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Raising events Tutorial-1

First Step : ' Define Class with name "Person" ' Define event sub Public Class Person Private mName As String Private mBirthDate As String Private mID As String Public Event NameChanged(ByVal newName As String)

Sub New(ByVal _mName As String) mName = _mName End Sub

Public Overridable Property Name() As String Get Return mName End Get Set(ByVal value As String) mName = value RaiseEvent NameChanged(mName) End Set

End Property

End Class

Second Step : ' Insert New Button on your form and change its name to btnok

Third Step : ' double click on the button and write the next codes Public Class Form1 Private Sub OnNameChanged(ByVal newName As String) MsgBox("New name: " & newName) End Sub

The target sub which we will address the handler to it

Private Sub btnOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click Dim p As Person = New Person("Salahudeen") AddHandler p.NameChanged, AddressOf OnNameChanged

p.Name = "khaled" End Sub End Class Result :

Add this statement to call the sub (OnNameChanged) in case of the person name has been changed

Event (NameChanged) is raised and it called the sub (OnNameChanged)

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