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To all of those who have gone before and spent time within After Life Care. Also for those who apply the great healing services, protocols that offer nourishing and nurturing support, I, in gratitude and reverence, thank you for all that you do. It is I great appreciation, that you have taken the time to explore my enormous ego and imagination.


Have you ever considered what happens to you after you die? I dont mean is there a heaven or a hell. I mean this from a place of understanding or awareness about. Is there a direct route to Heaven or Spirit? For some I would say yes, however for many I would say no. How can I say this, you ask?Well I have been there personally. Whilst participating in an amazing workshop held in the Blue Mountains, NSW, called Dying Consciously with Sally Rashbrooke, from

Myrtleford in Victoria, I was transported to After Life Care during the application of the Mini Death Rites, my chakras were unscrewed and my Luminous Energy field was lifted from my physical body and held aloft for three minutes. I had known about this place for a good number of years, as my mother had gone into this healing space after her death 12 years ago. I was with her just before and just after she died. Her passing was a relief as she had endured several years of unbearable pain and suffering due to the repair of two substantial aneurisms, one in her chest and one in her abdomen. Surgeons had basically replaced her entire aorta from top to bottom. After her death, for the next several days, I kept asking to see her or for her to come through to me to let me know she was okay. It was then I was advised by Spirit that she had gone into a healing space, chamber or facility to undergo healing and repair due to her enormous struggles here on so many levels, especially health wise. It was from then, the physical lifetime I became aware that many people who were either exposed to an illness, condition or disease, either short or long term, or for some who had gone through an accident, or sudden traumatic event would also go into this healing space. This healing space was again confirmed to me when I was doing Psychic or Medium readings for clients. I would often be asked by clients to check on family, friends or loved ones after their passing, to see if we could get in touch with them. It was my experience that many of these people who had passed over had gone through those healing doors to heal and repair their traumas. I also experienced being allowed to work with a family member who had crossed over as the conduit or liaison, to access the individual in the healing or recovery space as I was unable to access to them directly. I felt humbled and privileged to have been involved in the sacredness of these opportunities. It is gratitude to those who asked me to become involved in their personal and private experiences, and of course to Spirit, who allowed me to have this tremendous spiritual education to have arrived here to write about it here. I know there is no coincidence in the Universe but exact planning and precision that governs and guides us to our locations.


For me, the experience to take the journey from being here upon the Earth plane, ascending up the Luminous cord into that spiritual healing space was extraordinary in so many ways. It was very vivid and nurturing. I remember feeling a sense of love, tenderness and great understanding whilst I was on the way to this healing space. Once I arrived, there was busyness and a considerable sense of placement in this healing location. I recognised statistically, that many individuals were maybe dying or crossing over

every minute of every hour of every day. I imagined the amount of people traffic that would be arriving there, would be more than substantial. Also this could not be the only such place out there, or, maybe I was only shown one level, department or floor. Similar to a large hospital that we might know there might have been multiple floors and departments for people with all kinds of problems and health issues to be directed to. As I stood over to one side, I noticed a man. He wore a white coat, and held a clip board in a very gentle and caring but exact manner. He was checking peoples names on his list and then directing them to different areas with instructions. Some were advised to go to particular rooms which were numbered, others were instructed to go down hallways and then turn left and right and follow that along till you come toetc. What also I noticed was calmness to the busy. Even though there seemed to an endless stream of people there was no rushing or pushing, just an orderly flow of individuals going about what they were being asked to do. I felt a sense of peace within these walls and doors. No sense of worry or despair or fear. This was reassuring for me as a visitor and also as a researcher. To find what it is I needed to know for myself and then for me to write this book for others to read. That is the most remarkable thing, dont you think? In all the time that I have known about this healing place, I have never wanted to go there or asked to go there. It was only until, I undertook the Dying Consciously workshop and even then, I had no idea that this would be an experience I would be having, let alone writing about several weeks later. All part of the greater Universal plan. HOW AMAZING!!! My intention with this book is to do my best to explain or alleviate fears, worries, anxieties or enquiries you might have about this space. In order for me to do that, I will be working with and making observations based on what I am shown or told from those who know this place in far greater detail than I do. It is always possible that someone will know this differently to what will be written upon these pages. However, I can only go by what will be offered to me. I respect other views, opinions and awareness that someone else will hold. We all learn and understand differently and that is what we are here to do. So I ask you to have an open and curious mind, heart and spirit as you take this journey with me.


As I pen this insight, it has been suggested that I write what I am being shown, transcribing the information that is being offered to me by those who are directly involved within this healing space. Prior to arrival into After Life Care, there is an energetic signal sent from the individual who is being prepared to crossover. There seems to be different messages or signals sent, depending on the method or means of the passing through the gates or experience of death. It can be either a drawn out process or sudden impact causing death when the person may have much less time to prepare.

In our western culture we are not prepared or offered any insight into the death process. I acknowledge that many, many indigenous cultures have rituals, ceremonies and a greater capacity to not fear the death aspect as we often do in the Western world. We do not understand or allow this, the greatest journey via death, the ending of this physical exchange, to be easy and successful in many instances. This signal of denial or acceptance is received and then acted upon. Preparations are then begun to wait for the arrival of the individual who is about to passover. It is my belief that family, who have gone before will gather. Spirit Guides will often be present, especially your birth/death guide (who has walked with your from the moment of your conception and was there and present upon your entrance or birth into this world and will be present with you and your departure from the Earth plane). I have also heard stories of angelic support and assistance, choirs of angels and so on. It is also my view that upon the letting go and breaking down of our energetic systems, once they have gone beyond a certain extension, that no matter what kind of medical intervention would be applied that we are meant to crossover and no amount of Western medicine will alter that. This can be applicable to those individuals who have had a condition or disease that has been in place over a period of time, or to those who go suddenly. I have personally seen and experienced the energetic decline of clients who have been seriously ill, who present with the beginnings of this energetic breakdown. This dismantling energetically can be done over a number of weeks or months. Sometimes, it has been possible to energetically support the person so they can work through particular issues with others or even themselves, so they can crossover with fewer burdens. I have learned some wonderful new skills and have applied them personally within the Dying Consciously workshop to allow me to let go and understand the death process, so the transition from here to the After Life, or return to Spirit, is smooth and straight forward. This information comes directly from an individual, who has asked to be called Ambrosia; she works within the healing space, chamber or facility (After Life Care), that we have been discussing. From Ambrosia: My role or responsibility is to ensure that you arrive safely and smoothly. I am the first point of contact. Sort of like a receptionist you might call me. I am freely available to answer any questions you might have or to reassure you that all is going to be well and you have nothing to fear. We have been preparing a place for you here, so you can rest comfortably and quietly so you can get accustomed to this new experience. We see all kinds of people here, believers and non-believers, it doesnt really matter what your religious persuasion is, we treat everyone the same, with dignity, kindness and respect. We often find it a little harder to cope with the loss of children. However, we accept and understand, it is their commitment to have gone through with their earth bound experience and then to return here to find some clarity and healing to their circumstance. We never regret sending anyone back, who we feel needs to have come to this place and then to return to tell anybody else who will listen, what is was like. Sometimes this is being done to prepare

another for that trip or journey, not done as to frighten them but to enlighten or awaken them. We seldom make mistakes. It is not a factor to this place, it is an achievement to have made it thus far and we do our best to accommodate everyone, no matter what the circumstance is by which you/they have made their arrival. Is it a peaceful transition? Not for every one. We find those who go in traumatic circumstances often arrive with the greatest amount of shock to their systems. You can possibly understand this. Their death was not on their radar or mind when they headed out the door to go to work that day. Did they suspect that something of a terrible or tragic nature was about to occur? Definitely not. It can also be a little hectic when a number of people arrive due to a larger or more of a collective crossing over, but we always have more than enough staff on standby to deal with the load of traffic that is about to arrive. I cannot say I am looking forward to meeting you too soon, personally, that might sound a little unpleasant, but rest assured you will be treated royally and taken care of to the best of our ability and shown exactly where to go, I did not mean that to sound funny, although better shown, than told where to go I guesshope that doesnt happen to often in your earth experience. Thank you for listening and dont be afraid, it will not hurt a bitwell actually, depending on how you go from there, it might, but it doesnt hurt here. See you when the time is right. Warmest wishes and guiding light, Ambrosia. Firstly many thanks for the kind and thoughtful words from Ambrosia. I hope she has offered you insights and comfort to any curiosity that may have crossed your mind beginning about this new and interesting walk through the pages of this book. I can say that I am humbled and gracious that Ambrosia could be of assistance in the writing of these observations and experiences for us to share and take with us along this unchartered path. So how are you feeling now? Do you feel that you are becoming more aware and open to the idea that this place actually does exist? What do you think about Ambrosias comments? Does it seem that this healing space does serve quite an important and valuable part of the crossing over experience for a great number of people? I would like you to take a moment and ponder the questions I have put before you and possibly begin to stretch what you know and whether you actually had any thoughts or preconceived ideas about any of this information.


The meaning of the word concept is similar to: idea, perception, notion, impression, theory, view or belief. So it covers some ground and what I am attempting to do is to challenge whatever you did, or did not believe, and anything in between. That, I feel is part of the reason we explore, learn and evaluate topics, information and experiences, so we can expand our consciousness and learn insight into the greater mysteries that the Universe puts forward to us. I understand and acknowledge that differing views and opinions are valuable. Also, that particular religious groups and organisations will have strong and definite beliefs about the death process and what comes next, if anything at all. I have met people who absolutely do not believe in re-incarnation and some who believe when you die thats it. Perfect for them, I say.

Do you rely on the views or opinions of others? Or are you someone who needs to have their own experiences to show you that something is true? I am in the latter. I dont dismiss what others might be saying, however, it is their version of what has taken place. Is that always completely true? Not really. Its that old story, where 5 people can have exactly the same experience and when interviewed or re-counting their experience, there may be five different versions of the same event. That is often due to how people or individuals are wired to see, feel and hear the world and then what they tell themselves about it, which is called internal dialogue. I feel concepts are the same. It would be your version of what you believe to be either your personal truth or that which has been handed to you from your ancestral line. Sometimes it is good to check and see if that is actually yours or whether it was passed onto you. The good thing about concepts is, they can be changed. Given that concepts can also be perceptions, it is important to understand that it may be what you want to believe and not necessarily real or the truth. Something to consider! I ask that you go beyond what you used to believe and suggest to you that this After Life Care healing facility does exist. Would it not seem strange or incongruent to believe that if we are impacted here, through illness and condition, or suffer a traumatic accident causing death, that all of a sudden, within those final moments of dying, we would be somehow miraculously healed and go straight back to wherever (Heaven/Spirit)? Does that seem to be reasonable and rational thinking? It seems similar to being in hospital, undergoing a significant operation and then just going home. Sure some do, however, a number of people go to rehabilitation centres to regain their strength, learn to do certain skills again, do some others in regards to their recovery. It is that in-between place before finally going home. I see After Life Care very much the same.


In regard to the effectiveness of this facility or healing space. I see it has extremely important for those who are attending this avenue to have the most valuable and complete experience as possible. It can be the difference between learning to settle in and adjust to not being upon the earth plane as well as becoming accustomed to being in Spirit. I am sure the longer we are away from that place of spiritual origin the more we struggle with the concept and experience of dying and what that is for us individually. Little ones not so much as they seem to have a closer and greater understanding of remembering what it was like to be in Spirit. God bless them, the little ones do and learn everything so much easier that we do as the grown ups. Given there are so many departments and aspects to the After Life Care, I shall attempt to share some of what they, who work in that space, are willing to pass on. From the Administrators: Each department or avenue is responsible to take care of and maintain their own patients or guests, for want of a better word. There are numerous roles and responsibilities and a great collective gather to ensure each and every one is taken care for the time that is necessary to gain the health and vitality of the individual who has passed.

The effectiveness is a direct result of the applications of the healing that is provided and then administered. There are multiple applications available and each person is evaluated separately. There is no one size fits all. We are exact in our treatment, addressing all the needs that will assist the person in their recovery. We spend a lot of time understanding and acknowledging the cause that has led the person here and then working with them patiently and thoroughly until we can create the greatest plan possible. We must be careful to address all aspects of them. We are aware that great deals of people are fragile and misunderstood prior to their departure from the physical/earth plane and we seek to support on them on many levels. There is often a lot of shock involved and our position is remove the negative or impact as soon as possible, so that healing may begin. Within this space we understand the healing of soul structure or soul self. This is always a considerable avenue to explore and then address. It is the reason why we incarnate in the first place. To mend the physical, emotional and mental mind and self is important, however if you are to return to the earth plane to further enhance that soul, you will often need to spend some time here in our facility in order to prepare you for the return journey. Not all our guests return. Sometimes, we are the intermediary before they are to go to other realms or dimensions, so it is a transitional space offering all kinds of intervention. This is why there are so many levels and platforms to this facility. Is that not fascinating to open your mind up to the curiosity that such a deliberate and thoughtful place is waiting for you should you need to make use of it. The effectiveness of this healing space is also reliant upon those who are working and delivering the interventions and providing the healing services. For example. Those who arrive through traumatic events will often need to be stabilised, before they can be evaluated. The shock factor changes the consistency of some ones soul or essence dramatically. There is a need to calm them and sometimes call in a family member to reassure them that all will be okay. Often these people will arrive with a family member who may have been here in After Life Care after their own passing. So there is a familiarity to being here and then guidance can often be given. For those who arrive after exposure to illness or sometimes treatment for, or, of the illness, there is direction to a specific healing room or chamber designed to deal with the fall out of such experiences. Specific care is then administered to the individual with adaptations within the healing protocols until the healing outcomes are achieved. In the case of people who have passed with cognitive issues, such as Alzheimers or Dementia, we have also created levels of treatment for these guests. We acknowledge these people will often, prior to their actual passing, have been visiting here and spending time with their loved ones who have already passed and also venturing into Spirit, so they can get used to what this will finally look like for them when they do pass. Possibly, these people have the most amounts of time and preparation to come into After Life Care.

Mentioning those who may pass through the suicide pathway, these individuals will often have a history of trauma and have lived a troubled life. We treat them with respect and dignity and address each of their needs separately. We understand that they often come with great heaviness or burden surrounding them and sometimes, after the event of their death, an amount of guilt at their actions due to the consequences that remain for those of their families and friends who stay behind, and the devastation their actions bring. For those who pass in a religious way or format and may be held in the bounds of such traditions, we acknowledge their beliefs and values and them sometimes it is necessary to release them from the control, obligation or commitment of there religion. There is often a significant awakening from that old ideology and sometimes anger and frustration about what they were led to believe is not actually their reality in this space. Sometimes that is part of this, the greatest journey, is to now let go and believe something else. It is never too late to do that, not even after death. It is an enlightened soul or spirit that allows something else to take the place of an old and outdated view or opinion, dont you think? We are here to be of service and align ourselves with your purpose to again be well on all levels. To seek a gentle and valuable experience and then to suggest you can reach a higher format with some rejuvenation and some replenishment of the soul self. We regard you each as special and you are entitled to balance, harmony and healing prior to the next commitment you will undertake. There has never been a time or a person we could not accommodate and take care of. Some are more willing to adapt and others can take a little time to settle in and to find their way. All in all, After Life Care is very successful and rewarding for us and for those who spend time here.

CHAPTER SIX Providence

Providence: is it a formula or is it Divine Intervention as described in a thesaurus? That depends again on your opinions and observations. I get a sense that life seems to be based partly on those two things. Is that a good thing or not? I dont know. I feel that is for each of us as individuals to approach in our intelligent manner. Now that I have done some learning and experiencing in Dying Consciously, I dont believe it is necessarily fate or chance that brings us into After Life Care, is that an assumption? I understand that we are the architect in our own lives each and every day, so therefore nothing can be done to us, unless, a part of us is willing to go along with it. Not too many people have the photographic evidence of someone holding a gun to their head suggesting that they would blow your brains out unless, you did something, felt something or said something. By the way, if you have that as your evidence you may be excused from your actions, however, I have never seen that personally or professionally. So we cant hide behind that, now can we? I suggest to you, that if we are to go to After Life Care, see it as a transitional space, to deal with the aftermath of passing away or crossing over and be comforted in the knowing that there is such a place for you to come to terms with your new circumstance. I feel it is a getting used to a new kind of normal. So there may be a time of adjustment, for myself when the time arrives, although I hope to be able to go straight through to Heaven/Spirit given what I know about the steps and actions to take prior to my own passing.

The Dying Consciously support is offered as a free service, to assist someone being as free and unburdened as possible prior to their death. Sincere blessings and gratitude to the Four Winds Society for recognising this gap in the Western world and culture and for filling it in. What I feel is, as I associate myself and my energy to After Life Care, is the serenity and gentleness offered within this space. It is total acceptance of whoever arrives and the non judgemental approach of the term and conditions that take you there. I am not sure there are too many places here upon the earthly plane that would offer or supply such a divine window to look out from. The length of stay is determined by contributing factors and it is not necessarily time related as we would know it. The amount of time in a prolonged illness or disease here in the physical world, would not be a direct correlation to time spent in After Life Care. I know for myself personally I checked in every other day to see if I could talk with or have access to my mother after her death. I can say I did feel moments of disappointment that with each time I asked and I did not want to be a pest. I was be acknowledged and reassured gently that not yet, and to be patient. I had so much to share with my mother, and so very much wanted to talk and be with her in this Spiritual Space. I was not given a time line, which possibly was a good thing. As in her process of her life circumstance and how it was to end and also within this healing process the lesson was acceptance, a challenge for us all. We have become a society who wants what we want yesterday. I see deliberateness in the format of the healing that is performed in After Life Care. It is never rushed or hurried through in order for someone to be moved on. It is considerate and thoughtful in the applications of the healing offered to those who go through those healing doors and, not a minute before or a minute after will there be a moving on from those hallowed healing rooms and chambers. What a perfect combination of awareness and Divinity. I recognise the grace and humility for those who are the organisers and technicians and healers, who perform this transformational work, without accolade or fan fare. They are industrious in their willingness to assist people that they do not know; in order to show them how much can be achieved through care and attention in an energetic, healing and spiritual way. It would seem there is a great deal of productivity within the walls and hallways of After Life Care. The busyness does not hinder the outcomes. Unlike, in our hospitals and hospices and nursing homes, there is more than enough staff to go around. There also seems to be a Director in charge of the format and formula that makes this place as successful and harmonious as possible. With a carefully picked staff who operate within the guidelines and with the proficiency of a well oiled machine. There are also a number of Specialists and Holy Ones on standby to address the particular needs of some who require specialised care, attention and intervention. Again, according to

what your specific needs and requirements are, there is more than adequate staff to resolve all kinds of circumstances. Are you wondering what this After Life Care facility or place actually looks like? I am sure like all Spiritual places, each of us are going to see it somewhat differently. For me it was a soft and supportive space with the appropriate equipment available to achieve every level of healing, on all levels genetic, organic,energetic and so on. The dcor and furnishings were light in colour and tone, neutral really. The lighting was soft and luminous, noise was at a minimum. Easy and effortless was the feeling generated within the space. No fuss, just considerate and thoughtful.


FROM THE COLLECTIVE: For those who are attending and working with the people who transition through After Life Care there is a very significant focus on Intention and Outcomes. It is no coincidence that all goes well and according to plan. There is a great deal of deliberateness in the success of the outcomes for each person individually and the greatest care is taken to ensure that each of our guests is treated and their healing outcomes are met effectively and easily. In order to appreciate our methodology, it is apparent that new thought forms, beliefs, opinions and views must be acquired. We are not the only system in the Universe that offers this unique form of healing protocols and outcomes, but we are the closest thing to the Earth plane on offer at this time. Is that not fortunate for those who will require this intervention? We are not here to take the place of anything that comes from an opportunity offered or given by another circumstance. However we are here to perform a service to humanity, which I feel is more than valuable in its application. We are direct in our approach and for the longest time have kept this place to ourselves. It is now- the new awakening is upon this third dimensional world- that we are ready to open our selves and our doors to understanding and exploration.

It is not a place however for which you come for curiosity sake. It is to be done with reverence, humility and sacredness in the forefront of your mind and spirit. We are not here to give guided tours and to answer meaningless questions about our facility. This was a much consulted experience that we, as a collective, decided to achieve. It was bought forward by necessity and observation. It was time to let the human component of our alliance become prepared and available to understand, within the process of death, what might lay before them and to calm any nervousness or anxiety of the dying process itself and for what happens next, we are grateful that a human has been respectful and dedicated enough to cover. It is our commitment to care and share this healing space, to give reassurance that all of your needs will be taken care of and addressed should this be the pathway you follow at the end of your life time experience on your home planet of Earth. We are considering giving this platform to others who will seek to end their experience here within the Universe and then to create a formula to have them transported back to their own realms and domains. This After Life Care may become the Universal docking station to the healing of those who reside elsewhere upon the Universal plane and a time line in quantum energetic fields. Such explorations should be managed and carefully considered. We wouldnt like to see any mix ups take place and people being sent off in the wrong direction or to avenues and causes they are not ready for. There is also consideration taken into the re-incarnation aspect of our facility and sometimes some intervention is offered to deliberate where and when this soul should then arrive back to the earth plane to continue to advance themselves as a souls identity. This is a careful and well thought out process, nothing is done at random. All details are carefully considered and the direct involvement of a number of other factors and Higher Orders is placed before the soul as the travel arrangements are being made.

So as you can see there is a great deal of work be planned, managed and achieved within our facility. It is with the greatest of pleasure that we thank the author and translator of our intention and integrity who has written the words carefully and meticulously spoken about during these sessions.
We offer you peace and tranquillity in your life and also in your death and should you need to be a guest at our healing facility we shall share with you all that we can provide in order to re-align and resettle you as quickly as possible.

Go with love, laughter and life in your heart.

The Director and all Associates, AFTER LIFE CARE Dom Estoz

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