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John Raese Statement on Supreme Court Ruling of Obamacare

MORGANTOWN, WV Today, Republican senate candidate John Raese released the following statement in response to the Supreme Courts decision to uphold the individual mandate: After today's Supreme Court decision, the stakes for November's election could not be any higher. Whoever West Virginians elect to the United States Senate will hold the fate of our nation in their hands. With the High Court's decision today, a Congressional repeal is the only way we will fulfill the will of the people and overturn Obamacare. Obamacare is nearly a $3 trillion boondoggle that infringes on every American's right to liberty, forces millions of Americans off their private insurance and into government programs, and steals $500 billion from Medicare. Obamacare will worsen our economy, expand the size of our government further, and will be nothing but a failure. The choice for West Virginians could not be more distinct. I have always been a consistent, vocal opponent of Obamacare while Joe Manchin was one of its first and foremost cheerleaders as he voted for it last year. I plan to repeal it, Joe Manchin will not. West Virginians cannot afford this massive, budget-busting bill, and it is time we had someone in Washington who represented the will of the people instead of his own political interests. Without a change in leadership, we may never see the reforms we need. It is time for a new President and a new senator from West Virginia.

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