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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

Michigan High School Daniel McIlhenney Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the





Administrative Information

Electronic Information


Curriculular Integration


Teacher Use

Student Use

Stakeholder Involvemnt

Administrative Support



Technical/Infrastructure Support

Technical/Infrastructure Support

Local Area Networking (LAN)


District Area Networking (WAN) Internet Access Communication Systems New Technologies

INNOVATION Comprehensive Technologies

Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent x

of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the behavioral


behavioral x

resource/infrastructure x



x x

behavioral x x


behavioral x resource/infrastructure x

behavioral x




behavioral x resource/infrastructure x


resource/infrastructure x



x x


x resource/infrastructure behavioral x x



x x

resource/infrastructure x x

behavioral resource/infrastructure x behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure

x x x x x x x x x

Evaluator Comments

Student and staff, must review and sign an agreement as to how technology is allowed to be used. It has been created and regularly revised by Tech Dept and approved by the board of ed. Tech Dept. and NCA/School Improvement committees work together to integrate policies I think technically or "on paper", all the right steps are followed, but perhaps implenetation does not meet the plan 2 years ago, this would have been rated much higher. However, due to budget cuts, our Tech budget is now about 5% of what it was a couple years ago. We lost our tech director and can now afford to do little other than basic maintenance of what we have.

All attenance, grades and a majority of communication is done electronically with Zangle, Groupwise,etc. School has rights to several internet databases for student/teacher research. Access to internet is available to every student every day.

Class A is not rquired, but many teachers are slowly converting. The transition is happening. Class A is fully integrated into Zangle gradebook, multiple training sessions, teacher experts available, all tied to state standards Some teachers have their set ways and are resistant to making many changes. While there is support provided to those teachers, there is no real consequence for a teacher not adopting the technology into the curriculum. Databases for English research, digital cameras for math, overhead projectors in every room, CISCO classes, CAD program, computers with special mutli media software for the Graphic Design and Art classes. There are daily tasks like checking email, recording attendance, and entering grades which are required daily. All teachers have computers with internet and digitial projector in their room

It varies, there are some classes where competency in using technology is necessary to meet course outcomes. On the other hand, there are classes where the teachers are not integrating technology beyond making an assignment to be typed, instead of handwritten. There is a lot of variance from teacher to teacher. All students have internet access and media center is open daily before and after school. There are surveys sent to staff, students, and parents. However, when the actual meetings are held and policy is shaped, the administration and members of the tech. department are the only ones involved.

Administration is heavily represented in planning, Administration schedules trainings of new software, Administration is generally helpful when staff have questions

All staff members are required to attend PD tech training that the school provides. However, some teachers do not take the training serious and have no intentions of implementing anything new.

Full time staff (although due to recuctions in budget, the person is spread thin and requests take awhile to be filled) Wi-Fi is limited to certain areas of the building

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