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2005: Applied Mechanics-I

Question Bank 1. Give the classification of mechanics. ANS: Mechanics is a branch of Physics. It is the study of effects of force on a body at rest or in motion. It is further divided into two areas, namely Statics and Dynamics. Statics:- Statics deals with the force systems with bodies at rest. Dynamics:- Dynamics deals with the effect of force on the body in motion. Dynamics is further subdivided as kinematics and kinetics. Kinematics: It is the study of motion without referring to the force and mass. Kinetics: It is study of motion considering mass of the body and force causing the motion. 2. Explain the concept of Rigid body and deformable body. ANS: The body in which the particles do not change their relative positions under the application of force, is known as a rigid body. In practice a perfectly rigid body is never found. But when the deformation is very small the body considered to be rigid. The body in which particles change their relative positions under the application of force, is called as a deformable body. 3. Differentiate between Vectors and scalars. 4. Explain the types of vectors and give one example of each. ANS: There are three types of vectors. They are Free vector, sliding vector and Fixed vector. Free Vector: The vector which is allowed to be taken anywhere in the space by maintaining its magnitude and direction, is termed as free vector. Example: Velocity. Sliding Vector: The vector which permits itself to be moved or slided along its line of action maintaining its magnitude and direction is called sliding vector. Example: Force. Fixed Vector: The vector which does not permit any change in its position is called as fixed vector. Example: Position. 5. Define Force. ANS: Force is an external agency which changes or tends to change the state of a body. 6. What is difference between Direct and Remote action force? 7. State the principle of transmissibility. 8. Define moment. Give the sign convention of moment. 9. Define the couple. 10. State the characteristics / properties of couple. 11. State the law of parallelogram of forces. 12. State Triangle Law of forces. 13. State polygon law of forces. 14. What do you mean by Resultant force?

ANS: The single force which replaces all the forces in a force system without altering the behavior of the system is known as Resultant force. 15. State Varignons theorem. 16. State Newtons third law. 17. What is a free-body diagram? State the importance of free-body diagram. 18. State the conditions for equilibrium. 19. State Lamis theorem. 20. State advantages and disadvantages of friction. 21. Friction helps us in our day-to-day life in many ways. Give some examples to support this statement. 22. What do you mean by Equilibrant force? ANS: The force required to bring the system into equilibrium is called as Equilibrant force. It is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the Resultant force. 23. State Coulombs laws of friction. 24. What do you mean by angle of friction? What is relationship between angle of friction and angle of repose? 25. What is the difference between centroid and centre of gravity? 26. Write notes ona) Friction cone. b) Free-body diagram. c) SI system of units. d) Types of supports and their reactions.

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