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Water is probably one of the most necessary of all our needs! Next to oxygen, it is the most needed element. We can not live without it and neither can anything else! Lack of water means no jobs in rural areas.

Water Resources:Importance & Utililty

Most of the land used for agricultural purposes worldwide requires artificial irrigation. Without this, yields would drop dramatically, or the land could become unsuitable for agriculture altogether.

Water used in agricultural irrigation as a percentage of total water consumption in selected countries:

Italy 57% Turkey 79% Pakistan 98%

Irrigation is a means of reducing weather-induced production variations. Therefore, Turkey is giving high priority to improving land and water resources and expanding irrigation. It has designated about two-thirds of total public agricultural investment for land and water improvement.

Income level is around 54% of people in our country making a living from fishing. Water pollution has negative effect on fish reproduction and growth. This effects are emerge in different ways as fish death, inhibiting fecundity or testicle-ovarium growth.

Water pollution is the main problem in all over the world that affects all people in the world. Water pollution has been seriously affecting the life of humans, plantas well as animals. Before going about finding a solution to the problem, we need to look into its underlying causes.

1.Dumping of industrial wastes, containing heavy metals, harmful chemicals, by-products, organic toxins and oils, into the nearby source of water is one of the visible causes of water pollution.

2.The residue of agricultural practices, including fertilizers and pesticides, are some of the major sources of water pollution.

3.Pathogens, sediments and chemical pollutants are other sources of water pollution.

4. Effluents from factories, refineries, injection wells and sewage treatment plants are dumped into urban water supplies, leading to water pollution.


There are many ways to save water and stop water pollution.However all these ways can not be applied by each person.For that reason we can start to use some simple ways to save water at our homes. The first rule everbody should know is that:

Shared responsibility is the only way to protect water supplies

Some simple way to conserve water at home:

When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water. Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants. When you are washing your hands, don't let the water run while you lather. To save water and time, consider washing your face or brushing your teeth while in the shower. Water only when necessary. More plants die from over-watering than from under-watering. Washing dark clothes in cold water saves both on water and energy while it helps your clothes to keep their colors.

Wash your car on the lawn, and you'll water your lawn at the

same time.
Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation. Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap. Teach your children to turn off faucets tightly after each use.

Saving water at home does not require any significant cost outlay!!!

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