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June 15,2Q12
Ramon S. Sous Arronrurv nr Lnw 159 Main Street Sheltot'1, Connecticut 06483-31 37 Dear AttorneY Sous;
Frne As you a!.e aware, the corvrurc*cur or*cE oF srnrr of sherton {"city"). the written is investigating, at the request of the crty 5, 2c''11' The complaint' as you complaint of l\Il. tsen McGol-ty dated Ja'luary James the actions of the city of shelton Fire hllarshal of thre are awaru, an inspection parrr of our Tcrtora. ns "on""rn" rnuurtigution, cFqU.condr.rcted stneet to determine 12C Meadow shertonr High schoor l,,Schoor;l ro"ai"o at safety regeriations, which are ilre rever of the schoo|s comprilrrce wit!'r the fire

ildnnsHA' (".FSM")

adnninistered bY OFSM.

oFshil decided that the report of this inspection is not yet cornprete, comrnunity to shrare Arthough and its school it worrd be in the best interesis of the city of cFsfi/r's pneliminary findrngs of with you the attached J;*"ry adversery amect fire safety in the sc!-rool noncomptiance ffiat sunstantiaily and in con.lunction the finJings with you is to Eive the city' The purpo"u of to fonrnurate a pran of correction "n"rins with its Fir.e Marshar, the earriesi-opportu*ity. th'*u* begin to remcve or remedy ,nd for these rnajor areas of no,.,cJiiprilit"*,
the violations.
compriance with the desiEn dnawings Arthough our inspection did not address unde!-taken at this facility, toi tnl zooo Additiln/Renovation prcject appea'" to be a nesult of or contract issues ioeniitieo it shourd be noted that many of tn* prciect. fulany of the issues or oencient wort<-pertrormeo duninE that incornprete acidnessed during nornnal ane of the type thli should have"been ldentitied the asslstance of a the tacility wnereas others ma)r need nlaintenan"* "t design Professional to resolve'
11i1 CountrY Cluh Road
Middletown CT 06457 Tel: 860-685-E380 - Fax: 86S-5E5-8359
Equat aPPartunitY EnPloYer

AttorneY Sous

Page 2

June 15,2012
at the school remains with responsibirity for ensuring code compriance The -Marshal. assist in our office, however, nen''ains available to withr the Fire the sheltorr bee* wcrking, for exannple, the pran of correction. orsM has arready classroo!1'1$' Ciiy'to resolve the issue of interior windowless pursuant to sectlon s29The connplete inspection report and investigation be cornptug{ in the !'rear future' of the connecticut Gener"t st"tutes will 2ggb cFsnfi wanted to share ln the meantime, and for the'*""on" stated above, nor"rccmpriance with the fire

with you tne pieii*i""rv rinorngs oi the.schooils this ietter or any of the safety regulations. lf you have i.y qu"stlo* leSandilg p"riiJ"r"rviolations, I can be reached at 860-685-8350"

-' --/

8',noure, FtnE & Ltre Snrrrv SuPnRvtsoR




Mayor Mark l-auretti; Clw or Snelron Fire Marshal James Toriora; Ctw or SnEuroru

Sumrunnv op Mn loR lssuns op Nptg-conapulenucr

Snruroru Htcrl Scncol120 MenDow StRmr, SnElroru

windows for Emerqencv Escape.
clear opening. areas deenned hazardous' Fire resistance rated waus: ln the baniers required to separate exit enclosures, vertical openings, there are penetratiorrs. and void spaces that rnust be exit access corridorsl?ffiecting figed and seated with appiopriate iraterials to maintain the integrity of the barrier.
compartments, Smoke barrier walls: ln the barriers required to separate the building into separate snroke void spaces that must be filled and sealed with apnropriate nraterials to maintain there are penetrationi and the integrity of the barrier. Such ldentification of the means of eqress: Several exit access corridors are not provided wlth exit signs. nternallyillurninated"Manysignschreduiedtobeinstaliedduringthe


greater than 250 aq'lc Rescue: Rooms used, for educationai purposes


renovation project were not found.

lighting or are not Emerqencv lllumination: severai exit stairways do not appear to be senved by errrergency

spaces utlliZe Or siore Laboratorv spaces: severa! chemical storage rooms and laboratory classroonr quantities to the exteni that additional safety chemicals and flammable or combustible liquidi in large enough other portions of the provisions appty inclulirlip".i"r uuntitatio., separati-on byfiie rated oonsti'uction fronn
building, and a second exit if large enough.

permanent electrical serviqq: Equipment served by electrical extension cords, not permarient wiring'
temporary use to supply portable equiprnent'

MAr rrE tAfvcE tssuEs

deerned hazardouls, exit access corridors' Fire protection rated doors: Those.serving exit enclosures, areas separation" providing building @r held o Many noir"ii-" or pJsitive laiching and sorne equipped with self-ctrosing devices were "r* oPen wlth wooden wedges o Many nave notes in th&oor or frame as a result of the rernoval of hardware o Som are missing fasteners for their hinges plastic panel' o sorne have had their fire rated vision paiets completely rernove or replaceci with a devices were suppcrted by their wiring rather support of fire detection 4gviqes. Nurnerous fire detection plastic and tape apparentiy reft over from the covered by than attached to their mountinE box or were stiil construction Project. of of ihe br,iiding erectricar systern, consisting Exposed erectricat componqnts, Lh?F are compo.ents .


Multiole latchinq/tockino devigeF-on egress doorq:'Severai'accessturn in addition to the rrormat door latch by.a thurnb have a cyrinder oeacnott operated rro* tfJffide perr"nitted' other were on-the egress door wlrere orrly one {'1} is hardware. This equates to two (z) tatcnes sorneone within spaces There are in tnu"pot"*tiat of locking equipped w*h haspl';ilp"dlqet ie.uti.,i'

doors to classrooruls and other Spaces


wnicn would achieve the same level of securtty.

biocked with storage, as Clearance to etectrical equipment: Access to numerous eiectrical panels were. front of the equiprnent was not provided' such the minirnum re@,i:il-o*ing crearances of 36 inches in ariuno numerous electrical transforrners was not provided" Further the rninimum
been rernoved and needs to be replaced' Eqress stair handrails: The handrail serving Exit stalr G2 has the facility'. They are not stored in storaqe of cvlinders: compressed gas cylinders are sio19o throughout required they are not secured against falling secure spaces, stored- on tnJi, sides,tr when stored upright as or being knocked over. constructisn, a masonry biock was left Fire Dampers: several fire dampers will not operate properly as, after in the opening is supported by hanger wire rather Fire sprinkler pipinq: Fire sprinkler piping serving ihe elevator shafts than by approved PiPe hangers.


laboratory classrooms have Laboratorv classroom Flume Hqgds:.Most of the flume hoods located in ihe
is required annually' not been inspected orresteTfi-rur ai*tow since there installation where such

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