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UPDATE: Pretty sure we fixed the Mobile Safari crashes for real now. Clear your browser cookies/cache, and if you're still getting them, please e-mail Thanks! File: 1343263811906.jpg-(43 KB, 600x600, 080605163804.jpg) Anonymous (ID: DFkdw0QP) 07/25/12(Wed)20:50:11 No.414718948 What if everyone in the world was required to take an IQ test, and anyone whose IQ was below a certain point was killed? I'd gladly offer to be the executioner. In a universe based around survival of the fittest, the human race is doomed. It is too soft, too philanthropic. We are letting the unfit survive, and holding back our potential as super-intelligent beings. If you are against this idea, you are against the advancement of the human race. See you at the chopping block. >> 1/25


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Anonymous (ID: 19FOhIQH) 07/25/12(Wed)20:55:17 No.414719958 OP bump. >> Anonymous (ID: D4ZAZBgd) 07/25/12(Wed)20:58:54 No.414720638 No, because i don't think iq is the best indicator of intelligence.... Plus it's immoral inb4 moralfag >> Anonymous (ID: dmDvEXeb) 07/25/12(Wed)21:01:11 No.414721086 test can be cheated, your iq is too low btw >> Anonymous (ID: YStvGINI) 07/25/12(Wed)21:02:26 No.414721320 >>414718948 >Hur dur. I'm butchering the concept of "survival of the fittest" to make me seem edgy. So edgy. >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)21:04:27 No.414721727 A 100 IQ is an average of the population, not a number set in stone. If people below a certain number were killed, it would ultimately result in only one person left alive. >> Anonymous (ID: 19FOhIQH) 07/25/12(Wed)21:07:38 No.414722363 So maybe IQ would not be the most effective way to test. Any other ideas? I do think that those with mental deficiencies should be killed, at the least. >> Anonymous (ID: WQQyjIpE) 07/25/12(Wed)21:13:34 No.414723592 >>414718948 OP is a cool guy. We share the same view. >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:18:40 No.414724564 File: 1343265520871.gif-(2 MB, 241x171, 1341646476648.gif) i think anyone under 120 should be thrown into the maelstrom. they are dragging us down with them. also, old fuckers! when you retire you should be "retired". the way things are going now, we are all going to end up enslaved to a bunch of worthless old geriatric fucks who should have been dead decades ago. i mean, wtf is up with that?! old people all claim to love jesus so fucking much but they are all terrified of going to meet him. kill a doctor, help save the human race! >> Anonymous (ID: DxB9ibTB) 07/25/12(Wed)21:19:48 No.414724796 well im lazy i wouldnt mind being killed for the advance ment of the human race. i am also guessing that i have a low IQ. where do i to sign up. >> Anonymous (ID: 72aT/hnE) 07/25/12(Wed)21:21:16 No.414725071 >>414720638 morality doesnt exist if god doesnt exist L2think 2/25


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Anonymous (ID: M6X07/Bp) 07/25/12(Wed)21:22:24 No.414725276 >>414718948 >>414718948 funny thing is, the philanthropic people living among you are those with the high iq. therefore if we keep killing the low iq people at one point people would stop killing them because there will only be philanthropic ones!


Anonymous (ID: 72aT/hnE) 07/25/12(Wed)21:24:17 No.414725645 >>414725276 so false. Trauma surgeon here w/ MD & PhD and 2 bachelors all for this idea


Anonymous (ID: DxB9ibTB) 07/25/12(Wed)21:24:26 No.414725671 Lets start by killing every one that posted too


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:25:28 No.414725871 >>414725671 cool, we'll start with you.


Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)21:26:24 No.414726052 >>414721727 this guy is actually pretty smart. OP once again is a complete brainless faggot!


Anonymous (ID: +xQs4CyM) 07/25/12(Wed)21:28:41 No.414726480 File: 1343266121186.jpg-(126 KB, 340x480, 14817_thisthis[1].jpg) >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 >>414721727 get over your pretentious attitude. you're just as ignorant as the people you're trying to kill also, that free, 20 question, online IQ test you took wasn't at all accurate.


Anonymous (ID: 8KvHFcGK) 07/25/12(Wed)21:28:46 No.414726501 I don't think this is the right way to go. But I do agree on that we should lift up 'better' people and not be so damn over sensitive with 'freaks'.


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:29:29 No.414726635



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>>414721727 that makes no sense whatsoever. you are too "smart" for your own good. you will be out on the first round. >> Anonymous (ID: F9Wb1+At) 07/25/12(Wed)21:30:33 No.414726838 there's many forms of intelligent, iq tests only shows one of it. I think you should know... >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:31:09 No.414726971 >>414726838 you are also out in the first round. >> Anonymous (ID: tbivPt0o) 07/25/12(Wed)21:34:54 No.414727671 File: 1343266494141.jpg-(8 KB, 289x257, 1340932420679.jpg) Doctors are holding the human race back. Doctors help evolutionary unfit people live and reproduce making more evolutionary unfit. Gay people are evolutionary unfit because they are going against their natural human instincts. I don't think we should kill the evolutionary unfit we should sterilize them by castration. The people that should die are Gays and people with AIDS. >> Anonymous (ID: QorYFzha) 07/25/12(Wed)21:35:44 No.414727851 It's a pity I.Q is an ineffective measurement of intelligence >> Anonymous (ID: NcLVYLwq) 07/25/12(Wed)21:36:53 No.414728079 >>414725071 this is why people hate atheists >> Anonymous (ID: qHYX7Qal) 07/25/12(Wed)21:37:23 No.414728178 Killing people for having a low IQ is retarded. Just think about all those people who made unique experiences, who have witnessed historic moments or are the last speakers of a dying language - they may not necessarily be intelligent, but they damn sure contribute more to the progress of mankind than a IQ 200 neckbeard who never leaves his basement. Sterilizing the "dumb" part of the population would be more reasonable, but even this is kind of extreme since we can expect that the progress in medicine will most likely give us the same results in a shorter time and without the loss of all morality. >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)21:40:25 No.414728776 A little off-topic, but I've wanted to mention this somewhere because it pertains to executing people with a certain IQ. ...I follow the ACLU, not because I necessarily agree with them, in fact I usually disagree with just about everything they have to say. Lately, the ACLU has been protesting an upcoming execution of a man with an IQ around 70, claiming he's mentally incompetent. However, the ACLU has claimed in the past that IQs are culturally biased and should not be used to determine intelligence. Yet, they want to claim it is culturally relevant number now that it suits the company's needs. Oh well, that's just something I've wanted to get off my chest because I hate liberals idealism, but all my friends are quite liberal, so I just hold my tongue and slowly rage on the inside. 4/25


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Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:43:03 No.414729340 >>414727851 that is one of the most un-intelligent things i've ever read on this board. you are also out in the first round!


Anonymous (ID: bQ/BiaVc) 07/25/12(Wed)21:43:04 No.414729345 The fact that you even think that human intelligence can be measured in such a simple way as an IQ test proves you're stupid and one-dimensional. If I was in charge of this operation I'd kill you first to prevent you from reproducing (you weren't going to do it anyway).


Anonymous (ID: ehALb+Pc) 07/25/12(Wed)21:44:58 No.414729751 Forest Gump /thread


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:45:50 No.414729916 >>414729345 but, you are not in charge. people with high IQ's are in charge and you are out in the first round, dummy.


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:48:41 No.414730541 >>414729751 forest gump was a movie character and not at all an accurate portrayal of worthless retards. you have earned a place in the first round of cleansing.


Anonymous (ID: 4cy63zXk) 07/25/12(Wed)21:49:56 No.414730810 >Measuring intelligence >realistic, reliable or accurate in any way at all You'd be first on the chopping block, OP.


Anonymous (ID: lhfzJxZA) 07/25/12(Wed)21:50:27 No.414730930 >>414718948 if you think, that you can measure intelligence with an iq test, then you automatically have an iq of -10000000


Anonymous (ID: bQ/BiaVc) 07/25/12(Wed)21:50:45 No.414731009 >>414729916 Great argument there. Apparently bitter -and most of all stupid- people like yourself, overcome their frustration by being overly aggressive. Why don't you do everyone a favour and kill yourself?


Anonymous (ID: crSEiI+N) 07/25/12(Wed)21:52:24 No.414731373 >>414727671 >implying straight people don't make gay people, and that castrating them would do anything since they are already unable to reproduce, due to the m being gay.



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Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:53:49 No.414731669 >>414730930 the only people who argue that IQ tests aren't accurate are people who didn't like their own score. fucking dummies.


Anonymous (ID: crSEiI+N) 07/25/12(Wed)21:55:56 No.414732135 >>414730930 Which would be innacurate, since it an IQ test.


Anonymous (ID: aJeb4U1E) 07/25/12(Wed)21:56:11 No.414732173 I'd request that we do an IQ test on the executioner before we started doing anything else.. just in case.


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)21:56:43 No.414732282 >>414731009 over 140 here. my life is fine. would be better without the dummies dragging the human race back into the shitter. don't worry, we'll be humane, put you to sleep first, then club your fucking stupid head in. you won't even know it happened, you'll be with jesus forever in his holy embrace. unless jesus hates stupid fuckers too. then you are fucked.


Anonymous (ID: 4zPwZm/j) 07/25/12(Wed)21:56:46 No.414732296 >>414718948 Its never been survival of the fittest. Its survival of what is reproducing more. Stupidity is in right now. (See intro to idiocracy) Also IQ does not imply superiority. In fact the higher your IQ the more likely you are to have schizophrenia or psychosis. And furthermore. Who in the fucking fuck are you to undercut the value of people because when they fell out of a vagina against their will, the grey blobby thing in their head didnt conduct electricity and exchange impulses as well as yours did when you fell out of a vagina aginst your will? You never chose your IQ means you are not better


Anonymous (ID: 4cy63zXk) 07/25/12(Wed)21:57:05 No.414732363 >>414731669 >Logical fallacies


Anonymous (ID: bQ/BiaVc) 07/25/12(Wed)21:57:56 No.414732530 >>414727671 Do you still haven't realized that nature is a piece of shit that puts you in the Earth, gives you certain attributes depending on your genes and checks if you survive or not? Why would you even want to help it in the process? The human race should strive for the exact opposite, making everyone survives despite what nature would originally had determined, no matter how ugly, faggot or nigger you are.


Anonymous (ID: 4zPwZm/j) 07/25/12(Wed)21:58:53 No.414732726 >>414730930



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Comments like this make me wonder if people even know what an IQ test really is, and what it actually measures before jumping online and talking about how much they hate low iq folk. >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)21:59:08 No.414732779 >>414732363 Dismiss the OP, he's clearly a troll. >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:00:31 No.414733079 >>414732296 wrong! IQ is a measure of potential. if you score lower you have less potential and therefor are worth less. don't get mad at me, i didn't create this, i'm just telling you how it is. it's not my fault that i'm smarter than you so don't take it out on me. >> Anonymous (ID: zjsK3IXO) 07/25/12(Wed)22:01:30 No.414733264 >>414732530 /thread >> Anonymous (ID: aJeb4U1E) 07/25/12(Wed)22:02:18 No.414733425 >>414733079 no retard, it's not a measurement of your potential. I'd tell you what it is but it's more fun making you look it up yourself. >> Anonymous (ID: bQ/BiaVc) 07/25/12(Wed)22:02:27 No.414733464 >>414733079 2/10, your shitty thread made me cringe. Even if you are a troll, you should be put down for everyone's sake >> Anonymous (ID: crSEiI+N) 07/25/12(Wed)22:03:22 No.414733628 >>414732282 >140 IQ >Still belives in Jesus >bullshit. >> Anonymous (ID: LbZAixqm) 07/25/12(Wed)22:05:52 No.414734101 File: 1343268352399.jpg-(19 KB, 400x400, Stick Figure Suicide.jpg) I have to agree with this, even though I know I'd be one of the ones executed. By doing this we'd help create a better world of more intelligent people who could help the advancement of evolution of humans. I don't mind, I'll do it myself eventually. Hey, I'm so alone the fact that someone would gladly kill me is kinda uplifting! >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:07:01 No.414734320 >>414733425 yes, it is. it is a measurement of your ability to understand and comprehend, or, your potential. you must have misunderstood what you read. better read it again, quick, you are on the list of 7/25


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the first to go. >> Anonymous (ID: 4zPwZm/j) 07/25/12(Wed)22:08:14 No.414734543 >>414734320 Potential is a word you just kinda threw in the definition to make you right. I understand and comprehend the rules of Hockey. I still can't skate to save my life. Understand and comprehend does not mean potention. >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:08:24 No.414734575 >>414733464 not my thread you fucking dummy. i can't wait til they start doing this, all these fucking dummies are driving me nuts. >> Anonymous (ID: qGTtppRy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:09:49 No.414734827 >>414722363 Yeas, I have an idea. Since most people with brown skin are less intelligent than those with white skin, we should just kill all people with brown skin. >> Anonymous (ID: k/haCGKG) 07/25/12(Wed)22:10:08 No.414734887 Money. Money=success. Success=motivation+intelligence. These are the valuable people. Sprots and born rich people will slip thru, but whatever. >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:10:57 No.414735059 >>414733628 see, proved your lack of worth too. i did not say or imply i believe in jebus, i was making the implication that old dumb fuckers have the tendency to be religious but are more afraid of death than the most horrible "sinners". you are fucking stupid and have been added to the first round of cleansing. >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)22:11:37 No.414735189 >>414734575 Who are you trying to kid? You're 100% butthurt potato my friend >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:12:32 No.414735336 >>414734543 just stop, you're making yourself look dumber and me smarter. >> Anonymous (ID: 4zPwZm/j) 07/25/12(Wed)22:13:05 No.414735431 30 year old guy with IQ of 140 still lives in his moms basement, is lazy, wont get a job and just lurks /b/ all day. Same age, IQ 100. Has a job, wakes up every morning and works hard, takes care of his family. Now... whoes more valuable to society? And how many of you on here who are bitching about how awesome you are cause of high IQ live at home? or have no job? inb4 "I have a high IQ and I live away from home and have a job" my whole point here is every 8/25


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case is different and theres way more to it than iq >> Anonymous (ID: aoQefyi2) 07/25/12(Wed)22:13:12 No.414735453 Why not mention get rid of the diseased or the fat fucks >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:13:18 No.414735481 >>414734827 that's the plan. >> Anonymous (ID: /L4y2HDF) 07/25/12(Wed)22:13:37 No.414735537 Hate to burst your bubble OP but you probably wouldn't pass your own test, so you would be executed. Still support it? >> Anonymous (ID: jvEAzTtN) 07/25/12(Wed)22:13:38 No.414735541 Here's the problem with the whole idiocracy theory. As long as the population size isn't being limited due to retards taking up too many resources, their presence doesn't slow down evolution at all. We are limiting natural selection. But in the mean time genetic diversity is increasing faster and faster as the population grows. And eventually when there is a huge naturally selective event, there will be a greater variety of traits that might save us from extinction. >> Anonymous (ID: PCogKLbj) 07/25/12(Wed)22:14:47 No.414735706 >>414732296 aw man that has to be the best movie..all people should watch it that and-=- lets go to prison >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:14:56 No.414735732 >>414734887 money does not equal success. in actuality, the more money you hoard, the less real success you have achieved. money means nothing, but that concept will be beyond most of you. >> Anonymous (ID: scMdN5HK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:15:43 No.414735879 >> Survival of the fittest Human evolution and 'survival of the fittest' stopped as soon as we started dicking around with medicine. And When I say dicking around, I mean vaccines and antibiotics, stuff that actually produces results. If we hadn't discovered successful medicine, then it's fairly likely that you wouldn't be here to bitch about IQ. Just a thought. >> Anonymous (ID: ZYhuGd1j) 07/25/12(Wed)22:15:46 No.414735889 Equating intelligence to survivability is stupid, you'd fail the test. In fact stupid people breed much more than intelligent people. Let go of the fact that you're so cripplingly insecure that you cling to the one thing that you think you are superior to the alphas who get all the girls you want in your intelligence and move past your teenage angst. 9/25


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>> Anonymous (ID: R/EMe0GY) 07/25/12(Wed)22:16:59 No.414736093 IQ isn't everything. Honestly OP, I seriously doubt you would survive the test. Plus, why the fuck would you need to kill them? Killing off the weak will not make the strong stronger. And don't get me started on resources. We have plenty of resources. They just aren't distributed correctly.

tl;dr Op is a faggot >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:17:12 No.414736138 >>414735431 you just really don't get it and i'm not going to try to explain to someone who does not have the capacity to understand. >> Anonymous (ID: WmXDz9FK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:17:18 No.414736158 I say we kill op, people like him is what holds /b/ back from its true potencial. Please ignore this troll. >> Anonymous (ID: 4zPwZm/j) 07/25/12(Wed)22:17:50 No.414736246 >>414735889 Fucking this. Whining about your IQ being higher than everyones is just your last resort to feeling like you have value. >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:17:53 No.414736257 >>414735453 that is a given and didn't need mentioning. >> Anonymous (ID: qGTtppRy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:18:07 No.414736282 File: 1343269087167.jpg-(26 KB, 550x450, 48ea4cac300bd3.62577383fr(...).jpg) >>414722363 That's nice, but do we reall want to live in a wrold where all the women look like this?


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:19:52 No.414736596 >>414735541 wrong! that would be called dilution. watering down. mudding up. it is counter to favorable evolution.


Anonymous (ID: Mii/A1m0) 07/25/12(Wed)22:22:46 No.414737128 Or we could toss OP in a cage filled with niggers and very limited rations of food and water. Wait one week, open cage. Survival of the fittest.


Anonymous (ID: M2hqbBTQ) 07/25/12(Wed)22:23:04 No.414737191



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Until we have machines that do them, I think we should keep the retards on our planet to do the stupid mindless work. >"Would you like fries with that?" >> Anonymous (ID: 8nCa5AuU) 07/25/12(Wed)22:24:13 No.414737409 HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA no. you fucking cunt dont know shit of reality go die >> Anonymous (ID: OpRMhHKO) 07/25/12(Wed)22:24:21 No.414737436 >>414735541 Exactly, just because someone is proclaimed to be stupid, it is definitely subjective. We will need tradies and brick layers, they are stupid in relative sense, but they are still going to be needed, someone has to do it. >> Anonymous (ID: gx8scnov) 07/25/12(Wed)22:24:42 No.414737504 >>414718948 OP you only show you don't belong. You're idea is to simple. One such as I are superior in intelligence and give no thought to those inferior to me. They are like the dirt I walk on, there but not to be thought about unless their needed for something such as slave labor. We feed them hopes and dreams but we know they'll never have what they desire. This is all the inferior peasants are for. Think of the carrot and the stick. As for those like myself, we transcend beyond our limits and abilites. We give direction in which humanity grows. IQ level isn't the most important of our traits OP. This is why you are inferior, you're limited in your thoughts. Killing that of which you would use as a raw source, their only crime being of a lower standard than you? OP you are the peasant. >> Anonymous (ID: R/EMe0GY) 07/25/12(Wed)22:25:23 No.414737631 HEY GUYS HURRR I HAVE AN IQ HIGHER THAN A POTATO IM SUPERIOR LOL KILL ALL THE STUPIDS LOOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL

I still can't believe people actually think this way. Really. You're not cool, smart, or edgy. You're a faggot who wants attention, and wants to feel superior over others for once in your pathetic life. >> Anonymous (ID: gx8scnov) 07/25/12(Wed)22:25:51 No.414737734 >>414737504 Excuse for the grammar mistakes as English isn't my first language gentlemen. >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:26:15 No.414737790 >>414736158 >>414736093 >>414735537 >>414733464 >>414732779 also, you are all too fucking stupid to realize that OP has been out of this thread for a long fucking time, proving your lack of intelligence and worth. go see batman, nao! >> Anonymous (ID: WmXDz9FK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:28:00 No.414738121


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Alrighr op, lets kill all of the americans, then lets kill every idiot who browses this site. Fuck it lets kill all the niggers. And you op will be the first. >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:28:10 No.414738150 >>414737191 or, how about the concept that when the dummies are gone there will be no one in the drive thru, hence the drive thru dummy job will not exist. >> Anonymous (ID: IIEsd+G9) 07/25/12(Wed)22:28:16 No.414738170 >>414724796 suicidal twelve year old, red flag >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:29:16 No.414738374 >>414737436 the difference being that the masons and carpenters we keep will be intelligent and valuable. >> Anonymous (ID: IdlYIWSK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:29:35 No.414738439 File: 1343269775246.jpg-(287 KB, 640x480, 2007-10-09-83399.jpg) IQ is a shitty judge of intelligence, as it simply measures your ability to learn. People with low IQs can apply themselves and be smarter than the average person, and people with high IQs that end up drinking all of the time instead of going to school will end up dumber than the average person. >> Anonymous (ID: IdlYIWSK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:30:13 No.414738561 File: 1343269813154.jpg-(286 KB, 640x480, 2007-10-09-83491.jpg) >>414725071 No you fucking idiot, morality exists. Atheists just don't need a fake person to TELL them those morals, they just know what's right and wrong >>

Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:30:31 No.414738628 >>414737504 rub some salve on that butthurt


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:31:27 No.414738816 >>414737631 didn't like your IQ score, huh?


Anonymous (ID: CGY7gGxm) 07/25/12(Wed)22:32:19 No.414739017 tired of all the butthurt 12 year old white knight moralfags The human race must progress or we will die off Nikolai Tesla bump


Anonymous (ID: Fk6VOjhy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:32:21 No.414739024 >>414738439 Agreed, IQ is a terrible way to measure intelligence. OP is clearly one of the people who fall two



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deviations below the standard mean. What intelligence test could we use? >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)22:32:25 No.414739042 OP, are you a millionaire? Do you seduce 9/10 women on a weekly basis? Have you solved any major mathematical problems or invented a device to better the lives of people? If your answer to these questions is a resounding "no" (of course it's no) then you are not nearly as superior to the general population as you believe yourself to be. I suggest you get over yourself and find a way to contribute something to society. Because right now you are only succeeding in being a cynical, sociopathic, useless faggot. >> Anonymous (ID: /JLQ3Lz4) 07/25/12(Wed)22:32:46 No.414739112 >iq of around 121 Barely pass Imokwiththis.jpeg Sign me up when they find a legit way to test your intelligence then I'll agree to this op I'm tired of this #teamswagyoloimaniggerlovingslut generation of retarded people and niggers spending all their days reading about how Lucy painted her nails for the 15th time >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:32:48 No.414739123 >>414738121 america will always be here. the brits should be first since they are all inbred. niggers next. >> Anonymous (ID: wnD+Lf4Z) 07/25/12(Wed)22:33:11 No.414739216 OP, I approve bump >> Anonymous (ID: IdlYIWSK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:33:33 No.414739281 File: 1343270013326.jpg-(286 KB, 640x480, 2007-10-09-84234.jpg) >>414739024 How about we work on the school system instead of killing those who aren't "Good enough"


Anonymous (ID: hNfshc0m) 07/25/12(Wed)22:33:48 No.414739331 File: 1343270028086.jpg-(180 KB, 800x1233, 1336665563636.jpg) Just kill anyone under an IQ of 80. Keep these fuckers from breeding. Also, purge the jersey shore.


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:34:44 No.414739507 >>414738439 i believe you misunderstood whatever you read to come to that conclusion.



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Anonymous (ID: 5JEZU/lZ) 07/25/12(Wed)22:34:56 No.414739539 OP doesn't understand how IQ works. Or how the world works, for that matter. We need stupid people. But you mean well, OP. And that's what counts, right?


Anonymous (ID: taYw5dcg) 07/25/12(Wed)22:36:14 No.414739759 The trouble is - who decides what's on said intelligence test?


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:36:16 No.414739768 >>414739024 plz read your statement again and then tell me you are not completely fucking stupid.


Anonymous (ID: /JLQ3Lz4) 07/25/12(Wed)22:36:38 No.414739842 >>414739331 I also agree to this, that way u eradicate like 99% of niggers while still keeping those semi stupid funny people for our entertainment


Anonymous (ID: QnZIKk4G) 07/25/12(Wed)22:36:38 No.414739845 File: 1343270198727.jpg-(1.43 MB, 1840x3264, IMAG0149.jpg) pic related


Anonymous (ID: fIGB8i85) 07/25/12(Wed)22:37:07 No.414739932 >>414739042 1. Nice 2. Epic 3. I like it #whoa #wow OP status: [X] Buttmad [X] Anal devestated [X] Rectal ruined [X] Sphincter bleeding


Anonymous (ID: IdlYIWSK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:37:41 No.414740028 File: 1343270261160.jpg-(304 KB, 480x640, 2007-10-09-83891.jpg) >>414739331 Yeah but then people that USED to have an IQ of 90 would have an IQ of 80, and so on. IQ is based on the average. >>414739507 I didn't.


Anonymous (ID: Fk6VOjhy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:37:49 No.414740060



/b/ - Random Anonymous (ID: Fk6VOjhy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:37:49 No.414740060

>>414739281 Well, to be fair to OP's original premise, that wouldn't work. He is talking about natural selection and intelligence being a primary factor for reproduction. Neither one is foolproof, especially the last idea, but we should probably go with that. Also, as a teacher I have to say that the school system could definitely use some improving. Nobody has figured out what that is yet and money does not solve shit. I'm a teacher, I'm a pretty cool guy, I work my ass off, and there are certain types of retarded that just cannot be fixed... >> Anonymous (ID: taYw5dcg) 07/25/12(Wed)22:38:07 No.414740107 >>414728079 As an athiest, I'd like to say you are an asshole. >> Anonymous (ID: lgw10AyH) 07/25/12(Wed)22:38:44 No.414740217 File: 1343270324548.jpg-(140 KB, 800x654, mowglis-family.jpg) >>414718948 We need the "stupid" people. We need those who don't understand their place in the world, those who never consider why they are here or who they really are. We need the blind ignorant masses. Because who will dig our ditches? Who will be our manual laborers? Our cashiers? Our soldiers when we go to war? Our entertainment when they dare each other to perform insane and dangerous stunts so they can upload them to youtube and facebook? You think these people don't have a place? You think they don't have a purpose? Next time you walk passed a construction crew, and you see that scraggy looking fucker in a hole, wearing a backwards cap and listening to the top 40 countdown on the radio he bought in a Wallmart sale, consider this: If they were all gone... You'd have to do it. Wake the fuck up OP, you stand on the backs of these people already - why put them to death when you can use them? >> Anonymous (ID: taYw5dcg) 07/25/12(Wed)22:38:59 No.414740252 >>414728776 The ACLU has never cared a damn for the constitution or individual rights unless it happens to advance their position on something. >> Anonymous (ID: IdlYIWSK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:39:15 No.414740301 File: 1343270355070.jpg-(265 KB, 640x480, 2007-11-02-85162.jpg) >>414740107 He's an asshole for having morals? dude what


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:39:36 No.414740376 >>414740028 really?! seriously?! gtfo dummy!



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Anonymous (ID: GNmfdmSb) 07/25/12(Wed)22:39:40 No.414740384 Actually you need dimwitted people to do the manual labor. Not to mention, we're almost to this point anyway. Smart people can enroll in college any time they want and do whatever they want. Now if we were really smart we would design a system where we just let the complete retards exist peacefully so they are out of our way. We could start by designing this system for old people and then expand it for the retards. Op is a retard.


Anonymous (ID: Fk6VOjhy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:39:44 No.414740398 >>414739507 Nope, this poster had it right. The mere fact that you haven't learn that about the IQ test means that you have no idea what you are talking about. IQ tests very few methods of reasoning and was used as a tool to test whether or not French students were retarded and needed extra help. It was developed by Stanford and Binet. It is not, by any means, a good indicator of intelligence.


Anonymous (ID: AFZv09Ry) 07/25/12(Wed)22:39:49 No.414740423 op, your i.q may be high, but from your post, you are either a troll or 15 fucking years old. I.q is hardly a measure of intelligence and you imply that i.q is the be all, end all. you forget to take account work ethic, creativity, and every other aspect of the human being. If you want to be an executioner so bad, start with yourself. If we really did take your advice and kill off people below a certain i.q, it would be chaos. inb4 "hurrrr low i.q buttmad." 135 i.q legit tested. didn't take a fucking online test like op


Anonymous (ID: hNfshc0m) 07/25/12(Wed)22:40:33 No.414740551 >>414740028 I didn't say we re-test / re-evaluate the IQ later. Everyone tests, THEN you either make the cut, or don't. Do that maybe once every 20-40 years.


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:40:54 No.414740610 >>414740217 you also do not get it.


Anonymous (ID: Fk6VOjhy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:41:22 No.414740693 File: 1343270482198.jpg-(769 KB, 2849x3474, Theodore_Roosevelt_laughing.jpg) >>414739768 Good call. I'm also fairly into my night of drinking vodka at this moment. I'm laughing my ass of a bit. Good eye.

>> 16/25


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Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:41:44 No.414740770 >>414740301 no one on this board has any morals you idiot. >> Anonymous (ID: LuOUxnyb) 07/25/12(Wed)22:42:06 No.414740815 >>414740423 This. >> Anonymous (ID: 482/ETeS) 07/25/12(Wed)22:42:09 No.414740837 >claims to be intelligent >refers to humans as a "race" >> Anonymous (ID: kEDxyi1B) 07/25/12(Wed)22:42:16 No.414740871 >>414739281 if parents took responsibility for thier childrens academic future then the children would be better off just a though >> Anonymous (ID: vXg4ZHA1) 07/25/12(Wed)22:42:24 No.414740896 Oh man, you're such a badass, OP. >kill all the less intelligent people. Who the fuck works the shitty jobs then? Someone with a IQ over 130 won't be a janitor, or work retail. >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:42:54 No.414741003 >>414740398 you are not a good indicator of intelligence. >> Anonymous (ID: hNfshc0m) 07/25/12(Wed)22:43:32 No.414741123 >>414740060 If you want to fix the schools, teach to 100% comprehension, not "passing". Nobody moves on until they completely understand the current topic. Of course, this would cost money, and require effort on the school systems. >> Anonymous (ID: PHQptDym) 07/25/12(Wed)22:43:57 No.414741198 wouldn't it just be easier to end the social programs that encourage the unfit to breed? ... never mind >> Anonymous (ID: laZ4RE8a) 07/25/12(Wed)22:44:12 No.414741248 Look, i just took a long ten minute iq test on some website and I got a 190 so that's got to be like a A + I agree with op because I was completly average at school. Mostly c's and I got a 190 so if you are getting 130 or below your are just retarted like really dumb and need to die. 17/25


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>> Anonymous (ID: bi4M3sQk) 07/25/12(Wed)22:44:18 No.414741262 As someone has said, I wouldn't go for an IQ test, but I am for offing people based on other things, such as the will to work and further the human race, mental retardations, etc. >> Anonymous (ID: LuOUxnyb) 07/25/12(Wed)22:44:38 No.414741328 File: 1343270678631.jpg-(58 KB, 416x620, 1340389143705.jpg) > be into eugenics > be so cool and edgy Just fucking kill yourself. -Engineeringfag


Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:45:05 No.414741405 >>414725645 seems legit


Anonymous (ID: hG7XoLJ+) 07/25/12(Wed)22:45:47 No.414741558 Anyone who tries to breed should be shot


Anonymous (ID: G0mJb/s+) 07/25/12(Wed)22:45:52 No.414741580 >>414740896 >Someone with a IQ over 130 won't be a janitor, or work retail. Sure they would, if there were no other jobs. People aren't going to opt for homelessness when they could have a simple job. 130 IQ is overqualified to be a janitor right now, but in the alternate, super intelligent world, it might be just about right. Thus, janitors wouldn't feel shamed by their work. All that would change is that the janitors would do their jobs with more efficiency and reliability since those things tend to scale with intelligence.


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:46:21 No.414741642 >>414740423 do you realize how fucking dumb you are?!! IQ is abbreviation for intelligence quotient. it is literally the measure of a person or niggers intelligence or lack of. it's getting way to stupid in here. again, i didn't make you dumb as fuck and me genius so don't blame me. i'm out, i don't have any more time to waste on lowlifes.


Anonymous (ID: Fk6VOjhy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:46:30 No.414741687 >>414741123 How do you assess the comprehension? Answering this question breaks your argument, sadly. I truly wish it were that simple.


Anonymous (ID: hjO5c41h) 07/25/12(Wed)22:46:35 No.414741703 OP, just because you are obsessed with your own defects doesn't mean you have to filter the world. You want to take something in your own hand which can never be comprehended by a



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human being, aside from that, you're just a /b/tard lol, gtfo. Don't feel inferior towards your own kind for being imperfect. Poeple with a similar mindset to yours started psychiatry and concentration camps. All to slowdown progression. People which are intellectually weaker are required to do certain jobs, just like the intellectuals model everything. Get your shit together OP, and don't be a radical perfectionist cunt. >> Anonymous (ID: laZ4RE8a) 07/25/12(Wed)22:46:58 No.414741770 >>414740896 I agree with this guy. If you got 130 or above on your internet iq score then you are automatically given a scholarship to Yale or Harvard >> Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:47:01 No.414741782 >>414728079 This is why everyone hates Christians. LEARN PROPER GRAMMAR YOU FUCKING RETARD! >> Anonymous (ID: f1xSK8sN) 07/25/12(Wed)22:47:39 No.414741893 we shouldn't kill them. we should castrate them and lobotomize them to create a mindless slave army with which to build our new empire of superior homo sapiens. >> Anonymous (ID: 2FB6jMNn) 07/25/12(Wed)22:47:41 No.414741895 >>414718948 i agree with you in theory op, but not the method. killing off everyone under a certain iq isn't necessarily going to make things better. some people have bad iqs but are actually intelligent in ways that iq tests don't measure. and they support society in important ways directly or indirectly. i'd like to hear an idea that actually takes all the factors into account or at least pretends to. >> Anonymous (ID: S6gVRDB2) 07/25/12(Wed)22:48:11 No.414741974 protip lets say you killed everyone with an IQ below 100 guess what the average IQ will be after killing 3.5 billion people. 100. >> Anonymous (ID: f1xSK8sN) 07/25/12(Wed)22:49:52 No.414742302 File: 1343270992366.jpg-(28 KB, 155x202, IMG_0457.jpg) >>414741974


Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:49:56 No.414742312 File: 1343270996379.jpg-(65 KB, 410x272, never_go_full_retard1.jpg)


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>>414741895 ITT: retards defend there retardation >>414741895 >some people have bad iqs but are actually intelligent > have bad iqs but are actually intelligent >actually intelligent >intelligent /thread >> Anonymous (ID: EngYulrU) 07/25/12(Wed)22:50:58 No.414742510 >>414731669 I scored 150 average, I think IQ test don't fully conclude intelligence. >> Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:51:04 No.414742532 File: 1343271064594.jpg-(13 KB, 300x247, thumbnail.aspx.jpg) >>414741974 Notice the UNDER in under a 100 you fucking retard


Anonymous (ID: hjO5c41h) 07/25/12(Wed)22:51:12 No.414742551 >>414741974 lol yeah. Op was not intelligent enough to think about this, op should be killed.


Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:51:16 No.414742560 >>414741893 that has already been done with feminism and reality tv.


Anonymous (ID: 2FB6jMNn) 07/25/12(Wed)22:51:27 No.414742589 >>414742312 confirmed for not knowing what an iq test actually measures


Anonymous (ID: hNfshc0m) 07/25/12(Wed)22:51:27 No.414742594 File: 1343271087715.jpg-(36 KB, 373x398, Purple-Drank.jpg) >>414741687 If they can score 100% on the tests.


Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:52:14 No.414742751 >>414742589 confirmed for having an iq under 100


Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)22:52:20 No.414742775



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>If you are against this idea, you are against the advancement of the human race. See you at the chopping block. Bring it fucking on then. Do you realize how superhumanly strong tards are? >> Anonymous (ID: 0dtpg/Dt) 07/25/12(Wed)22:52:21 No.414742780 Well what would happen is the IQ "table" would shift and then a janitor would be a low end job because we as a race would advance and with advancement there is always a lower end of society, look at the past you see many illiterate people working the average Joe jobs, now anyone illiterate will not find a high paying job, it is just evolution taking its course. >> Anonymous (ID: S6gVRDB2) 07/25/12(Wed)22:52:34 No.414742820 >>414742532 hey retard 100 is DEFINED as the average statistically. it will ALWAYS be the average. >> Anonymous (ID: AFZv09Ry) 07/25/12(Wed)22:52:48 No.414742883 >>414741580 implying that i.q is determinant of status or success. Even in the fuck up world op wants to exist, a person with a 130 i.q has the potential to be more successful than even a 160 i.q person via hard work and working in a field he/she will have the most success in. I know 150+ i.q faggots who don't have the 4.0 or the social skills to get to the top. Are they smart? Obviously (in certain, limited fields), but they are not the most successful. I hope you can grasp this >> Anonymous (ID: 2FB6jMNn) 07/25/12(Wed)22:52:59 No.414742907 >>414742312 also >there >their iq score lowered >> Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:53:35 No.414743043 >>414742775 they are not stronger than guns you fucking retard >>414742820 lol its 85 you fucking retardll >> Anonymous (ID: cefFsuul) 07/25/12(Wed)22:54:07 No.414743148 I'm out. OP has been out for more than an hour. ITT dummies! >> Anonymous (ID: S6gVRDB2) 07/25/12(Wed)22:54:40 No.414743254 >>414743043 21/25


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no 85 is one standard deviation below average. or 90. depending on your scale. >> Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:54:51 No.414743296 >>414742907 For your information, asshole my IQ is 174 SUCK MY DICK >> Anonymous (ID: S6gVRDB2) 07/25/12(Wed)22:55:19 No.414743378 >>414743296 No it's not. 1/10 >> Anonymous (ID: vXg4ZHA1) 07/25/12(Wed)22:55:37 No.414743440 >>414741580 No, a 'gifted' individual would not want to be a goddamn janitor or the guy who drops fries into the deep frier. It's not a mentally stimulating job. Only foreigners or 'slow' people would be content with this work. The only 'acceptable' answer is that machines take over these jobs. But who's going to run maintenance? More machines? The national IQ raises every year as people, in general, get smarter, every year. An elementary student would be a borderline genius in comparison to a 50AD sand nigger. >> Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)22:55:44 No.414743467 >>414742751 actually it was 131 when i had psychologists measure it about five years ago getting lower the longer i spend in this shitty thread though. >> Anonymous (ID: Fk6VOjhy) 07/25/12(Wed)22:55:46 No.414743476 >>414742594 How the fuck do you write the tests? Seriously man, think about it. Designing questions that cause a student to give an answer that 100% truly shows that they understand the material is hard as fucking hell. Nobody can do this. ACT is bullshit. SAT is bullshit. IQ is bullshit. GRE is bullshit. These are all commercial organizations who spend serious money trying to find tests that actually work. None of them have been successful yet. >> Anonymous (ID: hjO5c41h) 07/25/12(Wed)22:56:11 No.414743535 File: 1343271371697.png-(12 KB, 200x159, 200px-Trollface.svg[1].png) ITT: mentally ill socially pressured communist faggots unsatisfied due to their lower level of intelligence, want to kill everyone conditioned equally so 22/25


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they are not confronted anymore with themselves. Kill yourself. Hitler was just like you poor beta faggots hahhahaha.


Anonymous (ID: QBmfaREG) 07/25/12(Wed)22:56:22 No.414743572 >See you at the chopping block. >implying anyone that agrees has an IQ "below a certain point" without speficfying I have an IQ above 450. You'r move dumass.


Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:57:15 No.414743769 >>414743254 doesn't make a bit of difference still 15 points from full retard >>414743378 fuck you cunt bitch you don't know shit about me i got a masters in Mathematics suck on that faggot


Anonymous (ID: DDu2NUQx) 07/25/12(Wed)22:57:19 No.414743789 IQs below 140 should be eliminated


Anonymous (ID: S6gVRDB2) 07/25/12(Wed)22:57:30 No.414743830 >>414743440 no the average IQ does not raise every year. the average is always 100 ALWAYS


Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)22:58:07 No.414743942 >>414743789 agree should weed out those whom slip by


Anonymous (ID: Heaven) 07/25/12(Wed)22:58:07 No.414743945 >>414743789 Either you believe your IQ is higher than that, or more likely, you want to kill yourself.


Anonymous (ID: LZFQ3Sy2) 07/25/12(Wed)22:58:18 No.414743981 People with mental or physical illnesses that can be passed down should also be put down.


Anonymous (ID: vXg4ZHA1) 07/25/12(Wed)22:59:32 No.414744249 >>414743830



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they adjust it annually. If it didn't then they'd be asking the same questions since the 50s. The average is 100 all the time, but the questions get harder/more advanced. >> Anonymous (ID: F9pBkHFK) 07/25/12(Wed)22:59:40 No.414744275 What about the Flynn effect? People get smarter as time goes on, so "smart" just becomes the new "average". If every dumb person died, the slightly less smart would become the new dumb people. This is why the IQ average will ALWAYS be 100. But anyways, can a test really decide the full mental capacities of a human's thought processes? And if that is to be trusted, should that be the only thing taken into consideration while completely ignoring their physical attributes, creativity, dexterity, and life? And what about the moraliOh wait. I think OP might be a dummy. >> Anonymous (ID: hjO5c41h) 07/25/12(Wed)22:59:58 No.414744343 >>414742883 Reaching the top is only possible by being competent. Intelligence doesn't make you competent, it makes you more capable in making rational decisions. The most important characteristic to become successful in society is emotional maturity and a brain conditioned to organize new impressions as efficient as possible. Politicians generally own all these qualities. >> Anonymous (ID: Z7veZ5x6) 07/25/12(Wed)23:00:11 No.414744372 >>414743981 agreed fuck tards emo faggots shizo bitches and sociopaths should be put down like an animal they are >> Anonymous (ID: KDT4v8vj) 07/25/12(Wed)23:00:29 No.414744438 Idiots. If you are concerned with "survival of the fittest", its time we took matter into our own hands. That means genetically engineering superior humans who are attractive, intelligent, resistant to disease, aging and insanity, and who come in varied forms. If you ask me, the only way the human race will ever survive is if every single one of us is sterilized, and people are grown in test tubes >> Anonymous (ID: S6gVRDB2) 07/25/12(Wed)23:00:42 No.414744471 >>414718948 ITT: retards who believe in eugenics. >protip: only retards believe in eugenics, more often than not people supporting eugenics are stupid enough to qualify for sterilization or euthanasia, or were alive in the 20's. so which one is it /b/ >> Anonymous (ID: QBmfaREG) 07/25/12(Wed)23:00:43 No.414744476 >>414744249 If that's true, then the average intellegence of humans is increase constantly. 24/25


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I don't believe you. >> Anonymous (ID: nzYEqWtg) 07/25/12(Wed)23:00:49 No.414744504 But then there'd be no niggers. >> Anonymous (ID: 2AoY/931) 07/25/12(Wed)23:01:17 No.414744594 i slightly agree with you, but we still need people todo the menial shit. depends on where the lower limit is, maybe castrate those who are below the limit so they cant make more retards? or cute little number tattoos of their iqs on their foreheads [Return] [Top] Delete Post [ File Only] Password Delete Report

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