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Option 2 For those without a working internet connection If you have a Hardy install CD, Insert your CD and

do the following: Code:

sudo apt-cdrom add sudo aptitude update sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter

Make sure that you say no or cancel when the installer asks you to find/download the firmware for you. It will get stuck because it is thinking that there is an internet connection. Now skip down to the Downloading Firmware section. If you don't have a Hardy install CD You will have to find a place with a working internet connection. Go to this link: Download the version that you need--amd64 for 64-bit and i386 for 32-bit. Copy the file to your home directory and do the following: 64-bit: Code:
cd sudo dpkg -i b43-fwcutter_011-1_amd64.deb

It is possible that the _011-1_ portion is another number. Make sure that you say no or cancel when the installer asks you to find/download the firmware for you. It will get stuck because it is thinking that there is an internet connection. 32-bit: Code:
cd sudo dpkg -i b43-fwcutter_011-1_i386.deb

It is possible that the _011-1_ portion is another number. Make sure that you say no or cancel when the installer asks you to find/download the firmware for you. It will get stuck because it is thinking that there is an internet connection. Downloading Firmware Both 32-bit and 64-bit: You will still need to find someplace with a working internet connection and download the following files: Code:

Copy those files to your home directory. In the Terminal/Konsole/xterm window do the following: Code:
cd sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta- tar xfvj broadcom-wl- sudo b43-fwcutter --unsupported -w /lib/firmware broadcom-wl4.80.53.0/kmod/wl_apsta_mimo.o sudo chmod o+rx /lib/firmware/b43 /lib/firmware/b43legacy sudo ifconfig wlan0 up

For those of you who are configuring your /etc/network/interfaces, you might need to do: Code:
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

That will restarting your network and will read through the /etc/networking/interfaces to connect. That should be it! Another option (if you have a working internet connection) in Kubuntu is to go into System->Hardware Driver Manger. Once you have entered your password (if you have not done anything as root recently) the Hardware Driver screen will appear. It should have Broadcom B43 wireless drvier as an option. Click on the Enabled checkbox and it should do the b43-fwcutter install for you. It will ask you if you want it to find the firmware for you. Select yes and you should be set. Ubuntu users should have something similar menu item (System->Adminstration>Hardware Driver ?) or a pci card symbol on the panel that you can click. Note for users of encryption: If for some reason you cannot connect, you might need to enter the password through Network Manager (wireless icon in the panel) and it should ask you for a keyring password. From there you should be able to connect. See post #30 for more information. Thanks esteckis! Good luck! Hope this helps.
rfkill unblock wifi

Buscando por google desde el PC, encontr esta web y ps entonces a instalar eso Primero lo descargan (ahora que escribo el post, me doy cuenta que la primera opcin no es necesariamente la ms reciente xDDDDDD) Luego de que descarguen, llevan el archivo a la mquina sin red (en un pendrive por ejemplo hacen e instalan ), lo descomprimen,

"make" "make install"

Y ejecutando el comando
ver fuente


rfkill list

se listan los cosiacos bloqueados. Solo queda des.bloquearlos con el comando rfkill unblock + el nmero que sale antes del cosiaco.

ver fuente


rfkill unblock 0

rfkill unblock 1

Los nmeros varan (creo

). Y ahora le dan el wlan up.

De buenas a primeras, a m no me pas nada, pero reinici y todo normal

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