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An Exhibition of Calligraphies by STEFAN ARTENI

INK 2000
Newhouse Salon, New York (2000)


...the place where nothing takes place but the place. Stephane Mallarme

Lila, the play of unfolding, proceeds from the not-yet-unfolded; the tangible, manifest energy, in play, unfolds itself to the world of form (latin forma: hyle+ morphe/eidos+morphe). Take a sheet of absorbent paper placed on top of another. Ink marks applied on the top sheet will pass through it and stain the bottom sheet (left image). Two almost identical marks are created simultaneously, on both sheets, by the same act. The top sheet (right image) is usually discarded. What if it were kept?

In the moment there is everything, counsel and action. Hugo von Hofmansthal

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