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Solar Plexus Chakra and Healing

N K Srinivasan Ph D

Solar Plexus chakra,called Mani-puraka chakra in Sanskrit, is the third chakra from the bottom of our spine . Let us first recall a few things about this chakra. As you know very well, chakra means a wheel--here we mean a wheel of light or energy. The chakras are nerve-cells bundle which seem to perform like electrical transformers. They collect energy and distribute to nearby regions. In Manipuraka ,we are dealing with energy in the stomach and so our digestive organs-liver, pancreas, intestines --are all

affected by this chakra. Some focus on this chakra mainly to handle the endocrine gland ,pancreas. Those suffering from diabetes or liver disorders should pay attention to this chakra and its healing powers. I will add some suggestions later in this article. You must consult a physician and take proper medication before following any of the methods suggested here or in yoga literature.

Spiritual Dimensions Every chakra is connected with our spiritual life. As you know, there are seven major chakras and 40 minor chakras, like those in our palms. Manipuraka, the third from the bottom, is linked with creation. Our universe is

created by Lord Brahma, one of the three gods in Hindu trinity. Brahma is the creator, Vishunu is the protector or sustainer while Lord Shiva is the destroyer or annihilator. The three gods, according to Hindu mythology, work in unison and there are fanciful stories of mild, healthy competition between them. {Read Joseph Campbell's books on 'Mythology' to learn more about them and their implications.] The process of creation being the role of Brahma, he is supposed to be seated on a lotus--the sacred flower of the Hindus. The stem of the lotus emanates from the navel chakra or manipuraka of Lord Vishnu who is lying on a serpent bed. Apparently the implication is as follows. Lord Vishnu watches over the creative

process of Brahma coming out of the umbilical cord of himself. This is how

Brahma is depicted in pictures symbolically. What is the meaning for us? Manipuraka is the seat of all creative powers. By relaxing this chakra and strengthening it [after healing it, if need be] we allow creative juices to flow! All creative writers and artists would focus on this chakra ! Spiritual seekers and meditators learn a few things about this chakra. Mani-puri means a "City of gems"---mani -gems and puri-city [In fact there is a small state called Manipuri in north-east India, near Bangladesh.] While Hindus focus most often on heart or

anahata chakra, the seat of Vishnu, Budhhists focus on Manipuraka chakra, the seat of creation, the seat of Brahma. [The throat chakra, Visuddhi, is related to the Goddess of Learning , Saraswati and those who meditate on this chakra become poets and writers. The eye-bow chakra or Ajna chakra is the chakra of Lord Shiva and the third eye in the chakra is full of burning fire that can destroy an evil city. In Hindu mythology, Lord Shiva burned Tripura,[tri-three pura -city-a tricity] by opening his third eye. This city is the city of delusions and trickery.!In fact there is a small state

called Tripura near Bengal in India.]

The famous Buddhist

chant or mantra "Om

Mani Padme hum" is the mantra addressed to

manipuraka or navel chakra in Buddhist meditation. Often this is wrongly attributed to heart chakra by some yoga experts. Buddhists use the term 'hara' to refer to this region and always learn to keep the navel region in relaxed mode.

Color and light All chakras are deoicted as lotuses with certain number of petals.This is again symbolic,in that in each petal, a mantra letter or syllable in written.Solar plexus chakra has ten petals. Its symbol is sun and color--yellow or orange. You can imagine that a large sun-flower is shining in your navel chakra.This helps with your meditation. The gem for this chakra is topaz.

Psychological healing In metaphysical literature, I have read somewhere that sub-conscious mind is

located in our navel region...well--this means that manipuraka chakra or solar plexus is the seat of sub-conscious mind and all the creative powers that go with it. Manipuraka is located a few inches above the navel and controls our emotions a lot. When you wish to stand up and speak or express your opinion boldly, you get butterflies in the stomach...that is due to queasiness in this chakra region. Your chakra is temporarily disturbed or blocked..If this continues for a long time, you may get ulcers. Many chakra experts and healers associate

this chakra with self esteem and personal will power. if you have poor self-esteem or consider yourself as insignificant or

even worthless, pay attention to this chakra. Almost all chakra healers refer to this chakra, for making yourself heard and go on with achieving your goals. This chakra improves your will power.

Physical healing Manipuraka or solar plexus chakra has a lot to do with your abdomen and its functions. Firstly it is the stomach fire that controls your digestion and functioning of liver. It is directly related to your pancreas and balancing of glucose and related diabetic conditions. First learn to relax the chakra region. Then you may do some yoga asanas such as

'downward dog pose' for about 20 seconds twice a day. Do some push ups and also 'cobra pose'...all these will strengthen your abdomen region and help heal the solar plexus chakra. I have discussed the role of this chakra and its power for spiritual, mental and physical well being of a person.

A Quick Tip If you wish to have a quick effect on this chakra, relax your navel region by massaging for a few minutes ; sit erectly

and chant "Om Mani Padme Hum" for 108 times. -----------------------------------------

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