or Maintaining Mastery TIPL groups your professional competencies, or performance dimensions, into 4 categories:

Thinks Logically Performs Analytics & Modeling Understands Organizational Dynamics Demonstrates Financial Acumen Understands Business Functions/Departments Performs Market Analysis

Analyzes the External Environment Analyzes How Businesses in the Sector Succeed Knows the Heart of the Business

Solves Problems Develops Self Communicates Clearly and Effectively Manages to Results Builds and Shares Knowledge Manages and Executes Projects Develops Business

Teams with Others Builds Relationships Manages Change and Ambiguity Develops Others Leads Strategically Leads Others
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My Career Management Portal


Our Need: Our people need easy-to-use, easy-to-access tools to help them understand where they are, think through where they want to be and articulate how they plan to get there. This will prepare them to have the career conversations they need to effectively manage their careers.
Our Challenge: Our people currently go to multiple places to access resources and complete activities to manage their careers, resulting in frustration and confusion for both practitioners and counselors. Our Solution: Implement a Career Management Portal as a one-stop-shop for our people to manage their careers and for our leaders to support their people. Augusts Career Planning activities will add the completion of a comprehensive competency self-assessment, and will offer practitioners the option to set long term goals and create a development plan in addition to the l annual goal setting they traditionally perform

Career Planning Activity

Comprehensive competency self-assessment Long-term goal setting Annual goal setting Development plan completion

Required Optional Required Optional

Time to Complete
15 min
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10 min 35 min 35 min


My Career Management Portal Home

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Counselor information is critical and you need to enter their name to enable them to view your information. You cannot change counselors using this tool counselor switching is completed with your Talent Manager.


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Long Term Goals

Long-Term Goals

Career goals Competency focus areas in addition to assigned competencies

Comprehensive Competency Assessment

Strengths to build on Development gaps to close

Annual Goals

Key areas of focus Development needs

Development Plan

Skills, competencies, capabilities, knowledge areas to develop Specific actions to take


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Long Term Career Goals

What are they?
Goals that extend beyond the current fiscal year, typically with a three-, five-, or ten-year horizon. Should reflect your passions, interests and long-term objectives, An opportunity for you to take a step back and consider what you want to accomplish throughout your career and then discuss it with your Counselor. By understanding where you want to go and putting a plan in place to help you get there, the more likely it will be that you will accomplish your goals. Ask yourself a few questions:

What are my personal and professional interests?

What are my values, strengths, current challenges and development needs? What position or role would I like to attain within the next 3, 5, or 10 years either inside or outside of Deloitte? How do I anticipate my career/life fit needs to evolve across different stages of my career? What knowledge, skills and experiences do I need to gain to meet my long-term goals? What successes from the past do I want to build on? What gaps do I need to close
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My Career Management Portal: Long-Term Goal Setting Tab

1.Launch My Career Management Portal 2.Click on the Goal Setting tab 3.Click on Action: Set/Update Long-Term Goals

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Comprehensive Competency Self-Assessments

Long-Term Goals

Career goals Competency focus areas in addition to assigned competencies

Comprehensive Competency Assessment

Strengths to build on Development gaps to close

Annual Goals

Key areas of focus Development needs

Development Plan

Skills, competencies, capabilities, knowledge areas to develop Specific actions to take

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Competency Assessments help practitioners better understand their performance against competency expectations and inform their development efforts

Required for FY11:

A Competency Assessment will enable the practitioner to understand where they stand in comparison to what is expected of them, to help them determine where development is required, or figure out how to demonstrate they are ready for the next level.

Competency assessments: Provide a gauge of performance against competency expectations Serve as a foundation for goal-setting and development planning Are required for completion during the FY11 Career Planning process for practitioners*

To complete their self-assessment, practitioners should: Gather and review past performance data Access the Assessment tab in the Career Management Portal to launch the competency self-assessment tool Discuss the results with their Counselor
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Compete the self-assessment

*Counselor competency assessments will be completed during Mid-Year

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Key Steps for Completing a Comprehensive Competency Self Assessment

Just 3 steps
Review the Talent Expectations Framework (TEF), which includes TIPL, to familiarize yourself with the expectations for your level
What have I already accomplished to date? What do I demonstrate well on projects? On non-client efforts? What strengths and needs might others perceive? What do I do consistently? What are the results of that behavior? What areas have I identified as ones that I need to grow?

Gather and review the documents listed below to guide your self-evaluation

Most recent Year-End evaluation Client or PRD engagement performance evaluations from this year and last year Summary of any formal recognition or rewards Summary of behaviors you demonstrated that were not captured in formal, documented feedback

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Access your Competency Self-Assessment on My Career Management Portal

ONE Link on DeloitteNet

My Career Management Portal Home

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My Competencies
#1 Competency Name: is your working list of competencies which have been assigned by your job/role, Counselor, or you.
Reference Reference Reference

#2 Source: indicates the party that assigned you a specific competency.

#3 Targeted Proficiency indicates the proficiency level assigned to you by your career level, areas of consulting, and career model. #4 Assessments: allows you to view the details of your Self-Assessment and/or your Counselors assessment.

Close gap link takes you to the Learning Center

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Steps to Self Assessment:

Click the Perform Self Assessment link and you will be directed to the Assess Competencies page. To view details, including the description of the competency, select the name of the competency (referenced in #1) To view the proficiency level descriptions for the competency, select View Theme Detail (referenced in #2)
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Resources and links readily available in the Competency Assessment tab

E-Learning course will be available also that will be able to work simultaneously as you conduct the elf-assessment

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Annual Goal Setting

Long-Term Goals

Career goals Competency focus areas in addition to assigned competencies

Comprehensive Competency Assessment

Strengths to build on Development gaps to close

Annual Goals

Key areas of focus Development needs

Development Plan

Skills, competencies, capabilities, knowledge areas to develop Specific actions to take

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Setting Goals enables you to articulate the results that you will produce in the coming Fiscal Year and longer term in your career
There are at least three types of goals that are usually discussed between a Counselor and a Counselee.

Annual goals (required)

Note: MCC and Annual goals With confirmation by their Counselor, appropriate Practice Leader and Talent Manager, Counselees who receive approval to modify their MCC profile must then manually adjust performance goals to correspond with their new profile.

Long-term career goals (optional) Engagement goals (required on each Project Evaluation)

Completing your goals:

Review your year-end performance evaluation and your competency self-assessment results to determine areas of strength and areas for improvement Access the Goal Setting tab in the Career Management Portal to: Document your long-term goals in the section provided. You have the option to keep each goal private if you want to work them further or share them with your Counselor. Launch the annual goal setting tool (DPME) to document your goals in each required category. Goal categories tie to the Talent Expectations Framework and guidance is provided within the tool and in the Career Planning handbook.
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Setting Goals Using the Framework

It is recommended, but not required, that you set at least one goal for each of the seven goal categories except for the How You Do Work-TIPL category. For this category, it is recommended that you set three to five goals as this category specifically deals with competency development and expectations - 20 -

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There are many potential sources upon which individual goals can be based. Practitioners should establish goals that leverage and build upon identified strengths and address developmental opportunities.
An example of a poorly written goal:

I will improve my knowledge and skills around Managing and Executing Projects.
An example of a well written goal: I will expand my knowledge and skills around Managing and Executing Projects by serving as an accountable and motivating Impact Day Site Manager. This will be measured through successful completion of the site objectives on Impact Day with an engaged and motivated team, meeting or exceeding the scope of agreed-upon activities and client expectations, and positive feedback from team members regarding their team experience on the day of the event.

Counselors should meet with each of their counselees to review the SMART goals to ensure that strengths and development areas and core competencies are identified

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FY11 Career Planning & Goal Setting

Key questions to ask:
What are your professional aspirations?
What are your professional interests and capabilities? What skills do you need to build to meet your professional goals? What experiences will help you meet your professional goals? What does your Mass Career Customization profile say and how will it influence your goals or desired pace of progress?

What previous performance feedback have you received?

What were the feedback themes you heard from your Counselor and Project Managers? What are your key strengths to build on? What development opportunities do you need to address? What opportunities for growth have been identified? What were some of the suggested actions or next steps for you?

What does the business expect of you? Are you clear on what is expected of you in your role? Have you reviewed materials that help define expectations Performance metrics guidelines Bare Minimums and learning requirements Competencies for your Function, Service Area and/or level Current-year business priorities

What are your 3-5 priorities for the next year?

Identify after considering feedback, business expectations, and your professional goals. Priorities for metrics you need to achieve Priorities for skills/ capabilities you want to develop Are your priorities aligned with what the business expects of you and/or your professional goals? Which of the priorities would be the top 3-5 for focus in the next fiscal year?


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DPM-Goal Form Work Flow

Counselee completes Comprehensive Competency SelfAssessment (required)

Counselee identifies long term goals and completes Development Plan (optional)

Counselee completes initial goal form in DPME and clicks Submit to send to Counselor (required)

Counselee revises goals appropriately in DPME and re-submits goals to Counselor for final review

Counselee signs the goal form by clic king Acknowledge under the Final Acknowledgement tab

Competency Self Assessment

Development Planning

Identify Annual Goals

Review Period

Ready for Approval

Final Awaiting Acknowledgement


Return for Revision: During the goal-setting process the Counselor can return the form at any time to the Counselee

Counselor reviews competency self assessment and goal form , adds comments to goals, and discusses changes directly with Counselee

Once satisfied with the goals and full agreement reached with Counselee , the Counselor clicks Approve

Both Counselee and Counselor can add comments to the goal form at Mid-Year and Year End. The Comprehensive Counselor Competency Self Assessment can be edited at Mid-Year and Year -End
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Please note : The goal form becomes the Mid -Year form and the Mid -Year form becomes the Year -End form. Therefore, if you miss the Goal-Setting deadline you will not be able to complete your goals or make changes to goals until the Mid -Year or Year -End form becomes available.

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Counselees Role
Be proactive in preparing goals
Ensure that your Counselor understands your goals Ensure your Counselor understands your career-life choices both now and in the long-term Complete the Comprehensive Competency Self-Assessment and take into account the results as it relates to goal setting Here are some key steps in the Goal-Setting process:

Access Goals in DPME

Validate MCC Profile Complete the Metrics, Goals, and Overall Assessment sections Meet with counselor to discuss draft goals and MCC profile Revise Goals as necessary and submit to return to counselor
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Counselors Role
Ensure that your Counselees goals are aligned with the practices goals and are appropriate for the individual and in alignment with their Competency Self Assessment
Validate that your Counselees current career life choices are depicted in the baseline MCC profile Review the key steps in the Goal-Setting process before meeting with your Counselees Meet with your Counselee to discuss draft goals and MCC profile Ensure that your Counselees practitioners long-term goals, projected promotion date, and industry, sector, market offerings, service area, and service line are aligned
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Development Planning

Long-Term Goals

Career goals Competency focus areas in addition to assigned competencies

Comprehensive Competency Assessment

Strengths to build on Development gaps to close

Annual Goals

Key areas of focus Development needs

Development Plan

Skills, competencies, capabilities, knowledge areas to develop Specific actions to take

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What to include in your Development Plan

You should consider identifying development activities in these four categories:
Learning Plan Formal learning can accelerate your on-the-job performance by providing you with a focused opportunity to build skills that you can take back to your everyday work. Be sure to effectively plan a formal learning schedule to reach your 40 hour learning requirement. Desired Project Experiences Project experiences provide a powerful opportunity to both broaden and deepen your skills.. It helps to start by getting clear about what you want and your priorities. Internal Practice Contributions and External Activities provide you with opportunities to gain exposure to an unfamiliar area and build skills; provide opportunities to demonstrate your expertise and build eminence. Networking Plan Networks and communities provide practitioners with targeted, one-on-one coaching and feedback. These networks and relationships can include senior, skilled advisors and peers who provide coaching and advice. Thinking through how to leverage individual relationships and communities will help you grow your network in a focused way to address your development needs.

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For each Development Plan category listed above, you should consider identifying 15 actions and rank them based on your priorities. You can access samples of Development Plan actions in the My Career Portal.

My Career Management Portal Development Plan Tab

Launch the My Career Management Portal
Click on the Development Planning tab Use the Action links at the bottom of the page to define and/or update new Development Plan experiences

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Key Components of Development Plan Tab

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MCC & Career Planning

The MCC framework gives permission for more enriching career conversations by providing a structure for career-life fit dialog and serving as a visual roadmap for both the counselor and counselee.

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Be sure to check out the new virtual advisor, DOT, on DeloitteNet . She can help you focus of yourself and your career-life fit.

Career Conversations
What is a career conversation?
A career conversation is about the big picture of your career goals and aspirations, a meeting in which you and your Counselor can discuss your long-term career plans and what you can do today to help you get there. When? Youve completed your Competency Self-Assessment, created annual and long-term goals, and created a personal Development Plan. A next step in the career planning process is to conduct a career conversation . What should I expect from a career conversation? Expect and be prepared to discuss your passions, interests and long-term objectives. With that clarity, you can discuss how this years plans support you in aligning your work with those passions, interests and long-term objectives. Preparing for a Career Conversation Ask yourself a few questions: What are my personal and professional interests? What are my values, strengths, current challenges and development needs?
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What position or role would I like to attain within the next 3, 5, or 10 years either inside or outside of Deloitte?

How do I anticipate my career/life fit needs to evolve across different stages of my career?
What knowledge, skills and experiences do I need to gain to meet my long-term goals? What successes from the past do I want to build on? What gaps do I need to close
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Career Planning and Goal-Setting Timeline for Commercial and Federal (including U.S. India)

Counselors to review their Counselees finalize FY11 goals for all Counselees in DPM (MANDATORY)

by 3rd SEPTEMBER 2010

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Additional Resources
Resource and Link Additional Information

Provides a one-stop shop for you to access the resources you need My Career to conduct your career planning activities including competency Management Portal assessments, goal setting and Development Planning, Career Planning Handbook. DPME System This link takes you to the DPME system and its support links. Talent Expectations The expectations framework against which goals are set and a Framework practitioners development progress and performance are tracked. Answers to questions about MCC, sample goals, conversation guide, etc.

Mass Career Customization TM (MCC)

Dot is a virtual advisor who can help you enter goal setting; help you focus on yourself and your career-life fit, and help you prepare for a meaningful conversation with your counselor. click here
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Deloittes Industry Proficiency Program

This program is a self-driven, self-paced framework designed to help practitioners attain progressive industry/sector proficiency levels based on industry-related professional activities including project hours, learning hours, and eminence activities.
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Copyright 2010 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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