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Andhra Pradesh Board Economics Syllabus

Andhra Pradesh Board Economics Syllabus

UNIT-I: DEVELOPMENT-CONCEPT AND FEATURES Meaning of development and growth Main features of de-veloped and developing economies Determinants of eco-nomic development India as a developing economy. Ref: Meir : Issues in Development, Oxford. UNIT-II: MARKET ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT Concept and basic features of Market Economy Inter-de-pendence of State and the Markets Liberalization, Global-ization and Privatization, the Pre-requisits for Promoting Glo-bal Market Global Market, Trade and Development Origin of international Trading arrangements and basic features of GATT negotiations Establishment of WTO and its salient features WTO and the Indian Economy. UNIT-III: GROWTH OF POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Growth of population and occupational distribution of popula-tion Birth and death rates Population policy Amartya Sens concept of capability as related to human resources development Role of Education and Health Magnitude of Univer-sal education, Female education and health care systems. Know More About :- Gujarat Board Math Text Books

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Ref: Dutt & K.P.M.Sundaram Indian Economy 1998 Amartya Sen Economic Development of India 1996. UNIT-IV: NATIONAL INCOME, INEQUALITIES IN THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME UNEMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY IN INDIA Trends in the growth of National Income and percapita In-come since Independence Changes in the sectoral contribution of National Income Shares of Public and Private sectors in National Income Inequalities in the distribution of Income and Wealth Fac-tors influencing Inequalities in the distribution of Income Measures to control inequalities Meaning, Causes and es-timates of Unemployment Concept of Poverty Poverty line Rural and Urban Pov erty Causes of Poverty Anti poverty measures. UNIT-V: AGRICULTURE The place of agriculture in Indian economy-Causes for low Agricultural productivity-Measures to increase productivity- Causes for and conse-quences of small Agricultural holdings Consolidation of holdings The need for land reforms Salient features of land reforms Cooperative farming-Existing pattern of land utilisation- Estimates of irrigated area-Green revolution- Changes in cropping pat-tern Nature and sources of Agricultural credit Causes for rural indebtedness Remedial measures Re organization of rural credit and role of NABARD Agricultural Marketing , Defects in Agricultural Marketing in India. Remedial Mea-sures The present position of agricultural labour in India. 1. Mishra & Puri-Indian Economy 2. C.B.Mamoria-Indian Agriculture. UNIT-VI: INDUSTRY The role of industrialisation Pattern of industrialisation af-ter liberalisation- A brief outline of the growth of large scale industries Cottage and small scale industries Their im-portance, problems and remedial measures Industrial es-tates Short term and long term institutions of industrial finance Industrial policy resolutions of 1948,1956 and 1991- The present position of Industrial Labour. 1. R.Dutt & K.P.M.Sundaram Indian Economy 2. Battwal: Industrial Economy. Read More About :- Andhra Pradesh Board English Core Sample Papers

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