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Chapter 18 Section 2 Vocab: Marquis de Lafayette Olympe de Gouges Marie Antoinette migr Sans-culotte Republic Jacobins 1.

What political and social reforms did the National Assembly institute in the first stage of the French Revolution?

2. How was the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen similar to the American Declaration of Independence? (Look at pg. 584 and pg. 559)

3. What did the Constitution of 1791 do, and how did it reflect Enlightenment ideas?

Chapter 18 Section 3 Suffrage Robespierre Reign of Terror Guillotine Napoleon Nationalism Marseilles 1. What events occurred during the radical phase of the French Revolution?

2. Summarize the goals and actions of the Jacobins.

3. Why was the committee of Public Safety created?

4. How did the Reign of Terror cause the National Convention to be replaced by the Directory?

5. How do you think French nationalism affected the war between France and the powers of Europe?

Chapter 18 Section 4 Plebiscite Napoleonic Code Annex Continental System Guerilla Warfare Abdicate Congress of Vienna Concert of Europe 1. Outline Napoleons rise to power in Europe, his subsequent defeat, and what happened after his defeat.

2. Describe the resistance Napoleon encountered as countries grew to resent him.

3. Do you think Napoleon was a good leader, or a bad leader? Why?

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