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FASCIOLA Species: F. hepatica, F. gigantica, F. halli, F. californica, F. jacksoni, F. nyanzae Disease: Fascioliasis or Fasciolosis Characteristics: F. hepatica F.

gigantica - 20 to 30 mm long - 25 to 75 mm long - 8 to 15 wide - 15 mm wide - Has a cephalic cone - has proportionally shorter cephalic cone - Eggs measures (170 by 100m) - Eggs measures (200 by 100m) - Body is even move leaflike in shape Transmission & Epidemiology: Ingestion of raw, fresh water vegetation Through sheep and cattle raising Dietary practices (like consumption of raw aquatic vegetables). Pathogenesis: 1. Parenchymal (migratory) phase Flukes ---> Intestinal wall ---> Abdominal cavity ---> Liver & other organs
During this stage, tissues are mechanically destroyed and

inflammation appears around migratory tracks of flukes. 2. Biliary phase Biliary ducts of the liver---> Flukes mature ---> Feed on blood ---> Produces eggs Hypertrophy of biliary ducts associated with obstruction of the lumen occurs as a result of tissue damage. Diagnosis: Stool examination ELISA Treatment: Triclabendazole (10 12 mg/kg) Other drugs: Nitazoxanide Bithionol

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