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Joe Manchin Flip Flops On Coal

In 08 Manchin Supported Obamas Job-Killing Regulations On West Virginias Coal Industry

MORGANTOWN After campaigning with Barack Obama in 2008 where he said coal companies in West Virginia would need to pay for their carbons through cap-and-trade or a carbon tax liberal Obama Democrat Joe Manchin claims that he now opposes these job-killing regulations on the coal industry. In a move thats clearly designed to garner votes, Manchin supported a resolution rebuking Barack Obamas EPA from implanting their job-killing Utility MACT. Yet as Governor, Manchin supported a bill that regulated electric utilities and decreased coal consumption. The legislation specifically mandated that electric utilities obtain 25 percent of their electricity from alternative or renewable energy sources and signaled the beginning of the end for coal miners in West Virginia. Obama Democrat Joe Manchin is posturing himself as a supporter of coal, yet when Manchin was Governor he supported job-killing regulations on West Virginias coal industry, said John Raese campaign spokesman Josh Sowards. West Virginians cant trust Manchins so-called support for coal, instead they need John Raese, a strong pro-coal, pro-jobs voice for them in Washington.

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