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Paper accepted for presentation at 2003 IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference, June 23th-26th, Bologna, Italy

Steam Power Plant Re-powering to provide Black-Start Ancillary Service and speed up Power System Restoration
B. Delfino, G. B. Denegri, and M. Invernizzi

AbstractPower system restoration via re-powered plants has been considered to compare it with present operating solutions, frequently committing remote hydro or combustion black-start generators. After detailing about specific modeling of prime movers for start-up procedures, extensive simulations are here reported to highlight main characteristics of the various restoration phases. The obtained results suggest providing repowered plants with black-start capability, thus allowing a quicker and more secure recovery of large strategic thermal units. A reconsideration of present restoration plan guidelines appears in the end advisable. Index TermsGas Turbines, Power System Modeling, Power System Restoration, Power System Simulation and Thermal Power Generation.

I. INTRODUCTION he slow but continuing migration to electric power system liberalization calls for complete re-discussion of generation operating features within transmission grids. Recently established generation companies (GENCOs), while competing to accede to the primary service, act both to reduce their internal costs in order to fix more convenient offers, and to invest in specific features so as to participate to the auction for the so-called ancillary service. In Italy, and continental Europe as well, conventional thermal power plant re-powering has been adopting since late 1980s, that is just before introducing grid open access, as an important way: to improve overall plant efficiency, including combustion turbines as additional prime movers to add back-up units providing a certain internal redundancy degree to exploit dynamic versatility and different characteristics orienting the specific unit to a precise ancillary service provision Unfortunately, especially for projects started before the liberalization act, it often occurs that installed combustion turbines, while comfortably integrating with pre-existing fossil units in normal operating conditions, fail to produce a significant added value when experiencing an emergency or restorative state. Pointing out to this latter domain, it is worldwide

recognized that, if properly managed, power plants showing multiplicity of prime movers best suits the needs for a rapid and successful electric grid recovering after a black-out condition. In the case of the European Transmission System Operators (ETSOs), strong emphasis is put on research and development, until to the encouragement of effective building on site, of last generation combined cycles, to couple with extensive re-powering of conventional thermal units and/or recourse to co-generation plants. The same Transmission System Operators developed in the past restoration plans, organized under a vertically integrated environment, and must adapt them to the incoming new scenario, so as to appropriately quote and remunerate service provisions by GENCOs. There comes up the need to combine existing, and intensively tested with success, restoring procedures with new tendencies led by scattered generating resources, with extremely varying characteristics. To this regard, the literature proposes several studies of re-discussion of grid recovering strategies in open access [1], among which it appears noticeable the look for appropriate coordination of mixed generating resources, such as the re-powered ones [2]-[4]. In this paper, the authors, profiting of common work with people involved in [2], [3], develop a simulation model for a re-powered plant, including the committed prime movers, and detail on management of specific regulation loops while performing cold load pick-up. The aim of the study is to propose a feasibility analysis to integrate, or substitute, a present restoration path in Northern Western Italian grid with a recovering island widening from a large fossil thermal power plant, subject to prospective re-powering. A comparison between results of previous simulation and field tests [5], including a remote hydroelectric black-start unit, with the present solution, starting from a restoring hybrid pole (gas turbine plus conventional thermal unit), is here proposed and commented. II. CHARACTERISTICS OF RE-POWERED PLANTS IN ITALY Re-powering techniques account for combustion turbines that interact with the conventional fossil thermal unit according to different configurations. Some of these force to substitute the steam generator, but they have barely been applied, due to the considerable time and economic effort required. Much more frequently, at least in Europe, feed-water heater re-powering solutions have been adopted, with

B. Delfino, G. B. Denegri and M. Invernizzi are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Genoa, Via Opera Pia 11A, Genova, Italy (e-mail:

0-7803-7967-5/03/$17.00 2003 IEEE

considerable reduction in investment costs. The Italian example proposes coupling of the unified fossil power plant, rated 370 MVA (320 MW maximum real power), with a combustion turbine, rated around 150 MVA (130 MW maximum real power). Combustion turbine exhaust flows are used to rise temperature of the steam generator feeding water, so that the gas unit acts in a slave configuration towards the steam one, in a pre-defined range of generated output power by this last (180-250 MW), where prime mover coordination is admitted. De-coupled operation is also possible, provided that exhaust flows can be by-passed. Grid emergency and restorative states suggest to investigate the particular behavior of the two units according to their relevant dedicated controls. Sudden loss of load by a steam unit activates the load rejection procedure, including rapid closure of admission valves, combustion arrest, use of a single feed-water pump, activation of the flash tank loop, quick recovery of the speed reference setting. If this initial sequence succeeds, about 30 minutes may last the stand-alone surviving of the unit, after which external supply is required to support auxiliaries and allow either additional attempts of re-starting the combustion, or holding main local loads in service. Combustion turbines, due to their characteristics, can much easily perform a load rejection procedure, or stop and restart in a quite short time. The normal operation configuration is here useless, conversely it results quite profitable to work with non interacting prime movers, that is by-passing the exhaust flows and using the combustion turbine as an on-site black start unit. Restoration process is significantly shortened if the combustion turbine present appropriate capability, resulting in sufficient size and regulation features to manage auxiliaries and local load pick up. III. MODELING OF RE-POWERED PLANTS FOR POWER SYSTEM RESTORATION As described in the previous sections, bypassing the exhaust flows causes the plant to operate with non-interacting prime movers, similarly to what happens when normally starting up the plant. Such de-coupling allows to fully profiting of combustion turbine dynamic characteristics. To this regard, modeling of involved prime movers has been developed from literature [6]-[10] and further reconsidered to include specific loops and limits called in service while managing the system in emergency and restorative conditions. Such modifications were possible after investigation of field test reports, considering that models usually proposed within transient stability programs results adequate to describe contingency impacts in a normal operating condition, and not while recovering a disconnected grid after load rejection. A. Combustion Turbine Combustion turbine modeling related to power system restoration derives from a parametric investigation concerning

the experimental relationships between temperatures, exhaust flow and fuel flow with regard to generated mechanical power, accounting for relevant corrective curves. Fig. 1 presents a simplified block diagram of single shaft gas turbine and relevant regulation loops [6], [7], [11]. This model is easy to adapt to cover different combustion turbine types through modification of parameters in functional relationship between mechanical power and both fuel flow, air flow, inlet temperature and speed deviation. Special attention has been devoted to the turbine modeling, in order to produce output quantities (mechanical power, exhaust flow and temperature) in functional dependence on a quite complete set of input variables (fuel flow, inlet ambient temperature, variable inlet guide vanes opening, speed). Specific emphasis is given to the polynomial impact function of VIGV opening on main quantities [11]:

2 Wex = N (a1 + a 2 Tamb + a 3 Tamb )

Tex = (1,343 + 1,914 Pm ) (Tamb 15) + 306 (1 N ) 2 (l1 + l 2 VIGV + l 3 VIGV + l 4 VIGV 3 + l 5 VIGV 4 )

(e1 + e2 VIGV + e3 VIGV + e4 VIGV (g1 + g 2 P + g 3 P ) +

2 m 2 m

Pm = [(A W fuel B )+ 0,5 (1 N )] (1,099 0,0066 Tamb )


+ e5 VIGV 4 )

(b1 + b2 VIGV + b3 VIGV

+ b4 VIGV 3 + b5 VIGV 4 )

where all quantities are intended in p.u. of relevant bases: Pm = gas turbine mechanical power; Wfuel = fuel flow; N = speed; Tamb = inlet ambient temperature; VIGV = variable inlet guide vanes opening; Tex = exhaust temperature; Wex = exhaust flow. Gas turbine fuel and air control is proposed according to indications derived from literature [6], [9]. Particular attention has been devoted to the fuel valve positioner and relevant limits, since they strongly affect speed transient in an isolated system. More in details, valve rate limiters depend on the used actuator, so that it becomes quite common to find a wide variety of values for valve opening and closing times. To explore different possibilities, test case were performed with slow and quick valve models, respectively proposing opening time of To = 3 s and closing time of Tc = 0.5 s, compared with To = 15 s and Tc = 2 s. Considering the speed governor, the typical version for isolated operation is here applied, i.e. the isochronous form. Static gain and time constant has been derived from usual values adopted for field applications in Italy, then modified to reach (adopting a linearized form for the synthesis) a phase margin of about 45 degrees and a cut frequency of round 1 rad/s, which appear comfortable values for such regulation loop.

Fig. 1. Simplified Block Diagram of Combustion Turbine and Relevant Regulation Loops.

In addition to the usual solution, another one has been tested, which originates from the specific blocks used in Italy for steam power plants when experiencing a low frequency condition (deviation greater than 0.3 Hz), conventionally associated to an isolated operation. Such an additional regulator, called ILF [12], which stands for the Italian local frequency integrator, has been proposed (acting a local secondary regulator, coupled with a proportional speed governor) to verify its suitability for combustion turbines and to compare its dynamic performance against the conventional solution. ILF block diagram is reported, in the form for steam units, in Fig. 2 and leads to a PI form, which tries to resemble the isochronous regulator, with different parameters and a deadband of 0.05 Hz. Combustion turbine control presents, in addition to the speed governor, the exhaust temperature and acceleration loops to modulate the fuel request in critical operating conditions. Non windup limits are introduced to condition each loop commitment while black starting and picking up cold load. Exhaust temperature requires reliable measurement, performed via thermocouples equipped with radiation shield [6], [7], whereas the acceleration limiter proves effective in case of unexpected loss of load, and after a load pick-up during the speed transition from initial undershoot and possible following overshoot.

Finally, variable inlet guide vanes opening is regulated according to a program linked to generated real power. Unification of re-powered plants in Italy proposes a single position modification between 25 and 50 MW, with linear increment of valve opening from 65 to 100 %, and the IGV actuator presents the typical time constant of 3 s. Investigations are here performed to verify the efficacy to correlate the IGV positioning to exhaust temperature error, with evidence of instability occurrence due to interactions with the exhaust temperature loop. In case of load step variations, while working close to the rated conditions, that is with exhaust temperature near to the limit intervention, VIGV regulator acts to improve air flow. At the same time the exhaust temperature limiter reduces the fuel demand, which, additioned to an improved airflow, causes a diminishment of the exhaust temperature, forcing this IGV regulator to perform a closing action. Test simulations present permanent oscillations due to interactions between temperature regulator and limiter. Solution to this problem requires regulators re-tuning in order to reach a non-interacting condition between temperature and speed regulation loops [11]. B. Fossil Thermal Power Plant The here examined unit is the unified one for large plants in Italy, rated 320 MW, and presenting UP steam generators of the first generation. As extensively recalled in literature [10], during plant start up the required power is less than the one associated to the minimum admissible circulating flow (usually about 30%), so that the exceeding steam is forced through a separated circuit, including the so-called flash tank. Since our interest is concentrated on restoration problem, the unit model has been developed to focus the ramping time frame from base load after parallel operation to the real electric power level where coordinated regulation mode can be recovered. To this regard a simplified approach can be adopted, including the flash tank and relevant circuit modeling. In plants with UP boilers and low-pressure flash tank, generated

Fig. 2. ILF Block Diagram for steam units (fo = reference frequency, f = measured frequency, Tf2 = 0.05 Hz = dead-band width, Eff = filtered frequency error, Ep = boiler pressure error, Ts = 6.5 s = integrator time constant, Cilf = load reference modification).

power ramping is obtained through a driving pressurizing program for the secondary super heater and constant speed changer positioning, corresponding to the minimum admissible circulating flow. Start-up procedures precise that the pressuring phase must be started after the parallel operation (when the pressure at the admission in turbine is about equal to the flash tank one, 35 bar, and a base load round 24 MW is acquired) to reach the minimum technical load (about 110 MW). According to specified valves (between primary and secondary super heater) opening programs, the relevant pressure of 170 bar is reached, which corresponds to the required amount of generated electric power. A conventional single-shaft, tandem-compound, single reheater steam turbine model is adopted, while valve actuators account for a position servo including opening and rate limiters. IV. RESTORATION OF A LOAD ISLAND: A SIMULATION APPROACH A preliminary simulation campaign has been performed to recover the grid around a prospective repowered plant in Northern Italy, where present restoration plan imposes the use of hydroelectric remote black start units [5], [13]. A transient simulation code, equipped with user defined model facilities, has been used to investigate pros and cons of such an alternative solution. A local gas turbine, provided with exhaust by-pass, is supposed to be installed within Vado Ligure fossil-fueled steam plant, thus producing a modified one-line diagram of the 220 kV neighboring grid, reported in Fig. 3. Initial condition hypotheses include a totally disconnected electric network, successful load rejection of the steam unit and a gas turbine either working after load rejection or having performed a positive black-start. This being the most probable scenario reached by the system after a blackout occurrence. The restoring procedure shows the following steps: Gas turbine runs in parallel with the 220 kV grid, energization of Savona station and access to 132 kV subtransmission level via the local autotransformer Cold load pick up at adjacent stations through line closing, being the ballast load breakers already set in closure position Parallel operation of the steam unit after having collected load higher than its minimum technical load Steam unit ramping to reach the just cited generation level The need to reach load for at least 110 MW is due to the prime mover characteristics of the steam unit, which forces the gas turbine to transfer the previously assumed load without picking up additional power during the ramping transient. With regard to this example, six ballast loads are recalled in service, without critical consequences for what concerns voltage and frequency control. In comparison with the restoration path built with hydro unit commitment, limited access to the EHV transmission grid is here required, since the locally available subtransmission level is involved.

132 kV

220 kV

20 kV

6 kV GT1 Unit 1
Fig. 3. One-line diagram of the simulated restoration island (GT = gas turbine, S.A. = unit auxiliaries)

While the second ballast load pickup stimulates VIGV position change, the sixth load assumption causes non linearities to intervene: fuel valve opening rate limiter is related to the load amount, while the exhaust temperature limiter action depends on the combustion turbine being close to its producibility limit. With regard to this final point, attention has been devoted to the role played by inlet temperature towards maximum generating power of the combustion unit. Results show that the restorable load island extension and amount vary according to the meteorological conditions. As a final test, even if expressly not requested during restoration procedures, a cold load pickup has been simulated during the ramping phase, as a sample of human error. Before commenting on the simulation prospect, some considerations must be proposed about the ballast load model. The availability of field test measurements, as well as documentation on companion experiences, suggest the use of real and reactive profiles showing an initial peak, followed by a linear (P) and exponential (Q) decay lasting about 5 s. This roughly condenses the mixed effects of static, motor and thermostatically controlled loads. As a final remark concerning initial time of the following temporal diagrams, re-starting from the steady state final condition of the previous simulation is the adopted technique, so that the proposed transients should be intended in sequence. 1. 220 kV line energization towards Savona, local 220 / 132 kV autotransformer insertion, first load pickup at Vado Ligure (25 MVA) via 132 kV line Savona - Vado Ligure reclosure

The simulation has been performed using the isochronous regulator, fast fuel valves and ambient temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. Autotransformer energization in the transient stability program has been approximated through an absorption peak of reactive power, deriving this solution from experimental data. Effects on voltages, pictured in Fig. 4, are mainly transient

decays, with rapid recovery, which indicates the correct tuning of the voltage regulator parameters. The first ballast load requires an initial real power of round 45 MW and a steady state final value of about 25 MW. This causes the island frequency to decrease until a minimum value of 49,4 Hz, as reported in Fig. 5, resulting much more higher than the one usually experienced when first picking up load in the present hydro-steam restoration path [5], [13]. The rated value is recovered, according to the chosen inertia time constant of the combustion unit, in less than 20 s. A momentary modification of VIGV opening is observable, due to the electric power transient; anyway, since such overshoot is limited, negligible differences are detectable when considering mechanical power, exhaust temperature and fuel demand profiles. 2. Second ballast load insertion (25 MVA) at Vado Ligure 132 kV busbar

VIGV Opening

Time Fig. 6. VIGV opening transition caused by second ballast load insertion.


Under the same hypotheses of the first transient, a subsequent load pickup has been assumed, this time leading the VIGV opening to their programmed upper value (Fig. 6). This allows an increased airflow and a consequent improved power production. In this second case, with almost equal load request, a more contained excursion of the frequency deviation occurs. The effects of VIGV control is of benefit also for the exhaust temperature, which show a very limited final increment in comparison with the first load insertion.

132 kV line Vado Ligure Finale Ligure insertion, sixth load pickup at Finale Ligure (16 MVA) under different regulation solutions


Fig. 4. Bus 11 voltage transient due to the first load pickup.


The here reported simulation concerns the last part of the load acquisition by the black start unit in order to provide the elements for subsequent steam unit commitment. Frequency behavior at this stage is strongly conditioned by the choices made about speed governor (A = isochronous, B = proportional with ILF) and fuel admission valves rate limits (1 = fast, 2 = slow). After reproducing the steady state condition reached after the fifth ballast load insertion, all combinations of proposed regulation solutions have been investigated. Regardless of the adopted form, voltage transients present a standard profile, as well as VIGV remain fully opened at this output power stage. Solution A1 causes a mechanical power overshoot of about 135 MW, with modest frequency deviation, without intervention of the various limiters (see Fig. 7). Conversely, solution A2 causes the saturation of the fuel admission rate limiter, which results, as Fig. 8 confirms, in the impossibility for the gas turbine to promptly supply the requested power, so that the frequency transient presents more consistent overshoots. The use of the ILF regulator with fast fuel admission valves (solution B1, see Fig. 9) drives the system to a final frequency deviation related to the overall static gain of the controlling system. The frequency recovery lasts about three minutes, due to the parameter choices, but the transient overshoots of the interesting quantities are reduced in comparison with the isochronous solution. The final control configuration (B2) presents a better load following than A2. The frequency undershoot is slightly lower than before, but the duration of a saturated valve opening is much more reduced. Obviously, frequency recovery occurs according to the long time constant set by the ILF parameter choices.


Fig. 5. Frequency transient due to the first load pickup.

Fuel Admission Valve Opening Rate

Fuel Admission Valve Opening Rate

Time Frequency

Time Frequency



Fig. 7. Fuel request, fuel admission valve opening rate and frequency vs. time in case A1.

Fig. 9. Fuel request, fuel admission valve opening rate and frequency vs. time in case B1.


132 kV line Vado Ligure Finale Ligure insertion, sixth load pickup at Finale Ligure (16 MVA) in case of different ambient temperatures

Fuel Admission Valve Opening Rate

Time Frequency

Simulations have been proposed to observe the effects of inlet temperature on the gas unit capability. While a temperature of 35 degrees Celsius causes the failure of the restoring process, due to overtaking the maximum admissible limit in real power generation, 25 degrees Celsius transient highlights the role played by the exhaust temperature limiter, which cuts the fuel demand signal. Fig. 10 presents the frequency transients relevant to the different environmental conditions.



Fig. 8. Fuel request, fuel admission valve opening rate and frequency vs. time in case A2.

Fig. 10. Frequency vs. time for final load pick up with different ambient temperatures.


Accidental 132 kV line Vado Ligure Finale Ligure insertion, sixth load pickup at Finale Ligure (16 MVA) during steam unit ramping

Steam turbine admission pressure

It has been supposed that, after the fossil fueled power plant recovery to the grid island supplied by the black start turbine and the start of the load transfer from the latter to the former unit, a sudden, unexpected load pickup occurs, due to an erroneous command. Sixth load pickup occurs in this case during the ramping stage, since ambient temperature is supposed 35 degrees Celsius, and room must be left to the combustion unit to assume additional load. Consequently, this perturbation is simulated at the final stage of the unit ramping and forces the combustion turbine to recover the reference frequency, since the steam unit, equipped with a proportional channel, is involved exclusively during the transient phase. Fig. 11 highlights the above described behaviour. Even if momentary, the steam admission valve intervention determines a sudden reduction of admission pressure (see Fig. 12), sometimes affecting, as difficulties during field test experiences confirm, the correct flowing of the pressurizing program. In the end, in case of a correct ramping sequence, valveopening programs allow to reproduce during simulation the experimental trend reported in [5], as indicated in Fig. 13.


Fig. 12. Steam turbine admission pressure vs. time for accidental load pick up during unit ramping. Mechanical Power

Time (min) Fig. 13. Steam unit mechanical power profile during the ramping stage.

Gas Unit: Real and Mechanical Power

Steam Unit: Real and Mechanical Power

Time Fig. 11. Real (continuous line) and mechanical (dotted line) power transients of gas and steam generators in case of accidental load pick up during unit ramping.


V. CONCLUSION The presented work aims at describing how to exploit fossil-fueled units re-powering feature for power system restoration. Combustion turbine characteristics, provided that they are equipped with an exhaust by-pass, prove very effective in containing quantities transient variations and overall recovering time, especially if compared with present restoration paths. Getting rid of remote black units allows to spare time and money and, in addition, presents a generation pole including multiple prime movers as a favorite entity within a liberalized system, able to provide both primary and specific ancillary service, such as black start capability and load island recovery. The presence of gas turbines improves the chances of surviving units after a black out condition, so that the can easily provide load for subsequent parallel operation of a steam unit in load rejection. Moreover, if properly sized and equipped with appropriate regulator, gas units could effectively recover steam plant auxiliaries in case of load rejection failures, to prevent the fossil unit from complete shutdown. Component models have been collected from literature and improved with testing of additional regulating solutions. Simulations have been performed to highlight the combined plant performance while restoring a narrow island around, instead of building a radial restoration path, as prescribed by present restoration plan. The presented activity proves also valuable due to the current lack of experimental data in Italy of transmission grid restoration starting from re-powered plants. VI. REFERENCES
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Bruno Delfino was born in Savona, Italy, on May 29th, 1948. He graduated cum laude in Electrical Engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1973. In the same year, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Genoa where he is now Full Professor of Power Systems and Head of the Department. His special fields of interest are currently computer simulation of power systems, development of models for such studies and application of artificial intelligence to power systems control. Gio Battista Denegri was born in Rocca Grimalda, Italy, on October 9, 1946. He received the degree in electrical engineering from the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1970. Until 1972, he worked as an R&D Engineer at ELSAG Corporation. He joined the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Genoa in 1973, where he is now Full Professor of Electrical Machines and Drives. At present, his research interests are modelling of electrical machines, drive dynamics and computer analysis of electric energy systems. He is also a member of the Italian Electrical Society (AEI). Marco Invernizzi was born in Genoa, Italy, on December 27, 1959. He received the degree in electrical engineering from the local University in 1984, and a PhD in power systems in 1989. Since 1990, he has been working at the Electrical Engineering Department of the University of Genoa, where he is now Associate Professor of Power System Analysis. He is presently engaged in modelling, simulation, management and control of electric energy system in deregulated environments and power system stability assessment.








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