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Statement from John Raese on Supreme Court ruling

MORGANTOWN, WV - Today, Republican senate candidate John Raese released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court's decision upholding the Arizona immigration law: "Today's decision is a victory for state's rights and a repudiation of the Obama-Manchin immigration policy. In what has become the norm these days, Joe Manchin has stayed silent on this ruling. As President Lincoln said 'To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.' Time and time again Joe Manchin has been given a choice between speaking up for his West Virginia constituents or staying quiet to appease President Obama and his Democrat party bosses and time and time again he chooses the later. West Virginians deserve better. They deserve someone who will put their personal interest ahead of their own political gain."

MANCHIN REFUSES TO TAKE A POSITION ON ARIZONA IMMIGRATION LAW When Asked If He Supported The Arizona Immigration Law, Manchin Dodged The Question. FOX NEWS STUART VARNEY: Do you support the Arizona immigration law? You think its OK, legit? WV GOV. JOE MANCHIN: I have got to be honest with you, I have not read the Arizona immigration law. But I know that Jan and I know the people in Arizona and theres people that are fiercely divided on both sides. I know that I wouldnt be here in this country today if it wasnt for legal immigration. My grandparents came from both Czechoslovakia and from Italy. And Im a second-generation, so God bless America for allowing me the opportunity and my grandparents. (Fox News Channels Your World With Neil Cavuto, 7/9/10)

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