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Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

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Find a Fixed Point in a given array

December 1, 2011 Given an array of n distinct integers sorted in ascending order, write a function that returns a Fixed Point in the array, if there is any Fixed Point present in array, else returns -1. Fixed Point in an array is an index i such that arr[i] is equal to i. Note that integers in array can be negative. Examples:
Ipt ar]={1,-,0 3 7 nu: r[ -0 5 , , } Otu:3 / ar3 = 3 upt / r[] = Ipt ar]={,2 5 8 1} nu: r[ 0 , , , 7 Otu:0 / ar0 = 0 upt / r[] = 1/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

Ipt ar]={1,-,3 4 7 9 nu: r[ -0 5 , , , } Otu:- / N FxdPit upt 1 / o ie on

Asked by rajk Method 1 (Linear Search) Linearly search for an index i such that arr[i] == i. Return the first such index found. Thanks to pm for suggesting this solution. itlnaSac(n ar] itn n iererhit r[, n ) { iti n ; fri=0 i<n i+ o( ; ; +) { i(r[]= i fari = ) rtr i eun ; } / I n fxdpitpeette rtr - * * f o ie on rsn hn eun 1 / rtr -; eun 1

/ Die pormt cekaoefntos* * rvr rga o hc bv ucin / itmi( n an) { itar1]={1,-,0 3 1,1,3,5,10; n r[0 -0 1 , , 0 1 0 0 0} itn=szo(r)szo(r[]; n iefar/iefar0) pit(FxdPiti %" lnaSac(r,n) rnf"ie on s d, iererhar ); gthr) eca(; rtr 0 eun ; } Time Complexity: O(n)

Method 2 (Binary Search) First check whether middle element is Fixed Point or not. If it is, then return it; otherwise check whether index of middle element is greater than value at the index. If index is greater, then Fixed Point(s) lies on the right side of the middle point (obviously only if there is a Fixed Point). Else the Fixed Point(s) lies on left side. itbnrSac(n ar] itlw ithg) n iayerhit r[, n o, n ih { i(ih> lw fhg = o) { itmd=(o +hg)2 /lw+(ih-lw/;/ n i lw ih/; *o hg o)2* 2/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

i(i = armd) fmd = r[i] rtr md eun i; i(i >armd) fmd r[i] rtr bnrSac(r,(i +1,hg) eun iayerhar md ) ih; es le rtr bnrSac(r,lw (i -); eun iayerhar o, md 1)

/ Rtr - i teei n FxdPit* * eun 1 f hr s o ie on / rtr -; eun 1

/ Die pormt cekaoefntos* * rvr rga o hc bv ucin / itmi( n an) { itar1]={1,-,0 3 1,1,3,5,10; n r[0 -0 1 , , 0 1 0 0 0} itn=szo(r)szo(r[]; n iefar/iefar0) pit(FxdPiti %" bnrSac(r,0 n1) rnf"ie on s d, iayerhar , -); gthr) eca(; rtr 0 eun ; } Algorithmic Paradigm: Divide & Conquer Time Complexity: O(Logn) Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.
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25 comments so far
1. Anon says: 3/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

April 21, 2012 at 6:40 PM The binary search method will not work in case of duplicate elements in the array, because we can't eliminate one part of the array in each iteration. Reply 2. Avi says: April 12, 2012 at 8:17 PM #nld<ti.> icuesdoh #nld<oi.> icuecnoh itmi( n an) { itar]={1,-,3 4 7 9; n r[ -0 5 , , , } itln=szo(r)szo(n) n e iefar/iefit; sai itfa; ttc n lg itnm=-; n u 1 friti=0 iln i+ o(n ; <e; +) { i(r[]= i fari = ) { fa =1 lg ; nm=ari; u r[] bek ra; } } pit(% \" nm; rnf"d n, u) gth) ec(; } Reply 3. PsychoCoder says: March 10, 2012 at 1:14 PM In the function this portion is fixed irrespective of the given data. i(i >armd) fmd r[i] rtr bnrSac(r,(i +1,hg) eun iayerhar md ) ih; es le rtr bnrSac(r,lw (i -); eun iayerhar o, md 1) So, if my input is 4/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

itar1]={1,-,0 6 1,1,3,5,10 9; n r[0 -0 1 , , 0 1 0 0 0, } then 5(mid) < 11 (arr[mid]) so it will neglect right hand side the value '9' which is placed at arr[9]. Reply Yogesh Batra says: April 8, 2012 at 4:12 PM This is clearly given that sequence is in increasing order, find some other counter example for binary look up method. Reply 4. kartikaditya says: February 20, 2012 at 11:22 AM #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int getFixedPoint(int a[], int n) { int start = 0, end = n - 1, mid = 0; while (start <= end) { mid = (start + end) >> 1; if (a[mid] == mid) { return mid; } else if (a[mid] < mid) { start = mid + 1; } else { end = mid - 1; } } return -1; } int main() { int a1[] = {-10, -5, 0, 3, 7}; cout << getFixedPoint(a1, 5) << endl; int a2[] = {0, 2, 5, 8, 17}; cout << getFixedPoint(a2, 5) << endl; int a3[] = {-10, -5, 3, 4, 7, 9}; cout << getFixedPoint(a3, 6) << endl; int a4[] = {-10, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 30, 50, 100}; cout << getFixedPoint(a4, 9) << endl; 5/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

return 0; } Reply 5. vijay_kansal says: February 15, 2012 at 3:25 PM An optimized algorithm for the case when elements can be repeated in the array : itfxdp(n *,n n n ie_tit ait ) { itl0hn1mi n =,=-,,; wiel=) hl(<h { m(+)2 =lh/; i([]=) fam>0 hm1 =-; es le lm1 =+; }/fnigte1teeeti wl b al)>0 / idn h s lmn(t il e [] = friliniai) o(=;<;=[] { i([]=) fai=i rtr i eun ; } rtr -; eun 1 } The algo will return 1st element that is a fixed pt. Reply vijay_kansal says: February 19, 2012 at 10:35 AM An error correction, Replace the if condition of while loop by : i([]=) fam>m Reply 6. Nages says: February 10, 2012 at 6:55 AM pbi casFxdonIAry{ ulc ls iePitnra pbi sai vi mi(tig]ag { ulc ttc od anSrn[ r) 6/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

itar]=nwit]{-0 -,0 3 7} n r[ e n[ 1, 5 , , ; Sse.u.rnl(iePitar) ytmotpitnfxdon(r); ar=nwit]{0 2 5 8 1 } r e n[ , , , , 7 ; Sse.u.rnl(iePitar) ytmotpitnfxdon(r); ar=nwit]{-0 -,3 4 7 9} r e n[ 1, 5 , , , ; } Sse.u.rnl(iePitar) ytmotpitnfxdon(r);

pbi sai itfxdon(n[ ar { ulc ttc n iePitit] r) itps=-; n o 1 fr(n i=0 i<arlnt; { o it ; r.egh) i ( = ari) f i = r[] rtr i eun ; es i ( <ari) le f i r[] i=ari; r[] es le +i +; } } rtr ps eun o;

Reply 7. Karthick says: December 27, 2011 at 6:19 PM I think, the following code can find the first Fixed Point. It would be good if someone can check this code for correctness. int findFirstFixedPoint(int a[],int length) { if(length==0){ return -1; } int start=0,end=length-1,middle; while(start<=end) { middle=(start+end)/2; if(a[middle]==middle) { 7/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

if(middle==start || a[middle-1]!=middle-1){ return middle; } end=middle-1; } else if(a[middle]<middle){ start=middle+1; } else{ end=middle-1; } } return -1; } Reply Karthick says: December 27, 2011 at 6:25 PM Sorry for posting without the sourcecode tags itfnFrtiePititlnt) n idisFxdon(n egh { i(egh=) rtr -;} flnt=0{ eun 1 itsat0edlnt-,ide n tr=,n=egh1mdl; wiesat=n) hl(tr<ed { mdl=sated/; ide(tr+n)2 i([ide=mdl) famdl]=ide { i(ide=tr | amdl-]=ide1{rtr fmdl=sat | [ide1!mdl-) eun edmdl-; n=ide1 } es i([ide<ide{satmdl+;} le famdl]mdl) tr=ide1 es{edmdl-;} le n=ide1 } rtr -; eun 1 } Reply 8. kaka09 says: December 14, 2011 at 7:19 PM #nld<ti.> icuesdoh itmi n an { itnijfa=1ps n ,,,lg-,o; saf"d,n;) cn(%"&)( itan; n [] fri0ini+ o(=;<;+) saf"d,ai) cn(%"&[]; i0 =; 8/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

wieai+<) hl([+]0 frjijnj+ o(=;<;+) { i(=aj) fj=[] { fa=; lg0 psj o=; bek ra; } } i(lg=) ffa!0 pit(nme ntfud!) rnf"ubr o on!"; es le pit(nme fuda idx%\" ps; rnf"ubr on t ne dn, o)

Reply 9. kaka09 says: December 14, 2011 at 7:19 PM #nld<ti.> icuesdoh itmi( n an) { itnijfa=1ps n ,,,lg-,o; saf"d,n; cn(%"&) itan; n [] fri0ini+ o(=;<;+) saf"d,ai) cn(%"&[]; i0 =; wieai+<) hl([+]0 frjijnj+ o(=;<;+) { i(=aj) fj=[] { fa=; lg0 psj o=; bek ra; } } i(lg=) ffa!0 pit(nme ntfud!) rnf"ubr o on!"; es le pit(nme fuda idx%\" ps; rnf"ubr on t ne dn, o) } Reply 10. punit says: 9/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

December 3, 2011 at 1:09 PM for handling equal values like [-1, 0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4] just tweak binary search as followsint bs(vector v, int l, int r) { int m = (l+r)/2; if(l > r) return -1; if(v[m] == m) return m; if((v[m] > m) && (v[m] != { return bs(v, l, m-1); } else return bs(v, m+1, r); } Reply AG says: December 29, 2011 at 2:56 PM I think it fails for this test case:[0, 2, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7]

/ Pseyu cd hr (o mydlt teelnsi ntwii * at or oe ee Yu a eee hs ie f o rt Reply Yogesh Batra says: April 8, 2012 at 4:22 PM It's working, I don't think there is any problem with the above code. Reply yogendra says: April 9, 2012 at 9:31 PM @Yogesh I checked the above code is failing in case of [0, 2, 5, 5, 6, 7] in first Itr l=0,r=5 => m=2; so a[2]>2 and here a[2]==a[3]==5 so l=3; 10/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

in second Itr l=3,r=5 =>m=4; s0 a[4]>6 hence it will return -1; int next iter. Reply 11. punit says: December 3, 2011 at 1:00 PM /* Paste your code here (You may delete these lines if not writing code) */ [#include using namespace std; #include int bs(vector v, int l, int r) { int m = (l+r)/2; if(l > r) return -1; if(v[m] == m) return m; if(v[m] > m) { return bs(v, l, m-1); } else return bs(v, m+1, r); } void Fp(vector v, int l, int r) { int index; static int flag = true, Index = 0; index = r; while(1) { index = bs(v, l, index-1); if(index == -1) { if(flag == false) { cout<<"not found.\n"; return; } cout<<"found at index = "<<Index<<endl; break; } 11/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

Index = index; flag = true; } } int main() { vector v; v.push_back(-1); v.push_back(0); v.push_back(2); v.push_back(5); Fp(v, 0, v.size()); return 0; }] Reply 12. Daniel says: December 1, 2011 at 3:18 PM The non-distinct case would be interesting. Reply kartik says: December 1, 2011 at 8:49 PM I don't think binary search can be applied in case of non-distict case. For example, {-1, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4}. We go to middle index 3 and see value is greater then index. We can't have a logic to look for left side or right side as array could be {-1, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10} or {-1, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5}. Let me know your thoughts. Reply 13. krishna says: December 1, 2011 at 12:11 PM The problem would be more interesting if we ask for the first Fixed Point instead of a Fixed Point. Reply kartik says: December 1, 2011 at 12:20 PM @Krishna: Thanks for suggesting a more advanced version of the problem. The method 1 anyways finds the first FP. The method 2 can also be tweaked to find the first FP. 12/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

Reply Venki says: December 1, 2011 at 4:22 PM @krishna, Good question. Binary search is such a powerful technique, some times, we miss to note its power. Solution to your question is given below. Let me know if there are any corner cases. itbnrSac(n A] itl itr n iayerhit [, n , n ) { itmd n i; ittae =-; n rcd 1 wie ( -l >1) hl( r ) { md=l+( -l/; i r )2 i(Amd = md) f [i] = i tae =md rcd i; / CC+sateog t cnue / /+ mr nuh o ofs (i < Amd ?r:l =md md = [i] ) i;

i(Al = l)/Cre cs :) f [] = / onr ae tae =l rcd ; } rtr tae; eun rcd

Reply Jing says: December 2, 2011 at 11:11 AM For A=[-1, 0, 2], it seems to return -1 instead of 2, doesn't it?

/ Pseyu cd hr (o mydlt teelnsi nt * at or oe ee Yu a eee hs ie f o Reply Venki says: December 1, 2011 at 4:23 PM Driver code. itmi( n an) { 13/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

itar]={1,1 2 3 1,1,3,5,10; n r[ -0 , , , 0 1 0 0 0} itn=szo(r)szo(r[]; n iefar/iefar0) pit(FxdPiti %" bnrSac(r,0 n1) rnf"ie on s d, iayerhar , -); } rtr 0 eun ;

Reply Venki says: December 2, 2011 at 11:41 AM @Jing, thanks for pointing the error. Given below is updated one. #nld <ti.> icue sdoh itbnrSacLf(n A] itl itr n iayerhetit [, n , n ) { itmd n i; ittae =-; n rcd 1 wie ( -l >1) hl( r ) { md=l+( -l/; i r )2 i(Amd = md)tae =md f [i] = i rcd i; } (i < Amd ?r:l =md md = [i] ) i;

i(Ar = r)tae =r f [] = rcd ; i(Al = l)tae =l f [] = rcd ; } rtr tae; eun rcd

itbnrSacRgtitA] itl itr n iayerhih(n [, n , n ) { itmd n i; ittae =-; n rcd 1 wie ( -l >1) hl( r ) { md=l+( -l/; i r )2 i(Amd = md)tae =md f [i] = i rcd i; 14/19


Find a Fixed Point in a given array | GeeksforGeeks

(i > Amd ?l:r =md md = [i] ) i;

i(Al = l)tae =l f [] = rcd ; i(Ar = r)tae =r f [] = rcd ; } rtr tae; eun rcd

itmi( n an) { itar]={0 1 2} n r[ , , ; itn=szo(r)szo(r[]; n iefar/iefar0)

pit(FxdPiti %\" bnrSacLf(r,0 n1) rnf"ie on s dn, iayerhetar , -) pit(FxdPiti %\" bnrSacRgtar 0 n1 rnf"ie on s dn, iayerhih(r, , -) } rtr 0 eun ;


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