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‘ourth Edition viding a complete portal to the world of case study research, the Fourth Hition of Robert K. Yin's best-selling text offers comprchensive coverage of RED cone nome enc hota ten ans ote ea re ue ent Scented SO carom miner ett ee use of mixed methods research designs, and includes new methodological sights. The book's coverage of ease study research and how it is applied in actice gives readers access to exemplary case studies drawn from a wide riety of academic and applied fields. Sites cy eae rec eee eh present previously published case studies Provides methodological insights to show the similarities between case studies and other social science methods Suggests a three-stage approach to help readers define the initial questions they will consider in their own case study research Covers new material on human subjects protection, the male of DT aah ag ee ee Ba a eet eee enn ee eomneter sts Robert K. Yin Case Study RESeA Design and Meth Elgg Ae PMOL YO oh PALOMA Pe LEE Case Stud Research Fourth Edition APPLIED SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS SERIES ‘senes Estos LEONARO BICKIMAN, Pesto Clog, ance very Nace DEBRA J. ROG, West 1 SURVEY RESEARCH METHOOS (Fou aon) « Seconoumy neseancn SFSknow srevahT es RONAELA KAMINS Gage sT0by RESEAREH fou Eton) Percctritng parm COPELAND ard KATHLEEN A MOTE Design and Method: Fourth Editior Sy Ronen hooves AA ueaUcH, AEA TONAL ASHI, ans FRENOMT PDI and CHARLES CRAGIN Robert K. Yi APPLIED SOCIAL RESEARCH METHODS SERIE Volume @SAGE

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