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IMAGES &imgurl= 0Y8TbRZyT W*Q06UwBCI7hSh4qXEr-*08RW5W8eJZKONtViFz*yHfMG3mvbYkwhcGzqyIAH cxDSLCHH 4tt/recycletreethumb8462302. jpg&w=300&h=300& ei=VCn_T7mYEMW2rQHsx6iLC Q&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=502&vpy=234&dur=47&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=133&ty=187&sig=1 12303287715675097962&page=1&tbnh=109&tbnw=109&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:11,s: 0,i:176

html&docid=e8dCYlFKnVz0sM&imgurl= T9nKN5GqqAGV4ZmMCQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=328&sig=112303287715675097962&page=1 &tbnh=97&tbnw=149&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:90&tx=135&ty=61 WHY TO RECYCLE http://www.affluentmagazine .com/articles/article/69/ This article explains mainly statistics about the benefits of recycling. It covers a wide range of information, like how we can all benefit from it as well as how we can decrease our foreign dependency. All in all this site is a great starting point because of its vast array of sources and statistical information. /Recycling/Articles/Why-EveryoneShould-Recycle/ In this article it is obvious that the general consensus about recycling is that 1.) Jobs are created and 2.) our country benefits in many different ways. It also touches on a few statistics but it focuses more on the personal side of recycling and its benefits which is a different but necessary angle. The EPA website, here, is very matter of fact and shows very little personal insight to the issue of recycling. It also focuses mainly on the statistical benefits but also shows the ways to recycle as well as what can be recycled. It is also linked to other articles that can help you begin recycling in your area/neighborhood as well as what you can recycle. WHAT TO RECYCLE: /WasteReduceReuseRecycle/AtHome/Pages/WhatCantBeRecycl ed.aspx This source listed and explained four general items that you can not recycle. Also, it listed ways that you can test you items at home to see if it is recyclable. For example, concerning crisp wrappers and packets, the site said: "Use the scrunch test to check whether it is aluminium foil. If it springs back when scrunched in the hand it is not recyclable and should be thrown away with your household rubbish." wow-you-can-recycle-that/

I really liked this site! If you are wondering about recycling random items around your household, definitely visit this site. It lists items from jeans to cooking oil that you can recycle. Also, the site offers an explanation of how to recycle these items and why they are recyclable. This site has TONS of information about what you can and cannot recycle. Not only does it list the items, but they are all hyperlinked. When you click on the items, the website navigates you to a description of the item and answers a few general questions about the item. The site offers a lot of useful information about recycling. WHERE/HOW TO RECYCLE Howies Recycling is part of a local trash pick up company. On the website you can see the different options they have as a recycling company and also an about us tab that lets you explore as a customer if they are the company that you want having your business. This is the website for Carnahan Curbside recycling which is more of a local company that deals with riley county, Junction City, and areas around them. On the website you can see the different prices for their services. This is the website for Waste Management, a company that deals with all kinds of waste disposal. Through this site you can contact them and set up a account to have your recycling picked up and processed. It also had frequently asked questions for new time vistors to go to if they are feeling lost. This wikihow is a website going over all the steps and reasons to recycle. It is a 14 step article that goes into detail about how each step can help you in aspects of your life. For example in the article it explains how it can help you get involved in your community and also reduce your carbon footprint. It is very informative and answers many questions for first time recyclers wanting to get started. 6gdU This is a video that goes into detail about new ways to explore recycling. It talks about how recycling can save money and reduce the carbon footprint we leave behind. It also offers good ideas on where recycling could be going in the future. Podcast This podcast is devoted to recycling and environmentalism. This gentleman gives us ideas of how to recycle as well as explains just how easy recycling can be. He is very insightful and passionate about helping the occasional recycler become much more efficient about his recycling and more consistent as well.

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